circle of life | 13.05.2003 21:40
On a bright Spring morning just a few days ago, three patriotic
Americans were distributing free pamphlets to their neighbors in
the state of Massachusetts. Taking a cue from the distributors of
free community newspapers across the country, the men carefully
rolled the pamphlets, wrapped them in waterproof plastic bags to
protect them from the weather, and tossed them on driveways,
right next to where newspapers are distributed in exactly the
same way, as they slowly drove through the neighborhood.
It's a scene that is repeated every week, hundreds of times every
year, across the United States and Canada; a scene in which young
patriots volunteer their time, funds, and effort to bring a
message of hope to White Americans, a message that they are not
alone. National Alliance volunteers, many of them young people,
distribute hundreds of thousands of such pamphlets every year --
the total for 2002 topped half a million -- and as the National
Alliance community gets bigger, so will the amount of free
literature we distribute.
White people need a message of hope. According to polls on race,
and according to personal choices in marriage and neighborhood
selection, it is clear that many millions of Americans believe in
racial integrity and naturally cleave to their own kind. A poll
on the Web site of Zionist lackey Bill O'Reilly, who poses as a
conservative, even shows that the vast majority approve of the
famous all-White prom recently held in Georgia. Pro-White
sentiment is so strong that the Jewish establishment has set up
false-flag operations like David Horowitz's frontpagemag.com to
misdirect White Americans and lead them to the slaughterhouse via
the back entrance. These millions of White Americans and
Canadians know that the media lie. They know that Whites aren't
treated fairly. And, as they whisper about their racial concerns
and look over their shoulders, worrying about losing their jobs
or having a smear job done on them in the local Jewish media,
they know that they have a lost a good deal of their freedom. And
more and more of them are coming to understand the Jewish factor
in the equation of their dispossession. These White men and women
need to know that they are not alone. They need the hope, the
help, and the guidance of the National Alliance. That's what our
radio programs, our book publishing, our community meetings and
cultural festivals, and our literature drives are all about.
About renewal and hope and education.
Of course, distributing free literature is not only a National
Alliance tradition, it is also an American tradition, going back
to the early printing presses of the American Revolution. Our
right to reach our neighbors in this way is even enshrined in the
United States Constitution under freedom of the press and freedom
of speech. If Fox News' owner Rupert Murdoch, who isn't even an
American -- and if Murray Rothstein, the Jewish owner of MTV and
other networks -- can pump their glitzy Zionist swill and
racemixing lies into American homes 24/7, then these National
Alliance volunteers have an absolutely unassailable right to
speak to their neighbors through free pamphlets.
But that isn't what happened a few days ago in Bellingham,
Massachusetts. The three volunteers were arrested for exercising
their free speech rights. For doing exactly what community
newspaper distributors do, they were falsely charged with
"defacing property, littering from a motor vehicle, being
disorderly and disturbing the peace" and they face trial on these
charges, with their next hearing being on July 19th. One of the
men was even charged with "carrying a dangerous weapon" because
he had a pocket knife in his pocket. Well, I suppose if it is
illegal to put literature where literature is normally put, then
it must also be illegal to put a pocket knife in your pocket. It
sounds insane. It sounds like a story right out of the backwards
logic of Kafka or Lewis Carroll. But it's real, and these young
men, who, like Chester Doles, have done absolutely nothing wrong,
are now facing a trial in which they may lose their freedom and
in which they certainly will strain their finances defending
themselves against these bogus charges, which clearly are
unconstitutional and are aimed at not only restricting the free
speech rights of National Alliance members, but at intimidating
all Whites into thinking that speaking out for their interests is
dangerous or illegal. It's another brazen attempt by the Jewish
elite to shut up its critics.
In the last year or so, the Jewish establishment has become
alarmed at the truth-telling literature the National Alliance has
distributed. They don't like the fact that we inform our readers
that one particular ethnic group owns or controls a hugely
disproportionate amount of the U.S. news and entertainment media.
They don't like the fact that we expose the anti-White agenda of
those media. They don't like the fact that our ever-growing
community has inspired our members to distribute half a million
copies of our fliers and pamphlets last year alone. To put it
bluntly, they don't like the fact that we shine a bright light on
their activities, which flourish mainly in the dark of ignorance.
The Jewish establishment has been building up to this current
illegal arrest for some time now. Their media stories about our
billboards, like the one we erected in Florida recently, and our
perfectly legal educational literature drives and peace rallies,
have become far more strident in recent months. The stories often
imply that giving away pamphlets is somehow a crime -- or, if it
isn't, it ought to be. They claim that the FBI is interested in a
simple pamphlet giveaway -- and, with the Michael Chertoff-led
Jewish rogue element installed in the Bush Justice Department,
they might have a point there. They call in Jewish "experts" to
explain to us how "hateful" it is to believe that Whites have a
right to survive.
In the Bellingham case, the local Milford Daily News (May 6,
2003) implied that the literature distribution was illegal in the
very title of its article, "Three face charges for disseminating
anti-Semitic propaganda." When, last year, police refused Jewish
demands to arrest an Alliance member for an identical literature
distribution, the Milford Daily News characterized the refusal as
"Another National Alliance member recently escaped criminal
prosecution for his alleged involvement in dropping similar
pamphlets in Franklin and Medway." "Escaped criminal
prosecution," indeed! The implication is that there was a crime
to prosecute, which there was not. And, in a final attempt at
intimidation of the Bellingham Three and others who might wish to
tell the truth to their neighbors, the paper published the home
addresses of the patriots. I'm proud to report that these
patriots are fighting back and have an excellent chance of
beating these fake charges. Let's hope that the illegal acts of
the authorities, and those who incited them to illegal acts, are
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and made an example
for all the world to see of the consequences of Jewish "favors"
and illegal influence.
The most insidious thing and the most dishonest thing the Jewish
media do is to "link" our peace rallies and literature drives
with crimes that allegedly occurred in the same area.
The Daily Hampshire Gazette for May 6th
[ http://www.gazettenet.com/05062003/news/5684.htm ] carried a
story (with a huge ad next to it for an 'educational' lecture at
a local hospital on "Healthcare for Lesbians," by the way)
touting a "community meeting," attended by the mayor of
Northhampton, at a local synagogue. The whole purpose of the
meeting was to denounce National Alliance literature. The
newspaper states "In what some believe is a related incident, the
synagogue had its sign vandalized over the weekend." Without a
shred of evidence, the paper plants the idea in the mind of the
reader: National Alliance fliers equal illegality, vandalism, and
violence. The paper also writes "Police are referring a weekend
literature drop of material laced with anti-Semitic and racist
sentiments to the Northwestern District Attorney's office to
determine if the leafleting meets the definition of a hate
In Seattle, Washington, National Alliance members recently
protested George Bush's war on behalf of Israel. The protest
included members of many other groups, all of whom respected each
other's right to free speech and assembly, and there were no
conflicts with police or with each other. The Jewish
establishment there didn't like the fact that the National
Alliance was educating the public and other peace activists about
the Jewish role in fomenting this war. They didn't like the fact
that friendly contact was being made between those on the left
and the right who are wise to Zionist machinations and control of
the Bush administration. So what did they do?
In a story about the senseless killing of a homeless White man
totally unrelated to the National Alliance or the peace rally,
KOMO-TV in Washington inserted several paragraphs provided by the
Jewish ADL or "Anti-Defamation League" which attempt to link the
murder to anti-war protestors and to pro-White activists.
[ http://www.komotv.com/news/story.asp?ID=24473 ] Listen to what
they said:
"According to the ADL, skinheads are showing up at peace marches
around Seattle, carrying signs protesting "no war for Israel" and
blending in with and trying to masquerade as a mainstream group
"It's very troubling," says Goldberg. "They feel this is a safe
and secure place for them and a place where they can recruit
allies and people who may support their cause." Goldberg says
this is the first time in years neo-Nazi hate groups are actively
recruiting in Western Washington. And he warns that acts of
violence like Randy Townsend's murder may just be the beginning."
In fact, the story wasn't even titled "Homeless man murdered" or
"Randy Townsend killed" as one would think: the title was
"Neo-Nazi Violence on the rise."
The intended effect is this: a man or woman who received a
leaflet from the National Alliance at the peace rally will now
believe that there is a connection between the Alliance and a
disgusting murder, even though no such connection exists. That's
how the ADL and the Jewish media work.
It's as if I used the following technique in reporting: "Jewish
media magnate Michael Eisnerberg spoke in River City last
Wednesday, two days before a White woman was raped and murdered
by a Black assailant in the area. Hate crime experts are studying
the link between Eisnerberg's speech and this and similar hate
crimes which have occurred following other speeches by Jewish
hate groups, often in the same cities. Two homes owned by Whites
were vandalized the next day in River City, police officials
said. The National Alliance and local churches conducted a
candlelight vigil to rally the community against such expressions
of hate and bigotry by Jews. 'We just want to let Eisnerberg and
his kind know we're not going to put up with the violence that
always follows his speeches,' said a community organizer. FBI
officials acknowledged that several Jewish groups have been
investigated and indicted in recent years, but would not comment
specifically on the Eisnerberg case."
And note carefully how the ADL's Goldberg bemoans the fact that
pro-White folks feel "safe and secure" in Seattle. After Goldberg
all but directly accuses innocent men and women of murder; and
since we know about the ADL's ties to organized crime figures
like Moe Dalitz and the so-called Jewish Defense League and the
violent "Anti-Racist Action" street gang; I ask you this: Is Mr.
Goldberg of the ADL making a terroristic threat and implying that
we ought not to feel safe in Seattle? I think he is.
By falsely linking our peaceful and lawful public outreach with
violence, murder, and hate, the Jews hope to trick Americans into
accepting restrictions on freedom of speech. They hope to soften
us up to accept their "model statutes" criminalizing literature
that Jews don't like.
In some areas, the Jews might get the laws they want passed. And
some innocent White Americans will probably be hurt by these
blatantly unconstitutional 'laws' and by the illegal acts of the
Jewish supremacists.
But the National Alliance volunteers are on the right side. We
are on the American side. We are on the side of freedom. We are
on the side of self-determination for our people. And we are
getting stronger every day.
The Jewish supremacists' rhetoric that White self-determination
is "hate" and "racism" is wearing pretty thin with everyone these
days, even liberals and leftists and non-Whites, as the Jews kill
with abandon and almost with impunity in the Middle East, and as
their supremacist agenda and arrogant power become ever more
evident to educated Americans and Europeans.
Anyone who has access to an Internet search engine -- or a
newsstand rack, for that matter -- can confirm that the Jews have
an overwhelming control of Hollywood and the news media. He can
also easily confirm that the same Jews who decry all efforts by
Whites to preserve our race from extinction and genocide by
mixing are also the ones wailing about the danger to the Jewish
race posed by assimilation and intermarriage. A simple search at
news.google.com for news stories or google.com for Web articles
using the terms 'assimilation' and 'intermarriage' in the search
will show you that the preponderance of the articles on that
subject are about the danger to Jews posed by those threats. Just
add '-Jews' and '-Jewish' to the search and see how few articles
on assimilation and intermarriage are not based on Jewish
concerns. Try it. It's a 60-second education in Jewish hypocrisy.
[ http://www.google.com/search?q=+intermarriage+assimilation&hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&safe=off&scoring=d&sa=N&tab=gw
] and
[ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&safe=off&scoring=d&q=+intermarriage+assimilation+-jews+-jewish
People are 'getting wise' and the Jews are desperate to shut up
the truth-tellers. But their police-state actions will just end
up making them a whole new group of enemies, as free speech
activists and anti-censorship groups get an education in Jewish
supremacism close up and first hand.
The philosopher Savitri Devi called it 'enthralling.' Dr. William
Pierce called it "a survival manual for the White race." Revilo
Oliver of the University of Illinois, one of the leading
classicists of the last century, called it "unique... a veritable
encyclopaedia of everything that is directly pertinent to our
race's position in the world today."
The book is William Gayley Simpson's Which Way Western Man?,
which was unavailable for years and which has just been
republished in a new edition by National Vanguard Books.
William Simpson began his career as a graduate, summa cum laude,
of a major theological seminary, and became a Franciscan brother
working among the poor and disenfranchised in an attempt to make
a better world. Simpson saw the magnitude of the problems he and
his comrades were trying to solve, and realized that the
ameliorative work in which they were engaged would never solve
the problems they were tackling, and could at best only slow down
the steady decline of our civilization and of human quality
He read the great philosophers, particularly Nietzsche, and from
the 1920s to 1980 kept a written record of his quest for truth
and for the meaning of life, which he found in the never-ending
quest to increase human excellence and quality. Which Way Western
Man? is the result of that quest, and it is one of the most
important books of the last 100 years.
Published in 1980, the first edition sold out within a few years
and was not reprinted, as the author was working, throughout the
80s and until his death in the 1990s, on a series of revisions
and additions which reflected new knowledge and the mature final
insights of the author. At last, the monumental job of revision
has been completed and the second edition of Which Way Western
Man? is now available.
Which Way Western Man? is more than just a work of history,
philosophy, and science, although it is all of that -- it is also
the story of a life, the life of an unusually sensitive and
compassionate man, a man who could understand the mission of St.
Francis as well as that of Nietzsche -- a man who could see our
position in the universe and relate it to the ordinary reader in
a way that no other writer has ever done. I recommend Which Way
Western Man? with my highest commendation. It is a life-changing
Which Way Western Man? is available as item number 407 from
National Vanguard Books. This huge, encyclopedic work of 1070
pages is $39.95 plus $3 shipping and handling in the U.S., $5
elsewhere in the world. That's item 407 for $39.95 plus $3 in the
U.S., $5 world, to National Vanguard Books, Box 330, Hillsboro WV
24946 USA. Or you can order online by clicking on the book image
at natvan.com.
Until next week this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you of the
words of Richard Berkeley Cotten: Free men are not equal, and
equal men are not free.
circle of life