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Arab Reason

Michael | 13.05.2003 14:26

At last some reason in the world

A Moment of Truth
Hussein Shobokshi

The Arab world is full of dictators, no freedoms, lousy educational systems, horrible judicial structures and (of course) terrorists. Agreed? We can get that out of the way. Needless to say the Arabs are looking for reforms in all sorts of areas. They are also looking for appropriate models and moral systems to adopt in their quest for reforms. It is unfortunate that the leader of the free world, America, the country which claims to be a haven for the needy and the oppressed, the country which produced the Bill of Rights, arguably the most important man-produced document ever, is itself in need of drastic political reform and thus cannot expect the Arab world to easily welcome its message.

The freedoms that have been traditionally advocated by America would be extremely welcome if they were applied universally and objectively. One can only watch in horror and fear as liberties in America are being eroded in the name of the war on terror. Freedom of the press is threatened by targeting, prosecuting and sometimes killing journalists who offer another version of “the story,” which does not quite match what’s promoted by its officials.

Can there be a reasonable, logical and constructive dialogue between Arabs and Americans? I believe there can. But some drastic and vital changes need to take place in the psyche of both governments and people. They both must admit that they equally lack objectivity. The Arabs must admit that the Americans are not infidels or their enemies, that they are decent, God-fearing and sincere people. At the same time, the Americans must think of the Arabs as people with important values who aim for significant political goals. The Americans must also believe that their government’s policies are biased, prejudiced and unconstitutional.

That they protect war criminals like Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, and support his killings and destructive policies. It’s time the Arabs realized that they need a better educational system, a more tolerant social structure and a more effective judicial methodology. Until there is a sincere re-examination of these positions, the anger will grow and the distance between us and America will grow, and that’s a price no one can afford.

Arab News Features 13 May 2003



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