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ISM Reports: Nablus Incursions

ISM Media Office (c.) | 18.05.2003 20:13

The latest ISM activist reports

18 May 03

Saif reports from Nablus that tanks are moving into the city from the east and west directions and from the Rojeeb area. Amman St is closed and 2 tanks are are blocking the entrance to the Mohafada government building. The city of Nablus has been separated, with no movement possible between east and west. Soldiers are opening fire on anything that moves. 3 people are reported to have been injured.

Ramallah is under curfew today. Reports are that a family is being held hostage in the Al-Tireh area and that snipers have positioned themselves at the windows of the home.

Clashes in Balata Refugee Camp, Nablus

Sunday, May 18th, clashes erupted between the Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) and at least 80 Palestinian youth of the Balata refugee camp near Nablus. IOF entered Balata in an armored personnel carrier (APC) and a jeep at 4.25 AM. One hour later, Israeli soldiers entered and occupied a house of a Palestinian family on the outskirts of Balata.

At 6.00 AM a heavily amoured caterpillar and three additional jeeps arrived on the scene. Soon thereafter clashes erupted between stonethrowing youth of
Balata and the IOF, who responded by firing several warning shots. The clashes intensified during the morning attracting more youths who joined
in the stone throwing. The IOF responded by detonating shock grenades, shooting at the surrounding walls, and firing towards the ground in attempt to scatter the youth.

At 9 AM the IOF left the occupied house and pulled back under the cover of a tank and a jeep firing warning shots and shock grenades.

At 10 AM the IOF withdrew from the area and relocated to the outskirts of the camp. One tank, a bulldozer, and an armored personnel carrier continued their operations within a small field on the east side of the camp where
children engaged in further stone throwing. Two miliatry jeeps maintained a roadblock near the original site of the clashes where Palestinian citizens expressed a concern regarding the detainment of at least one youth.

More information:
Andrew Langkjaer (972) 67 721 780
Michael Vicente Perez (972) 67 326 050

ISM Media Office (c.)
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Conspiracy Theories

19.05.2003 08:40

Back in the early 50s I heard of two conspiracies, one was for Greater Israel through conquest, the other was for a United Arab Nation developing by Arab nations conquering each other.. The Arabs are making no progress at all along the lines of conquests planned by that conspiracy. Greater Israel seems to be developing slowly, and have more chance of sucess since the assassination of an Israeli Prime Minister trying to make peace.

Will the growth of Greater Israel cause a political not conquest created U.A.N., will there then be an Arab - Israeli war, and what will the Israelis do once they have used their atomic bombs? Or what happens if Israel seals itself off and a suicider gets in with Ibola?

Is the only possible solution the creation of a United Semitic nation where Religion is banned?

Has there been proper, peer reviewed and all that, study / analysis of the ten "Is it true..." questions to be found on a website calling itself jewsagainstzionism. Is that classed as holocaust denial?
