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Blairs resignation?

Chris | 16.05.2003 04:59

Resignation the right thing to do over Iraq?

Would it not be the honourable thing to do, for Mr Blair to resign over his support for murderous US/UK attacks on the people of Iraq?

It seems to me that other than handing Iraqi oil to the criminals controlling the US Government, and causing the deaths of thousands of innocent Iraqi people (while letting Saddam escape with a huge sum of money), very little has been achieved!

What all this seems to boil down to, is that Blair and all those that supported him (on the basis of "evidence" that was clearly ridiculous), are murderers and would in any just society face trial as war criminals! Sadly we dont live in a just society though do we?


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16.05.2003 06:06

when you Brits talk of honour, I shudder. Our government hasn't had honour in 40 years. G. W. do the honourable thing. Never!

The man (and Tony) is a scoundrel. I though we yanks taught you a thing or two about revolution.

Could ya come over to our side of the pond and show us what it was.

Down With Bush - Impeach/Imprison!!

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Cash In!

16.05.2003 09:06

A newly unveiled computer game of the Iraq war, called 'Quest for Saddam' gives you the opportunity to hunt him down, through his palaces and bunkers, killing as many civilians as you want, from the comfort of your own armchair. Why let Delta Force have all the fun?


Blair is a fundamentalist christian looney

16.05.2003 10:15

takes holy communion though hasn't done the right catholic ritual toqualify..
It does explain a lot about the his dragging UK into the insane USUK attack. He will crack eventually with a crise d'identite... he has bad dreams about Ali and the armless children... reality will descend, although he is a bit dim..who else would take his pregnant wife on holiday to Sellafield ?
He refused to answer the question of whether he "prayed together" with Bush Jnr.
His personal crises will develop as the USUK attack unravels.. viz. Rummy last week talked about hunting out the "terrorists" in Iraq.. this is the name they will give the general populace who resist the USUK occupation, and as the corruption in the US admin/armsbiz. hits the mainstream media.
I don't see any sane government sending "peacekeepers" in to try to clean up Junior's mess, in a DU contaminated environment, with enough small arms to create a Baghdad branch of the NRA. (This sanity qualification allows for second poodler Howard of Oz, and perhaps some deranged Poles.)
The neocons and P2OG will work up some incursions into Iran and Syria and poor Tony will realize he has been hooked into a second Vietnam as a mere window dresser.. and he does not have enough shares in Carlyle or Haliburton to make it worth his while.

A Blinkin


16.05.2003 10:46

Top Mason Tony will be knighted by the Queen for 'liberating' Iraq and reap benefits and priviledges forevermore, like Thatcher did for the Falklands War. Mind you - SHE CRACKED!

Lording it