The Protocols of the Elders of Palestine. Hajj Amin Al Husseini
Jeff | 16.05.2003 14:44
The 7 Protocols of the Elders of Palestine
By David D. Perlmutter.
May 16, 2003
The birth of "Palestinianism" can be dated to November of 1941 when German Chancellor Adolf Hitler met with Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti or supreme religious and secular leader of Muslim Arabs, on the west bank of the Jordan River. The idea of a Palestinian nation--something that had never existed in thought or actuality in history--was, thus, gestated over tea and cakes in the Fuhrer's salon. In addition, in the Mufti's own words his people would be forever agents and instigators of the Holocaust: "Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world."
The Mufti then met with other Muslim leaders and secretly formulated a plan of action. The contents were kept from the Germans, because, though they aped Hitler's dream of world power, the Fascist Muslims saw themselves, not Aryan Europeans, as its future masters.
What follows is a synopsis of what has come to be known as the "Protocols of the Elders of Palestine."
1. We resolve to wage a war of extermination against all Jews. We make no distinction between Jewish man and woman, child and soldier, or between those foolish enough to want to make peace with us and those who understand our true aims and fight us. All Jews, everywhere, must die.
2. The war against the Jews is but the first offensive in a war to come against all infidels. We will conquer the lands of Christians and Hindus and all others and make them convert to the true faith or suffer death. Today Jerusalem; tomorrow the world!
3. We will use the degenerate values of our occidental enemy (generosity, compassion, mercy, love of life, concern over human rights, justice, fair play, guilt) against them. We will try to appear as the aggrieved party, even negotiate with our enemy and say the fine phrases of love and peace and tolerance, but always we will be waiting for the moment to strike, murder and conquer. Everywhere we will sow distrust among the infidels and keep secret our lust for their death.
4. No weapons shall be denied to us: bombs, guns, even the greater weapons of western science. All are fair use.
5. All our brothers and sisters who are made refugees in the war, we will keep in camps and make them suffer. This suffering will beget hatred and more violence for generations: such is our goal. Let no refugee be allowed to find a permanent home or happiness, for then our cause would be lost. Misery is our ally.
6. Likewise, even if some of our brothers die in our actions, it is no matter. If ten Muslims die in a plane that we shoot down that is filled with hundreds of Christians, Hindus and Jews, rejoice, for the brothers are martyrs and will thank us in paradise.
7. We will raise our children to have only one creed: to die as martyrs in the cause. Yea, though a boy is still suckling, let us whisper in his ears that his only life is to die for the cause.
Dear reader, I apologize for the stomach-turning words you have just read. Yes, as you may have guessed-being what you are, Christians or Jews or sensible Muslims and thus not prone to hysterical gullibility--the above "Protocols" do not exist in written form. That is, the history is true; Haj Amin al-Husseini existed as the midwife of Palestine with Hitler as its father and "death to the Jews" as its creed as articulated by the Mufti's actual quote in the first paragraph. But no such document exists--to my knowledge.
I created this conceit to make two points that our historically ignorant American and European media fail to note.
First, the Palestinians and their allies have acted as if they have been guided by these principles throughout out their short history of a "people." In other words, the Protocols exist in conception and execution, if not in so many words. The Islamic Fascists--whether they were spawned in Jenin,
Kabul or Damascus--seek to conquer the world, and for them Jerusalem is but the gateway to Melbourne, Paris or Omaha. They hate Israel because it stands for the success of western civilization and the failure of their own culture to provide happiness or prosperity anywhere it rules.
Many moderate Muslims are aware of this great deception; some are brave enough to decry it. Second, today in the Arab world--and I include a majority if the Muslims of Europe and America--any calumny against Jews or Christians or other faith peoples are credibly received, widely popularized and sanctioned by governments. In return, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and others can only deny the falsehoods and shake our heads in astonishment. But, it never occurs to us to make up poisonous rumors about other peoples.
So next time you hear some Egyptian television program rant about the "Elders of Zion," or a Saudi newspaper boast of "blood-soaked" Purim pastries, or a Syrian minister cackle about "ritual murder," consider what kinds of cultures produce such ideas and sanction them. The "Protocols of the Elders of Palestine" are a hoax, a sick joke--unfortunately for all of us, they are drawn from absolute truth.
And the Grand Mufti? He was sought for war crimes by the Yugoslav government after 1945 but lived on in pampered exile in Egypt and Lebanon--both, of course, "moderate" Arab countries--until his death in 1974. His family is still prominent in the Palestinian territories. Yasser Arafat, who called al-Husseini "my dear Uncle," modeled the PLO and Palestine on what the old fellow taught him about the Nazi movement.
David D. Perlmutter is an associate professor of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University and a senior fellow at the Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs. He is the author of "Visions of War" (St. Martin's, 1999).
By David D. Perlmutter.

May 16, 2003
The birth of "Palestinianism" can be dated to November of 1941 when German Chancellor Adolf Hitler met with Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti or supreme religious and secular leader of Muslim Arabs, on the west bank of the Jordan River. The idea of a Palestinian nation--something that had never existed in thought or actuality in history--was, thus, gestated over tea and cakes in the Fuhrer's salon. In addition, in the Mufti's own words his people would be forever agents and instigators of the Holocaust: "Our fundamental condition for cooperating with Germany was a free hand to eradicate every last Jew from Palestine and the Arab world."
The Mufti then met with other Muslim leaders and secretly formulated a plan of action. The contents were kept from the Germans, because, though they aped Hitler's dream of world power, the Fascist Muslims saw themselves, not Aryan Europeans, as its future masters.
What follows is a synopsis of what has come to be known as the "Protocols of the Elders of Palestine."
1. We resolve to wage a war of extermination against all Jews. We make no distinction between Jewish man and woman, child and soldier, or between those foolish enough to want to make peace with us and those who understand our true aims and fight us. All Jews, everywhere, must die.
2. The war against the Jews is but the first offensive in a war to come against all infidels. We will conquer the lands of Christians and Hindus and all others and make them convert to the true faith or suffer death. Today Jerusalem; tomorrow the world!
3. We will use the degenerate values of our occidental enemy (generosity, compassion, mercy, love of life, concern over human rights, justice, fair play, guilt) against them. We will try to appear as the aggrieved party, even negotiate with our enemy and say the fine phrases of love and peace and tolerance, but always we will be waiting for the moment to strike, murder and conquer. Everywhere we will sow distrust among the infidels and keep secret our lust for their death.
4. No weapons shall be denied to us: bombs, guns, even the greater weapons of western science. All are fair use.
5. All our brothers and sisters who are made refugees in the war, we will keep in camps and make them suffer. This suffering will beget hatred and more violence for generations: such is our goal. Let no refugee be allowed to find a permanent home or happiness, for then our cause would be lost. Misery is our ally.
6. Likewise, even if some of our brothers die in our actions, it is no matter. If ten Muslims die in a plane that we shoot down that is filled with hundreds of Christians, Hindus and Jews, rejoice, for the brothers are martyrs and will thank us in paradise.
7. We will raise our children to have only one creed: to die as martyrs in the cause. Yea, though a boy is still suckling, let us whisper in his ears that his only life is to die for the cause.
Dear reader, I apologize for the stomach-turning words you have just read. Yes, as you may have guessed-being what you are, Christians or Jews or sensible Muslims and thus not prone to hysterical gullibility--the above "Protocols" do not exist in written form. That is, the history is true; Haj Amin al-Husseini existed as the midwife of Palestine with Hitler as its father and "death to the Jews" as its creed as articulated by the Mufti's actual quote in the first paragraph. But no such document exists--to my knowledge.
I created this conceit to make two points that our historically ignorant American and European media fail to note.
First, the Palestinians and their allies have acted as if they have been guided by these principles throughout out their short history of a "people." In other words, the Protocols exist in conception and execution, if not in so many words. The Islamic Fascists--whether they were spawned in Jenin,
Kabul or Damascus--seek to conquer the world, and for them Jerusalem is but the gateway to Melbourne, Paris or Omaha. They hate Israel because it stands for the success of western civilization and the failure of their own culture to provide happiness or prosperity anywhere it rules.
Many moderate Muslims are aware of this great deception; some are brave enough to decry it. Second, today in the Arab world--and I include a majority if the Muslims of Europe and America--any calumny against Jews or Christians or other faith peoples are credibly received, widely popularized and sanctioned by governments. In return, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists and others can only deny the falsehoods and shake our heads in astonishment. But, it never occurs to us to make up poisonous rumors about other peoples.
So next time you hear some Egyptian television program rant about the "Elders of Zion," or a Saudi newspaper boast of "blood-soaked" Purim pastries, or a Syrian minister cackle about "ritual murder," consider what kinds of cultures produce such ideas and sanction them. The "Protocols of the Elders of Palestine" are a hoax, a sick joke--unfortunately for all of us, they are drawn from absolute truth.
And the Grand Mufti? He was sought for war crimes by the Yugoslav government after 1945 but lived on in pampered exile in Egypt and Lebanon--both, of course, "moderate" Arab countries--until his death in 1974. His family is still prominent in the Palestinian territories. Yasser Arafat, who called al-Husseini "my dear Uncle," modeled the PLO and Palestine on what the old fellow taught him about the Nazi movement.
David D. Perlmutter is an associate professor of Mass Communication at Louisiana State University and a senior fellow at the Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs. He is the author of "Visions of War" (St. Martin's, 1999).