Racist Warmonger U.S. Preparing to Target African Nations
STOP NYC. Inc. | 19.05.2003 21:08
While the U.S. continues its genocide against Semitic peoples in the Middle East, the Yank monsters are turning their attention to their next victims-the people of Africa.
The promoters of the white supremacist American doctrine of "manifest destiny" are goose-stepping towards Africa! Now there are rumblings the Bush regime is eyeing the oil of Nigeria(one sixth of world's reserves) and West Africa, as well as "regime change" in Zimbabwe- mostly to favor rich, white land owners. If we didn't do enough to stop the Empire's conquest of the cradle of Middle East civilization, we better take this threat toward the mother Continent of the human race much more seriously. We have got to shut down their racist and capitalist war machine!
More in the Independent, U.K.:
More in the Independent, U.K.:
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Grow Up
19.05.2003 21:49
19.05.2003 21:55
That's a very - uhm - idiosyncratic, shall we say - view of the situation in Zimbabwe. If Mugabe was white the activities of his government would be called ethnic cleansing.
It really confuses me how people who oppose the BNP philosophy of an all white Britain implicitly support the idea that all whites should be driven out of Africa at gunpoint.
Why, because black Africans were there first? Do you know any 200 year old Africans? Because it's their land? Can we, then, expect to see you clearing non-white estates in Bradford with an AK47 in the near future, if you're that keen on indigenous purity?
Quite rightly the majority of IMC readers would have howled with outrage if white militia were rampaging around Zimbabwe massacring simple, peaceful black Zimbabwean farmers. But apparently, some IMCers perceptions of race boil down to this:
white = evil, guilty, sinful;
non-white = victim, pityful, worthy.
That perception is the 50% that complements the eugenicists and the ethnic cleansers, hand in glove.
Let the People of Zimbabwe...
20.05.2003 01:50
4 trope
20.05.2003 08:13
Mugabe is a politician who has been using the white farmer's illegal positions to his illegal activities over the past seven years.
What you must remember is that at the time of the birth of Zimbabwe (from the private colony of the pig Rhodes) it was agreed that the pig apartheid regime will give away their lands. Most of the agreements drawn at this point have not been honoured and some of the white farmers ran back to their racists masters the UK and the USA for help. This is thuggery and is the cause of the madness within Mugabe.
So get your facts right.
All that is being asked of white farmers is to leave their vast tracts of lands to the landless. No one is being asked to leave Zimbabwe over the land issue. But of course once when runs to historically prooven fascist places they do become pariahs.
This is a true class war marred by racism.
There is no ethnic clensing or any stupid inbred idiots like the BNP in actions.
It is about african peasants having rights to their lands and the ex west's darling Mugabe gone crazy.
White farmers are not Zimbabwe.
Mugabe is not Zimbabwe.
These are two factors that need to dissapear for Zimbabwe for being Zimbabweans.
What is possible in the west is to boycott the white farmers (and their farming products ...most of which is Tobacco) while finding ways to feed the whole southern african region going through the severest drought in recorded history!
Also this practice of treating the white 'refugee' seperately has to stop.
Only after that the west will have any moral justification in participating in a way to engineer the downfall of Mugabe.
Until then the Mugabe problem is best solved by africans.
Mugabe is easy to blame
20.05.2003 08:47
And same with that of the South African case.
It is quite easy to point out (as the monopoly for this seem to be with western countries) all that is wrong with Mugabe and Zimbabwe but to help put Zimbabwe right for the Zimbabwean people does not seem to be in the agenda of the West.
And racism is certainly in the minds of many (even without the BNP clowns).
I say let the Africans solve their own problems - they are totally capable of that. Stop coveting their wealth and let them develop themselves.
There are tyrants worse than Mugabe in Africa but the UK and the Guardian (and even self-appointed leader of his own brand of homosexuality Tatchell) are fixated by Mugabe.
Mugabe should be admired if not for anything else for his comment when questioned by reporters here about white air force pilots he improsioned at one stage. He replied that he also imprisoned a lot of blacks. And interestingly and somehow these blacks were not of interest.
Black Men's Burden
sickening tripe from ram
20.05.2003 10:48
By that standard I expect you also believe that all blacks and asians should be forcibly expelled from Britain or just shot dead in their homes. Especially the rich ones, eh?
Incidentally, show me proof that white Zimbabwean refugees have been treated more fairly than black ones, which there are thousands of in the UK.
The fact is Ram, you are, like a small minority of people on IMC, a sick little extreme-right racist hiding amongst the issues of the radical left. And you feed off the white=guilty non-white=worthy binary I mentioned before to continue spewing your brand of racist filth.
neither Mugabe nor Bush?
20.05.2003 11:11
But don't take my word for it. Rather than pontificating from a thousand miles away, why not visit the website of the ISO Zimbabwe, who are actually there:
Homepage: http://www.voiceoftheturtle.org/iso/index.html
Trope tripe
20.05.2003 12:55
"It is outrageous that Zimbabwean farmers (our kith and kin) should be undergoing the same kind of scrutiny as Kosovar Albanians."
BTW, around 98% of the folks suffering Mugabe's tyranny are BLACK and, for the most part, have rather less economic resources than their white compatriots. Unlike a significant proprtion of the whites, they also don't have the luxury of having retained UK passports. You might want to give a little of your bleeding heart sympathy to them also.
Ram ain't a racist. You're a fool.
" A brief history of "... american racism
20.05.2003 13:22
Here you ll find the clip (made by South Park animators). Choose the "a brief history" clip in any format you want. Don t forget to check the others out and.... watch the movie!
Sergio Leone
double standards
20.05.2003 19:07
4 the PIG trope and his piggy friends
21.05.2003 07:40
>>White farmers are not Zimbabwe.
trope the pig contrued it to
>'the 'no whites in Zimbabwe are Zimbabwean' statement' !!!
amidst lots of assumptions
either a complete idiot or a very devious pig.
Then the pig goes onto give some mumbo jumbo about equals and binaries.
But gives it away here
'a sick little extreme-right racist hiding amongst the issues of the radical left...'
Well if you proclaim yourself to be radical left , all I have to say is ...stick your views on international issues up your radical left stinky piggy arse.
But it is comforting to know that you are majority on IMC-UK and that is why IMC-UK remains as a glorified talkshop, which is a damn shame.
For anyone interested, the Zimbvabweans refugees are treated very special indeed. Not one ever is contained in the detention centers for other refugees. Rhodes the pig, having been a member of the Tavistock club, the most influential 'white land owner' characters who enginner the destruction of Zimbabwe by adding fuel to the fire that Mugabe is, regularly play golf with all the shadiest pigs over here.