G8: Update concerning the situation around Evian (12th of May)
tod@s somos mafalda / Tob | 16.05.2003 20:11
Here is some information for all those who are going to the G8 protest in Evian â•„ please circulate!
Tip: First, inform yourself about the geography of the region and the current initiatives! All the important links are available at: www.nadir.org/evian
Tip: First, inform yourself about the geography of the region and the current initiatives! All the important links are available at: www.nadir.org/evian
By tod@s somos mafalda 14,05,2003 12:53 - and Tob tried to translate it on the same date some hours later.
This report is a summary of the co-ordination meeting in Lausanne that took place on the weekend of 10.-11th May
A) Lausanne
a) 1 May incident and political situation
b) activities
B) Geneva
a) political aspect
b) geography, activities, blockades
C) French side
D) Indymedia and radio
E) legal aid
F) medical assistance
G) a political evaluation of the protest scenario
H) something about communication
I) further tips and information
J) Websites
The G8 summit is coming closer and the situation around Evian enormously intensified in the last few days. We will first have a look at Lausanne, then at Geneva/Annemasse, then at the entire scenario.
A) Lausanne:
Mayday incident and political situation: The two anti G8 co-ordination platforms managed to agree on a united Mayday demo. At the end of the demo the local anarchists had a "Black Bloc theatre action", it was disguised as black blocks and threw paving-stones made of foam material against a luxury building.
Beautiful and funny, but 3 other people smashed some flowerpots into one of the windows.
Even if the damage was ridiculous (in comparison e.g. to what happened in Zurich on the same day), the "incident" was used to spread broadly and well-organized agitation by the media to deter the population and to isolate the political groups - particularly the more radical wing - within hours nearly completely. And unfortunately rather successfully.
The bureaucrats of the institutionalized lefties (parties, ATTAC...) which were originally ready to carry the AntiG8 protest also in Lausanne onto the road, strictly condemned the incident and officially shifted their projects for the 1 June completely to Geneva. Itâ•˙s not yet clear what the basis will do ,but it looks rather bad. The hysteria spread fast in the small city with 120.000 citizens. To give an impression: there was a public information meeting between police/authorities and local dealers, where over 1000 attended (there was only space for 500 of them). At the following press conference, 2 dealers explained that they are armed and would shoot at demonstrators, if their shop windows were crashed and such statements are actually agreed by people on the bus or in the streets.
This weekend [11. of May] the newspapers officially admitted the new allocation of the red and the yellow zone. originally there were two separate red zones planned (one around the port and the other around hotels in the centre of the city), now the accommodation were shifted towards the port, and around these, as well as around the port where the ferries to Evian leave, is the new red zone located. It wouldnâ•˙t be possible to block them there any longer. The yellow zone where protests are forbidden, will be stretched broadly around the whole red zone and can also be closed if necessary. The use of containers to lock off the area, as in Genua/Goeteborg, is likely and was mentioned by the police and the press once. By the way: Beside the 500 summit-delegates, also the chairmen of the IMF and World Bank are accommodated in Lausanne.
The Camp (oulala 'village
http://squat.net/contre-attaque ) will take place. The negotiations about the place still persist, but it might be in the west of the city. Theyâ•˙re working on a structure for overnight accommodation, food supply and action preparations. There is a call to bring material along (kitchens, tents...), large groups are asked to register.
Another two convergence points are planned in the centre of the city, but not yet confirmed.
Activities in Lausanne:
Thu. 29.5 - the "not-welcome-demo". Originally also carried by the broad Anti-G8-Plattform. So far maintains in this form. However changes are possible.
Sat. 31.5 - so far still "feu au lac" also in Lausanne.
Sun. 1.6 - Demo late afternoon/ evening, on the occasion of the return of the delegations from Evian. Further prepared by a small group but it is un-clear whether it will take place or not. Depends on what happen on the demos on Thursday. Also no clear so far is how the demo will deal with the yellow zone (demo prohibition).
Bicycle caravan: Starts in Berne on the DO 29. at 10 am in the 'Reithalle' - the centre of alternative culture in Berne - and arrives in Lausanne on Friday the 30. and will stay in the there during the protests.
B) Geneva:
a) political aspects:
Completely different attitude compared with Lausanne. The institutionalized lefties have here more political weight and could get some areas and/or areas were assured. To illustrate the contrast to Lausanne: On a demo a few weeks ago the police proceeded violently. Demonstrators on the way home were attacked and a well-known female trade unionist was shot with something like a paintball bullet in the face. The police has first explained that the demonstrators themselves set up the affray and shot the projectile. Three days later they admitted the incident. The left political connections here reacted well. There was much indignation in the population - the head of the police had to resign.
b) geography, activities, blockades:
The city is divided by a river (Rohne) into two halves: the right and the left bank. Note: For additional confusion, the right bank appears on the city plans on the left and the other way around.
On the right bank are: the main station, all the institutions (UN, World Trade Organization, WIPO, IOM etc..) and the accommodations of approx. 2000-2500 delegated and the staff to run the G8 summit. The right bank will become on Sunday 1st (and in the days before it) the militarized zone. The people, who arrive at the station, will be asked to go through a police corridor (in official French "couloir incitatif") to the left bank. There are 5-6 bridges connecting the two banks. There are still negotiations about the areas and the expiration of the protests on the left bank. Here the majority of the demonstrators are expected to mobilize. A blockade of 13 road crossings (border spreading) would actually block the entrance to Evian via the southern lakeside. All groups support this action. The large demo route leads exactly along these points of blockade. As further points of blockade the 6 bridges between right and left bank are suggested and on French side the crossing "carrefour chasseur".
Further points of approach and initiatives:
Lâ•˙apos; USINE (place des volontaires, on the left bank near the river). Large self-organized area. Info approach place, action co-ordination and work place for Indymedia activists. Maison des Association (press facility and indymedia)(about media see further below).
A large camping site is literally "at the end of the world" intended (French "au bout du monde"), it concerns a sport complex on the bank of the river Arve, in a 180° bend (see map:
http://zaage.lautre.net/images/gde carte.gif) more or less organized by the coucil of GenevaYou have to pay for camping and meals. Here no grassroots activities or action coordination have to be expected.
* There is an initiative (ZAAGE), which wants to set up an anti-authoritarian, autonomous Camp. The council called their camp area off some days ago. They try still try to get a place, either in the context of the large camping site or somewhere else. So far unfortunately no confirmed location (current information:
A grass root student initiative tries to get some large premises on a Campus of the University, which is in the centre on the left bank. There are good prospects that they get it, however only as convergence place for preparation, meetings etc. and not to stay overnight (!). Public meetings with activists from Chiapas, Canada and the PGA spectrum are intended here.
Agenda for 1 of June:
The city Geneva permitted the protests and promised the forum Social Lemanique a quantity of dash, that they can organize concerts in the outskirts of the town and absorb the people.
The police and the authorities try everything, to urge the demonstrators out of the city. The "au bout du monde" Campsite (simultaneous itâ•˙s the suggested of the coach) lies far outside and from there wants to pilots the demonstrators around the centre of the city toward the demo route. In their conception they want to let the demonstrators to cross to the French side and donâ•˙t allow them to come back. Only the citizens of Geneva would be allowed to come in special busses back into the city. The demonstrators are natural against this tendency. Negotiations are still running.
Activities: huge quantity, looks on the web pages!
Fr. 30 demo in the institution quarter (see below) of
Sat: during the day preparations and in the evening "feu au lac"
Sun 1st of June blockades from early in the morning.
2.-3. June further blockade actions
still important: the demo on Friday 30.5. It should go through the institution quarter on the right bank side. A kind moving picket, to set content wise accents. IOM, WIPO and World Trade Organization (for freedom of movement, against the global migration regime, for freedom of information, against capitalism...). Presumably starting at 11h (can still change). The demo is announced to the council and advertised publicly. It will lead through a strictly controlled area. It is the wish of the organisers that it runs off peacefully (!). the participation of Sans-papiers [illegal people] collectives expected.
C) French side
There is little feedback about the activities on the French side. The activists expect that very many people will accumulate, in order to participate the blockade/demo toward border. And/or that many from the Swiss side could be pushed toward France.
Campsites and the premises are assured by the council, no serious problems. The preparations of the Camps and activities run on full speed. The climate is estimated favourable, despite of a very much scared population, who sees its small localities blown up by an enormous number of police/military and demonstrators.
The Camps VAAAG and Village intergalactique will take part in the blockades. Pictures, program and further information under www.vaaag.org .
D) Indymedia and radio
the pre- processing work of the media- and communication activists runs well. there will give at least 4 places for the processing of media material. Lâ•˙apos; USINE and the Maison des Association in Geneva, which lie quite close together, will be thereby the main approach places.
The principal purposes of their work are:
1. Contribution to the internal communication between the demonstrators/Camps etc. â•„ whatâ•˙s going on where, as up-to-date and truthfully as possible
2. Switching of political contents to the public.
3. Documentation of the protests and broad casting of the information world-wide.
The composition of radio and video contributions, public projections etc. is planned. Qualitatively they will try to work more with live transmissions during this protest, which need caution and fine feeling of the media activists and presuppose acceptance of the people on the pictures...
Some independent and other radios will broadcast during the protest. They will be important means of communication. Breaking news every 10 minutes are planned, and once per hour information (e.g. on radio Geneve on 93.8 MHz). Everyone is asked to bring along a small FM radio (there are real small ones in the trade starting from 8 euro [in Germany] with headphone and a small battery !).
The exact local communication structure is still under development. All incoming information will be examined before the publication (so-called dispatch) thereby no wild rumours can come into circulation.
Political groups are called to bring along their own contributions (video or sound material) so that it can be broadcasted. Starting from Thursday 29. the infrastructure will be developed and tested. On Sunday 1. it will be used the most.
The Villages VAAAG and Intergalactique will have a common press tent in Annemasse as approach place for the corporate media.
For Sunday evening there is a public meeting planned about the actionswhich will have happened up to then, with all groups and the press, probably in the l`Usine in Geneva.
E) legal aid
the legal aid group regard themselves as independent groups and will defend everybody. It will have lawyers, Antirep groups (EA) and civil observer (legally observers) [and observers of Amnesty International]. The civil observer will be known to the police by name, to provide them as much access as possible, for example in hospitals.
The Antirep groups campaign for the fact that the police gives the arrested one the anti- Rep number systematically. The same also in hospitals. Common legal aid brochures for Geneva and Lausanne are coming soon, in the net are already some information. Some of the laws are different in France and the different cantons in Switzerland.
An Antirep phone number for Geneva is already clear: 079-4631789
In Lausanne they set up different Antirep numbers for the different Languages.
F) medical assistance
the medical groups will publish a brochure (French: "for more autonomy in the first assistance", unclear if there will be a version in German [or English]). Contact:
G) a political evaluation of the protest scenario
the mobilization could end up much smaller than it looked like in the beginning of March in the anti-war euphoria. The police will have a substantial presence. the Swiss government will get 730 additional policemen from Germany and they accepted [15] watercannons. The circulating numbers in the press are: 4800 policemen, 5600 soldiers on Swiss side, 10,000 on French side.
The opening of the G8 summit will be on 1 June approx. on 7pm, but the functionaries must already be brought to Evian during the day, i.e. blockades starting in morning are necessary. Schroeder, Bush, Chirac, Blair etc. will arrive by helicopters. Also the delegations, which stay overnight in Lausanne, cannot be blocked. There will be 2500 Delegierten/G8 functionaries, who stay in Geneva overnight. They cannot all be brought to Lausanne by ferries (it takes a ferry 3 1/2 hours from Geneva to Evian) and itâ•˙s also not possible to take all of them in by helicopters. Several hundreds would have to go by coach (or train?) from Geneva to Lausanne (possible to Morges - a port 10 km before Lausanne). Blockades on this line are apparently the only possibility to impaired the expiration the G8 summit. The police could organise the transport of the delegates in a coach convoy.
The population (both in Lausanne, Geneva and Annemasse) does not regard the G8 necessarily pleasantly, many of them reject wars and the policy of the G8, but the citizens have fear. A lot of fear. Fear of violence generated and announced over weeks by media. Fear that their small towns are put in debris and ash. The local authorities proved, that they reached successfully the isolation and criminalisation of the movement, with 3 troublemakers (?) and 2 flower pots in a shop window. Boarded up shops should not surprise us. So get in touch with the locals, explain them why you are there. A "clean operational sequence" of the actions could be well received.
The estimate of some on the meeting in Lausanne was that the best option in Lausanne is to move the actions out of the centre of the city and these and block the streets towards Geneva with civil disobedience/creative non violent direct actions, something funny and at the same time mediate a strong politically message. Everything else is planned by the police and will happen like hundreds of times on mayday.
We should be absolutely conscious that the political covering, the media covering and structures of the movement are weaker in Lausanne, than in Geneva. The political structures (Camp, convergence centre, active people) are limited, but if enough are coming to Lausanne, it would be possible to prepare very good actions. The question is whether the activists can stay calm during the actions or not, because the police will surely use undercover troublemakers.
H) Communication
There are plans to link the camps and convergence points during the days of action. However, everything is very decentralized, most people will arrive late. Until the information will reach everyone and all rumours are overcome, a lot of time will have passed. Meeting places, times and what is panned should therefore be clear as soon as possible. Get your information beforehand, inform your group and pick the place you want to go to as early as possible. Donâ•˙t leave your decisions to the last minute. Do not spread rumours and remain calm. The preparation/arrangements and co-ordination will best run collectively within the Camps.
I) Further Tips and information
*) COURRIER: Buy a copy of the local newspaper "Le Courrier". This is not meant to be advertisement, but the Courrier is a newspaper close to the movement. In cooperation with the movement it will publish extra pages with all the information, dates and locations of the counter-actions that are planned.
*) Radio: Important! Please bring along a small FM radio (they are small and available for 8 euro with headphones and a small battery).
*) Gas masks: Carrying a gas mask is regarded officially as carrying a weapon (this rule was specially made for the occasion of the G8). Those who have gas masks will commit an act of civil disobedience. There is the possibility of making cheap protective masks yourself (goggles, ski-glasses, building masks etc. more information on the web or directly in the Camp)
*) Masking up: Not clear what the regulations are. Apparently, it is legal to wear masks in Switzerland, but the police and the media campaign for their prohibition. Please be prepared for strict stewarding at the demos and Black bloc Paranoia on sides of the trade unionists and established lefties. The police offered places/telephone numbers to them, where it they can report masked up people.
*) Bicycles: The places are far are apart so a bike would be really great! If you can, then do bring one along. Remaining mobile with the blockade actions especially in Lausanne is smart. There will be a big cycle tour from Berne.
*) Cooking: Experienced groups of cooks and cooks for such causes are urgently needed (Camps and convergence points). Do not count on kitchen collectives to provide food for all. The food in Switzerland is very expensive. If people can bring cheap food from abroad, then please contact the camps.
*) Language: The main language of communication will be French. Then German and Italian, which will be understood by many.
J) Overview of Internet links in different languages:
http://www.nadir.org/evian individual alliances and overviews:
http://squat.net/contre-attaque (Lausanne)
http://anti-g8.de (German)
http://www.vaaag.org (Annemasse)
http://g8illegal.org (Annemasse)
http://zaage.lautre.net/ (zone Autogérée A Genève)
http://squat.net/contre attaque/village.htm (Lausanne)
This report is a summary of the co-ordination meeting in Lausanne that took place on the weekend of 10.-11th May
A) Lausanne
a) 1 May incident and political situation
b) activities
B) Geneva
a) political aspect
b) geography, activities, blockades
C) French side
D) Indymedia and radio
E) legal aid
F) medical assistance
G) a political evaluation of the protest scenario
H) something about communication
I) further tips and information
J) Websites
The G8 summit is coming closer and the situation around Evian enormously intensified in the last few days. We will first have a look at Lausanne, then at Geneva/Annemasse, then at the entire scenario.
A) Lausanne:
Mayday incident and political situation: The two anti G8 co-ordination platforms managed to agree on a united Mayday demo. At the end of the demo the local anarchists had a "Black Bloc theatre action", it was disguised as black blocks and threw paving-stones made of foam material against a luxury building.
Beautiful and funny, but 3 other people smashed some flowerpots into one of the windows.
Even if the damage was ridiculous (in comparison e.g. to what happened in Zurich on the same day), the "incident" was used to spread broadly and well-organized agitation by the media to deter the population and to isolate the political groups - particularly the more radical wing - within hours nearly completely. And unfortunately rather successfully.
The bureaucrats of the institutionalized lefties (parties, ATTAC...) which were originally ready to carry the AntiG8 protest also in Lausanne onto the road, strictly condemned the incident and officially shifted their projects for the 1 June completely to Geneva. Itâ•˙s not yet clear what the basis will do ,but it looks rather bad. The hysteria spread fast in the small city with 120.000 citizens. To give an impression: there was a public information meeting between police/authorities and local dealers, where over 1000 attended (there was only space for 500 of them). At the following press conference, 2 dealers explained that they are armed and would shoot at demonstrators, if their shop windows were crashed and such statements are actually agreed by people on the bus or in the streets.
This weekend [11. of May] the newspapers officially admitted the new allocation of the red and the yellow zone. originally there were two separate red zones planned (one around the port and the other around hotels in the centre of the city), now the accommodation were shifted towards the port, and around these, as well as around the port where the ferries to Evian leave, is the new red zone located. It wouldnâ•˙t be possible to block them there any longer. The yellow zone where protests are forbidden, will be stretched broadly around the whole red zone and can also be closed if necessary. The use of containers to lock off the area, as in Genua/Goeteborg, is likely and was mentioned by the police and the press once. By the way: Beside the 500 summit-delegates, also the chairmen of the IMF and World Bank are accommodated in Lausanne.
The Camp (oulala 'village

Another two convergence points are planned in the centre of the city, but not yet confirmed.
Activities in Lausanne:
Thu. 29.5 - the "not-welcome-demo". Originally also carried by the broad Anti-G8-Plattform. So far maintains in this form. However changes are possible.
Sat. 31.5 - so far still "feu au lac" also in Lausanne.
Sun. 1.6 - Demo late afternoon/ evening, on the occasion of the return of the delegations from Evian. Further prepared by a small group but it is un-clear whether it will take place or not. Depends on what happen on the demos on Thursday. Also no clear so far is how the demo will deal with the yellow zone (demo prohibition).
Bicycle caravan: Starts in Berne on the DO 29. at 10 am in the 'Reithalle' - the centre of alternative culture in Berne - and arrives in Lausanne on Friday the 30. and will stay in the there during the protests.
B) Geneva:
a) political aspects:
Completely different attitude compared with Lausanne. The institutionalized lefties have here more political weight and could get some areas and/or areas were assured. To illustrate the contrast to Lausanne: On a demo a few weeks ago the police proceeded violently. Demonstrators on the way home were attacked and a well-known female trade unionist was shot with something like a paintball bullet in the face. The police has first explained that the demonstrators themselves set up the affray and shot the projectile. Three days later they admitted the incident. The left political connections here reacted well. There was much indignation in the population - the head of the police had to resign.
b) geography, activities, blockades:
The city is divided by a river (Rohne) into two halves: the right and the left bank. Note: For additional confusion, the right bank appears on the city plans on the left and the other way around.
On the right bank are: the main station, all the institutions (UN, World Trade Organization, WIPO, IOM etc..) and the accommodations of approx. 2000-2500 delegated and the staff to run the G8 summit. The right bank will become on Sunday 1st (and in the days before it) the militarized zone. The people, who arrive at the station, will be asked to go through a police corridor (in official French "couloir incitatif") to the left bank. There are 5-6 bridges connecting the two banks. There are still negotiations about the areas and the expiration of the protests on the left bank. Here the majority of the demonstrators are expected to mobilize. A blockade of 13 road crossings (border spreading) would actually block the entrance to Evian via the southern lakeside. All groups support this action. The large demo route leads exactly along these points of blockade. As further points of blockade the 6 bridges between right and left bank are suggested and on French side the crossing "carrefour chasseur".
Further points of approach and initiatives:
Lâ•˙apos; USINE (place des volontaires, on the left bank near the river). Large self-organized area. Info approach place, action co-ordination and work place for Indymedia activists. Maison des Association (press facility and indymedia)(about media see further below).
A large camping site is literally "at the end of the world" intended (French "au bout du monde"), it concerns a sport complex on the bank of the river Arve, in a 180° bend (see map:

* There is an initiative (ZAAGE), which wants to set up an anti-authoritarian, autonomous Camp. The council called their camp area off some days ago. They try still try to get a place, either in the context of the large camping site or somewhere else. So far unfortunately no confirmed location (current information:

A grass root student initiative tries to get some large premises on a Campus of the University, which is in the centre on the left bank. There are good prospects that they get it, however only as convergence place for preparation, meetings etc. and not to stay overnight (!). Public meetings with activists from Chiapas, Canada and the PGA spectrum are intended here.
Agenda for 1 of June:
The city Geneva permitted the protests and promised the forum Social Lemanique a quantity of dash, that they can organize concerts in the outskirts of the town and absorb the people.
The police and the authorities try everything, to urge the demonstrators out of the city. The "au bout du monde" Campsite (simultaneous itâ•˙s the suggested of the coach) lies far outside and from there wants to pilots the demonstrators around the centre of the city toward the demo route. In their conception they want to let the demonstrators to cross to the French side and donâ•˙t allow them to come back. Only the citizens of Geneva would be allowed to come in special busses back into the city. The demonstrators are natural against this tendency. Negotiations are still running.
Activities: huge quantity, looks on the web pages!
Fr. 30 demo in the institution quarter (see below) of
Sat: during the day preparations and in the evening "feu au lac"
Sun 1st of June blockades from early in the morning.
2.-3. June further blockade actions
still important: the demo on Friday 30.5. It should go through the institution quarter on the right bank side. A kind moving picket, to set content wise accents. IOM, WIPO and World Trade Organization (for freedom of movement, against the global migration regime, for freedom of information, against capitalism...). Presumably starting at 11h (can still change). The demo is announced to the council and advertised publicly. It will lead through a strictly controlled area. It is the wish of the organisers that it runs off peacefully (!). the participation of Sans-papiers [illegal people] collectives expected.
C) French side
There is little feedback about the activities on the French side. The activists expect that very many people will accumulate, in order to participate the blockade/demo toward border. And/or that many from the Swiss side could be pushed toward France.
Campsites and the premises are assured by the council, no serious problems. The preparations of the Camps and activities run on full speed. The climate is estimated favourable, despite of a very much scared population, who sees its small localities blown up by an enormous number of police/military and demonstrators.
The Camps VAAAG and Village intergalactique will take part in the blockades. Pictures, program and further information under www.vaaag.org .
D) Indymedia and radio
the pre- processing work of the media- and communication activists runs well. there will give at least 4 places for the processing of media material. Lâ•˙apos; USINE and the Maison des Association in Geneva, which lie quite close together, will be thereby the main approach places.
The principal purposes of their work are:
1. Contribution to the internal communication between the demonstrators/Camps etc. â•„ whatâ•˙s going on where, as up-to-date and truthfully as possible
2. Switching of political contents to the public.
3. Documentation of the protests and broad casting of the information world-wide.
The composition of radio and video contributions, public projections etc. is planned. Qualitatively they will try to work more with live transmissions during this protest, which need caution and fine feeling of the media activists and presuppose acceptance of the people on the pictures...
Some independent and other radios will broadcast during the protest. They will be important means of communication. Breaking news every 10 minutes are planned, and once per hour information (e.g. on radio Geneve on 93.8 MHz). Everyone is asked to bring along a small FM radio (there are real small ones in the trade starting from 8 euro [in Germany] with headphone and a small battery !).
The exact local communication structure is still under development. All incoming information will be examined before the publication (so-called dispatch) thereby no wild rumours can come into circulation.
Political groups are called to bring along their own contributions (video or sound material) so that it can be broadcasted. Starting from Thursday 29. the infrastructure will be developed and tested. On Sunday 1. it will be used the most.
The Villages VAAAG and Intergalactique will have a common press tent in Annemasse as approach place for the corporate media.
For Sunday evening there is a public meeting planned about the actionswhich will have happened up to then, with all groups and the press, probably in the l`Usine in Geneva.
E) legal aid
the legal aid group regard themselves as independent groups and will defend everybody. It will have lawyers, Antirep groups (EA) and civil observer (legally observers) [and observers of Amnesty International]. The civil observer will be known to the police by name, to provide them as much access as possible, for example in hospitals.
The Antirep groups campaign for the fact that the police gives the arrested one the anti- Rep number systematically. The same also in hospitals. Common legal aid brochures for Geneva and Lausanne are coming soon, in the net are already some information. Some of the laws are different in France and the different cantons in Switzerland.
An Antirep phone number for Geneva is already clear: 079-4631789
In Lausanne they set up different Antirep numbers for the different Languages.
F) medical assistance
the medical groups will publish a brochure (French: "for more autonomy in the first assistance", unclear if there will be a version in German [or English]). Contact:

G) a political evaluation of the protest scenario
the mobilization could end up much smaller than it looked like in the beginning of March in the anti-war euphoria. The police will have a substantial presence. the Swiss government will get 730 additional policemen from Germany and they accepted [15] watercannons. The circulating numbers in the press are: 4800 policemen, 5600 soldiers on Swiss side, 10,000 on French side.
The opening of the G8 summit will be on 1 June approx. on 7pm, but the functionaries must already be brought to Evian during the day, i.e. blockades starting in morning are necessary. Schroeder, Bush, Chirac, Blair etc. will arrive by helicopters. Also the delegations, which stay overnight in Lausanne, cannot be blocked. There will be 2500 Delegierten/G8 functionaries, who stay in Geneva overnight. They cannot all be brought to Lausanne by ferries (it takes a ferry 3 1/2 hours from Geneva to Evian) and itâ•˙s also not possible to take all of them in by helicopters. Several hundreds would have to go by coach (or train?) from Geneva to Lausanne (possible to Morges - a port 10 km before Lausanne). Blockades on this line are apparently the only possibility to impaired the expiration the G8 summit. The police could organise the transport of the delegates in a coach convoy.
The population (both in Lausanne, Geneva and Annemasse) does not regard the G8 necessarily pleasantly, many of them reject wars and the policy of the G8, but the citizens have fear. A lot of fear. Fear of violence generated and announced over weeks by media. Fear that their small towns are put in debris and ash. The local authorities proved, that they reached successfully the isolation and criminalisation of the movement, with 3 troublemakers (?) and 2 flower pots in a shop window. Boarded up shops should not surprise us. So get in touch with the locals, explain them why you are there. A "clean operational sequence" of the actions could be well received.
The estimate of some on the meeting in Lausanne was that the best option in Lausanne is to move the actions out of the centre of the city and these and block the streets towards Geneva with civil disobedience/creative non violent direct actions, something funny and at the same time mediate a strong politically message. Everything else is planned by the police and will happen like hundreds of times on mayday.
We should be absolutely conscious that the political covering, the media covering and structures of the movement are weaker in Lausanne, than in Geneva. The political structures (Camp, convergence centre, active people) are limited, but if enough are coming to Lausanne, it would be possible to prepare very good actions. The question is whether the activists can stay calm during the actions or not, because the police will surely use undercover troublemakers.
H) Communication
There are plans to link the camps and convergence points during the days of action. However, everything is very decentralized, most people will arrive late. Until the information will reach everyone and all rumours are overcome, a lot of time will have passed. Meeting places, times and what is panned should therefore be clear as soon as possible. Get your information beforehand, inform your group and pick the place you want to go to as early as possible. Donâ•˙t leave your decisions to the last minute. Do not spread rumours and remain calm. The preparation/arrangements and co-ordination will best run collectively within the Camps.
I) Further Tips and information
*) COURRIER: Buy a copy of the local newspaper "Le Courrier". This is not meant to be advertisement, but the Courrier is a newspaper close to the movement. In cooperation with the movement it will publish extra pages with all the information, dates and locations of the counter-actions that are planned.
*) Radio: Important! Please bring along a small FM radio (they are small and available for 8 euro with headphones and a small battery).
*) Gas masks: Carrying a gas mask is regarded officially as carrying a weapon (this rule was specially made for the occasion of the G8). Those who have gas masks will commit an act of civil disobedience. There is the possibility of making cheap protective masks yourself (goggles, ski-glasses, building masks etc. more information on the web or directly in the Camp)
*) Masking up: Not clear what the regulations are. Apparently, it is legal to wear masks in Switzerland, but the police and the media campaign for their prohibition. Please be prepared for strict stewarding at the demos and Black bloc Paranoia on sides of the trade unionists and established lefties. The police offered places/telephone numbers to them, where it they can report masked up people.
*) Bicycles: The places are far are apart so a bike would be really great! If you can, then do bring one along. Remaining mobile with the blockade actions especially in Lausanne is smart. There will be a big cycle tour from Berne.
*) Cooking: Experienced groups of cooks and cooks for such causes are urgently needed (Camps and convergence points). Do not count on kitchen collectives to provide food for all. The food in Switzerland is very expensive. If people can bring cheap food from abroad, then please contact the camps.
*) Language: The main language of communication will be French. Then German and Italian, which will be understood by many.
J) Overview of Internet links in different languages:



tod@s somos mafalda / Tob
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