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Anti-Islamic criptic messages embedded into films?

al-razi | 19.05.2003 01:35


I wonder if anyone else has noticed the anti-Islam and anti-Arab phenomena which has been taking place in Hollywood now for the last 20 years or so. 5 years before the attacks on the WTC, "executive decision", showed Palestinian "terrorists" hijacking planes and trying to fly them into American buildings. "The siege" was another anti-Islamic and Anti-Arab film, in which Arab-Americans are suspected of terrorism and thus are all rounded up into concentration camps. Were these films the start of concerted effort to subliminaly brainwash the public into accepting the "19 Arabs with boxcutters" theory?

Today film directors are more subtle in spreading hate and intolerance towards Muslims, Arabs and Palestinians. In "Charlies Angels" there is a scene in which the Muslim call to prayer, is sped up, and played as a nightclub dance song, obviously to mock Muslims. More subtley, The film "X-Men 2" shows within tthe first five minutes an evil villain named 'Colonel William Stryker', who is in the White House signing a document and as he signs, he is shown wearing a ring featuring the Arabic name for God, Allah. "Matrix Reloaded" has a character named "Allah" played by Stuart Wells, who is also a villian in the movie.

For a clue as to who is orchestrating this virulent racism in Hollywood against Middle Easterners, the "matrix reloaded" also features a city which is the "land of the free", called "zion". The zionist agenda could not be more barefaced.



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Global Zionist Conspiracy

19.05.2003 10:28

Don't forget X2 director Brian Singer is a dirty j-e-w and is part of the massive global crusader-zionist conspiracy against the religion of peace(tm).

Not only are the dirty j-e-w-s planting subliminal messages in films, they are subtly influencing our brainwaves with an orbiting weapon codenamed the Morbitek Mk I. The only way to prevent an attack is to wear a hat made of tin foil while chanting Allahu Akhbar.

Roentgen 8000


19.05.2003 10:32

Most plane hijackers in history have been muslim extremists. Hollywood reflects this. Intelligent people are aware that 99.9 of muslims are not plane-hijacking terrorists.

Furthermore, the fact that you called them "terrorists" who hijack planes, putting terrorists in quotes, as if to imply that people who do that sort of thing shouldn't be called Terrorists makes you rather suspect.

Your other observations aren't really too interesting, realistic or important.


hahah Roentgen 8000

19.05.2003 10:36

HAHA Roentgen 8000, at first your response had me getting ready to get angry, but then it became obvious that you were joking, I actually laughed aloud, so thanks.



19.05.2003 13:08

lots of jewish film company ownerscasablanca was made by the warner brothers to bring the war to america's attention because they knew the majority of their fellow jewfolk were being gassed


Zionism brings me down.

20.07.2005 02:53

The people in the Land of the free in zion in the Matrix need new clothes and even the chinese who have a 711 billion foreign exchange surplus would be happy to make clothes for them, Nike make the best general sporting wear but unless you've got a credit card that is all linked into the global economy of which china is holding up then you have to 'Nik' them. But Zionists only look good in Victorian outfits.

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