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Are US Marines really taught to shout "Kill!Kill!Kill!" ?

fred | 16.05.2003 02:07

At Marine boot camp it's constantly 'Kill! Kill! Kill!' There are contests to see which recruit can shout it the loudest. Every time you do a push-up you shout 'Kill!' I thought it was insane, but mouthed the word so as not to get in trouble.

Stephen Funk (ex-USmarine reserve) claims that :

"At Marine boot camp it's constantly 'Kill! Kill! Kill!' There are contests to see which recruit can shout it the loudest. Every time you do a push-up you shout 'Kill!' I thought it was insane, but mouthed the word so as not to get in trouble."

If this is true, do you feel OK about it ? Is this the normal practice in other army training ? Am I alone in thinking that military training has no need to go this far ? That the marines themselves are being insulted and degraded by being forced to do this ? Let alone what it does to their moral sense ?

And surely modern military operations require a subtler touch than this anyway ?

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Full Metal Jacket

16.05.2003 03:22

Stanley Kubricks film "Full Metal Jacket" has a lot to say about the training of marines.

An Australian veteran of the Vietnam war said to me that the depiction in Full Metal Jacket of the training was very realistic.


yes soldiers are trained to kill

16.05.2003 06:08

I was in the United States Army.

Yes part of basic training is to be trained as a killer.

You are being trained to be a warrior. Warrior's kill.

It is part of the psychological conditioning that allows you to be able to shoot another human being.

If you cant do that when you are in a combat situation then you are a danger to yourself and a danger to your fellow soldiers.

I didnt have to kill anyone. For that I am grateful.

Instead I wound up in a data processing unit for two years.

I suppose I didnt have to go into the army but it was the only way I could escape an abusive and alcholic father.

andrea pdx

No more War!

16.05.2003 09:20

They should shout "KISS - KISS - KISS" and make up.

Beat your machine-guns, into farming implements.

We have a World to save, from wanton destruction.

Don't fight, forgive.

Pretty Please?

Full Metal Jacket

16.05.2003 11:36

in the film full metal jacket the actor who played the drill seargant was a vietnam vet who they'd consulted in order to make it perfectly accurate (although they'll probably say they don't do that anymore and they're a much more civilised and modern army or whatever these days)




16.05.2003 13:06

That is what they DO, so it ain't too surprising if that's what they shout.

Steve Funk (cool name!) sounds like a nice lad but, well, maybe not too bright;

"it's not just the realities of the war in Iraq I oppose but war in general. I'm a pacifist and opposed to participating in a conflict situation".

So why join the armed forces????


Just curious

16.05.2003 13:25

Well --- what do British marines yell?

I imagine that French or German or Russian (or Israelis) do not yell "KILL!" only becuase they don't speak English -- they'd be using an appropriate word from their own languages.

Was anybody under the impression that the purpose of soldiers was anything DIFFERENT? Killing the "enemy" is what they are supposed to do. Is anybody under the impression that this is some sort of NEW perversion? I seriously doubt that you would have heard anything different yelled (except for the language) when recruits were trained for the Roman legions, the Macedonian phalanxes, Greek hoplites, etc. etc. etc. and we can keep going back to Sumer and beyond.

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