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Prajna Pranab | 15.05.2003 23:05

Ever wanted to do something a bit more weighty than just write a letter of protest?

Why not send a brickbat for free?

Ever wanted to do something a bit more weighty than just write a letter of protest?

Why not send a brickbat for free?

brickbat noun 1 an insult or criticism. 2 a piece of brick or anything hard thrown at someone.

I like to combine the literal and figurative meanings of this word and send actual pieces of bricks to freepost addresses for organisations that don't seem to notice the weight of my protest.

The freepost address of the Labour Party is:

The Labour Party
LON 10417

I like to write a letter detailing my concerns (and criticism, otherwise, technically, it wouldn't really be a brickbat unless I were to throw it at someone and I'm a pacifist, so that wouldn't be on) and slip it, along with a brick, into a jiffy bag. Stick the freepost address on the front and drop it into the post office. (Bricks don't quite fit into a postbox.)

This is likely to be particularly effective with regard to the Labour Party since they are struggling for funds and they have to pay for the postage. You might be even more imaginative than me and post them an old fridge or used car though I haven't tested the response of the post office to such items.

There is more at the site

Prajna Pranab
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propaganda by the royal mail?

16.05.2003 03:24

a while ago i read a computer security article about how it is possible to request free catalogues from various online companies, multiple times to the same address, this seems like a similar kind of "denial of service attack"

anonymous coward

This won't work!!!

17.05.2003 09:36

All New Labour have to do is to declare itself bankrupt.

Which it is already.

Speaking as an errrm... accountant, close the party since there is nothing new and "labour" about it anyway and re-open as New Tories since the party has become worse than IDS's lot.

Speaking as an errrm - corporate merger specialist, you can swallow up IDS's lot along the way since they are all for Phoney anyway. Since they are worthless. it would cost about a penny to transfer one bunch of rubbish to another bigger bunch of rubbish.

Arthur Andersen