Islam in the News
buzzbee | 13.05.2003 01:01
Please do not censor this posting - as you have done with so many of my pervious offerings that dare to contradict the status quo her on Indy Media.
I was just browsing tonight’s web edition of BBC news site and I stumbled across a treasure-trove of articles recounting various recent examples of Islamic activism.
Here are some highlights from today’s - just ‘today’s’ – headlines, with links included:
Grim search after Chechnya blast
41 killed, many women and children, by Muslim militants
German plea over Sahara tourists
An Islamic organisations known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (who have links to Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda), have kidnapped 31 European tourists in Algeria.
Al-Qaeda suspects in Dutch court
13 Al-Qaeda terrorist suspects went on trial today.
Germany charges terror suspect
Germany has charged a second suspect of involvement in the 11 September attacks on New York and Washington. Abdelghani Mzoudi has been charged with being an accessory to murder, and a member of a terrorist organisation.
Blast hits Saudi capital
A warm Muslim welcome for Mr. Powell.
Bali bombing trial opens
"The police investigation has uncovered a network of Islamic extremists operating in South East Asia".
Philippines leader warns rebels
Time is running out for the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front to make clear whether it is committed to a peace process. Philippines President Gloria Arroyo has warned.
Monitors pull out of Aceh
More violence – between the government and Islamic separatist – seems inevitable.
Maybe it’s just me; but for a so-called ‘religion of peace’, it would seem that Islam has an unfortunate knack for getting into altercations with its neighbours.
- Arabia
- The Philippines
- Indonesia
- Algeria
- Holland
- Russia
- Germany
(Not to forget the USA or the UK (the latter of which, for the first time, proudly exported, their very own Islamic suicide bombers to Tel Aviv). Congratulations.
I’ve read plenty of postings on Indy Media attacking Israelis (Zionist Jews), and Americans (corporate Christians), but I’ve yet to read anyone who has dared to challenge – or even question - the motives and the morality behind this international cabal of Islamic extremist organisations.
I wonder why
Here are some highlights from today’s - just ‘today’s’ – headlines, with links included:
Grim search after Chechnya blast

41 killed, many women and children, by Muslim militants
German plea over Sahara tourists

An Islamic organisations known as the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (who have links to Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda), have kidnapped 31 European tourists in Algeria.
Al-Qaeda suspects in Dutch court

13 Al-Qaeda terrorist suspects went on trial today.
Germany charges terror suspect

Germany has charged a second suspect of involvement in the 11 September attacks on New York and Washington. Abdelghani Mzoudi has been charged with being an accessory to murder, and a member of a terrorist organisation.
Blast hits Saudi capital

A warm Muslim welcome for Mr. Powell.
Bali bombing trial opens

"The police investigation has uncovered a network of Islamic extremists operating in South East Asia".
Philippines leader warns rebels

Time is running out for the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front to make clear whether it is committed to a peace process. Philippines President Gloria Arroyo has warned.
Monitors pull out of Aceh

More violence – between the government and Islamic separatist – seems inevitable.
Maybe it’s just me; but for a so-called ‘religion of peace’, it would seem that Islam has an unfortunate knack for getting into altercations with its neighbours.
- Arabia
- The Philippines
- Indonesia
- Algeria
- Holland
- Russia
- Germany
(Not to forget the USA or the UK (the latter of which, for the first time, proudly exported, their very own Islamic suicide bombers to Tel Aviv). Congratulations.
I’ve read plenty of postings on Indy Media attacking Israelis (Zionist Jews), and Americans (corporate Christians), but I’ve yet to read anyone who has dared to challenge – or even question - the motives and the morality behind this international cabal of Islamic extremist organisations.
I wonder why
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racist rant
13.05.2003 06:22
If we never interfere to other people's countries probably we wouldn't live in the shit.
Retardness is a right-wing mental desease!
Whatever I'm against any form of religions (supernatural) I respect other people's believes.
It seem that for trolls Muslims are bad Zionists are good, what a simplicistic crap.
Please read some history books.
13.05.2003 08:09
I’ve read plenty of postings on Indy Media attacking Israelis (Zionist Jews), and Americans (corporate Christians), but I’ve yet to read anyone who has dared to challenge – or even question - the motives and the morality behind this international cabal of Islamic extremist organisations.
Which is a pile of tosh, cos his post is just one of a plethora of posts that seeks to obscure the brutality of the illegal Israeli Occupation by lumping all Muslims together and showing that they are the "real problem", in a nice little racist ploy.
illegal Israeli Occupation
13.05.2003 08:21
With the steady rise of Islam in the early years, Jewish and Christian holy sites were destined to either total destruction or conversion into Islamic Mosques and sacred shrines. The non-Islamic communities, residents of the Middle Eastern region, were suppressed in a bid to erode their racial identity. By adopting repressive measures and placing unjust limitations on their personal freedom in areas of self-expression, politics, religion, travel and association, the multiethnic communities became prisoners in their own homeland.
During the Khilafah period and until the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the early 20th century, the name of the Biblical Land of Israel was dropped. Its name was politically documented as Palestine and put under the strict control and jurisdiction of the Abode of Peace. Palestine was given to mean extension of its physical and geographic landmass to include the whole of ancient Israel and it has since been considered as an Islamic territory. Islam calls it Palestine, relating it to Arabised Palestine.
In Islam, Israel is only mentioned for defamation; not praise. The Arabs will do whatever is needed to conquer it, even Jerusalem, which historically never belonged to Palestine, let alone to the Arabs. The ultimate aim of the Islamic states of the Abode of Peace is to recover lost territory by any means, especially Jerusalem, a one time Canaanite city of the pagan king Adoni-Zedek.
Throughout the ages Jerusalem has earned itself the name - the Holy City, the city of David, the City of Peace, the capital of Israel – not at all the city of the Arabs. The Islamic scheme to re-conquer lost land, eradicate Israel and expand their domain is ever alive.
Indigenous Nationals Taking the Brunt
Maltreatment of the Jews all over the world was one of the main reasons Islam was emboldened to continue persecution of the Jews and come hard on them, especially during the Third Reich of Nazi Hitler.
Not recognizing them as the indigenous people of the land of Israel, the Jews were not allowed to return to their traditional homeland. Now that the West has reconciled with itself, after World War II, recognising the Jews as an independent people, Arab/Islamic governments refuse to recognise them as a nation in their own God-given land. Islam’s uncompromising attitude and adamant stance has led the bitter Arab-Israeli conflict to reach a deadly impasse.
The Arab-Israeli conflict is not a purely local dispute or a minor confrontation, it is an Islamic-Israeli war. It is a religious war. It is an all out war. Otherwise why would Iran, Pakistan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and scores of other Islamic nations that are not Arab in race and nationality, and thousands of kilometres apart, condemn Israel and refuse to recognise the Jews as a people in their own right? Israel is the inheritance of the People of Israel; so is Assyria the inheritance of her displaced Assyrian people in northern Mesopotamia.
The misnomer of the Holy Land of Israel as Palestine is a grievous error, which the world body needs to rectify. The borderlines of the Holy Land, which the Moslems call 'Palestine' do not reflect the true picture of the traditional Israel. The boundaries of the disputed region need to be politically redrawn for the capital Jerusalem to fall within the State of Israel as its traditional capital. Jerusalem would then remain as the physical capital of Israel and as the spiritual capital of the world open to all nations to go and worship there.
Land Grabbers
Historically, the approximate size of the original Palestine was no more than the Gaza strip of today. Islamic states treat Assyria and the Assyrians as nonexistent, equally the same as Israel and the Jewish people. Dar Al-Silm considers both Israel and Assyria as, vanquished states and their respective peoples either extinct or Arab.
Arab Islamic states relate Israel and Assyria to ancient history. In fact, the estimated census of the Israeli people as at the end of 1999 is estimated at about eighteen million. Two thirds of its population still live in the diaspora. The Assyrians whose population has grown to about five million is in a worse situation. Their territory has been invaded and their properties and homes appropriated by the Kurds with encouragement of the Islamic states of the Abode of Peace to give the region a distinctive Islamic feature. Assyrian villagers in northern Iraq are being constantly threatened to move out and leave their homes to the oncoming hostile nomadic Kurds. The Kurdish manoeuvre is to discourage the international community from rehabilitating the Assyrians in their own traditional homeland. The Kurds cause tactical flare-ups to keep the UN and the international community worried and as an unwelcome gesture to the Assyrians to discourage their return to their old towns and villages.
The Jews have persistently claimed, based on historical facts, that the Biblical Land, Eretz Yisrael belongs to them. Their capital city, Jerusalem and the Temple on Mount Zion is an historical proof of their claim to their ancestral homeland. Since dispersal of the Jews in 131 AD throughout the Mediterranean Basin of the Roman Empire, for their constant rebellion against the Imperial power of the Roman rule, the Jews always ended their prayer with a plea for their return home. They hoped that someday their historical land would be restored to them and that they would all meet in their homeland, Eretz Yisrael, and praise their Jehovah God on Mount Zion.
For 19 hundred years while living in diaspora, many countries did not accept the Jews as equal and were told to go away. They lived an estranged life. No matter how faithful they were and how much they contributed to the country in which they lived, they were not accepted as full citizens and on occasions, were totally rejected. Now that they have gone back to Israel, to where they came from, the Moslem world does not want them. Why not? With the passage of time, enmity towards the Jews increased to the point where some countries treated them as outcasts, clamped down on their freedom. Still not satisfied, some undemocratic regimes in both the East and the West aroused deep anti-Semitic feelings and hatred against the Jews and conspired to annihilate them. Their systematic persecution and massacres, especially during the Nazi Holocaust of the Jews in World War II, culminated in their return from banishment to part of their ancestral homeland – Israel became a reality again.
The Physical Palestine
The confusion and arguments arising from the area referred to as Palestine seems to fall into three historical periods, namely, (1) ancient Palestine known as Gaza, (2) Arab Palestine known as part of the Abode of Peace, after the Islamic conquests of the Middle East and (3) the Mandated Palestine under the British rule until May 1948. During these three periods the borderline of the so-called Palestine fluctuated.
The approximate size of ancient Palestine was a narrow patch of coastal land that stretched along the southern seaboard of the Mediterranean Sea between Gaza and their northernmost city Ekron, known today as the Gaza Strip. During the Islamic conquest of the Middle East in mid-7th century AD, the Holy Land of Israel was historically different in size and immensely larger than ancient Palestine.
The territory traditionally known as Palestine by the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs, and Ottoman Turks after its conquest encompassed the vast region of the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria of the Kingdom of biblical Israel and parts of Trans-Jordan. Palestine is a Greek misnomer for (AR-AT PLISHTAYI) the Land of the Philistines, which originally was no more than Gaza. Arabised Palestine, including the historical Holy Land of Israel, had become part of the Abode of Peace of an ever expanding domain of the Islamic (Umma) Nation.
In the aftermath of Post World War I I, the Arab states reluctantly accepted the British mandate of Palestine. The Palestinians rejected the international borderlines demarcated by the League of Nations. In their Covenant, the Arabs defined Palestine, at the time of its existence under the British Mandate, as ‘an indivisible territorial unit.’ They wanted all the mandated territory to be brought under the total dominance of the Palestinian Arabs. The Palestinians argued that what landscape was left of the Palestinian territory, outside the mandated borders, had already been brought under dominance of the Arab countries, swallowed up by several neighbouring newly created Arab states. They were against any further dismemberment of the remaining Palestinian territory under the British Mandate.
The Palestinians demanded that the mandated Palestine be established as a unitary state, under Palestinian rule, in par with the rest of the Arab states in the region. The British government rejected the ‘Arab’ Palestinian demand for a unitary state on the grounds that auxiliary Arab nomadic tribes and militias had not physically participated in the liberation of the mandated Palestine. Besides, Britain had pointed out that it had never made such a pledge in the McMahon-Hussein eight-letter correspondence of 1915-16.
Not all the territory is up for grabs by the Arabs. If the present Palestinians are truly indigenous to ancient Palestine, claiming the historical Palestine as their home, then let them restrict their claim to within the borders of the Gaza Strip. If they, as they claim, are Arabs then they are invaders and occupiers. Let them accept what has been apportioned to them. Israel is a geopolitical reality and different from Palestine, period.
The Physical Israel
Jericho was the first Canaanite city that the Israelites conquered. After the death of Moses, Joshua the son of Nun took command. He was chosen by God and succeeded Moses. In the Spring of 1743 BC, Joshua assumed leadership of the Israelites. The Israelites, by God’s command and under Joshua's leadership, crossed the river Jordan on dry grounds and conquered the first Canaanite city, Jericho.
Consequently, with divine assistance, the seven condemned kingdoms that were within the borders of the Canaanite land were defeated, among them the city of Jerusalem. They fell to the Israelites in rapid succession in fulfillment of God’s promise to them. The Israelites conquered most of Canaan, the land that God had earlier designated and promised to their forefather Abraham that He would give it to His people the Israelites. The territory of Palestine, at the time, was no more than a narrow patch of coastal land that stretched along the southern seaboard of the Mediterranean Sea between Gaza and their northernmost city Ekron (Michael Avi-Yonah, 1972: pp 66-69; Holy Bible: Numbers 34: 1-13; Leviticus 18: 3-25; Deuteronomy 18: 9-12; Exodus 23: 23, 24; 34: 11-16; Joshua 3: 13-17). Present day Israel is significantly smaller in size than the ancient biblical Israel.
Tactics & Strategies of the Hardliners
The Arab Palestinians claim that the whole ‘Palestine’ is an integral part of the Arab territory and indivisible -- an ambiguous border definition of the ‘Arab’ Palestine. Arabs speak of their past glory and territorial landmass, presuming Israel as part of the Abode of Peace of the Islamic Umma Nation.
Pan-Arabism seems to have recently surged to a want of the whole of the Middle East and North Africa, as “the Arab World” – an overly ambitious notion of extending their domain, disrespecting the land rights of the indigenous people of the region. By their definition, all residents of Palestine, during and after 1947, were Palestinian Arabs, subject to the Arab rule of law. (Ref: articles two, five and six of the Palestine National Covenant). Islamic countries treat the indigenous Assyrians in the Arab States in the same manner as they treat the Jews, progressively altering their nationality to Arab.
Spain is an anathema in Islamic history. The Arabs, under the Berber leadership of Tariq Bin Zeyad, invaded Spain in 711 AD. Islam occupied Spain and ruled it for nearly eight centuries. However, the Arabs were ultimately forced out of Spain. Spain stemmed out Arab rule from its midst and restored Catholicism as its official Christian religion. It succeeded in liberating itself from (Dar Al-Silm) the Abode of Peace by bringing the Spanish political and military forces under one unified command against the Arab occupier.
January 2, 1492, marked the end of Islamic reign in Spain. It has since become an indelible black mark in Islamic history. Islam reiterates that Israel will not be a repeat of Spain. Islam as a whole will never endorse recognition of Israel. It is against their doctrine to surrender land that they have already won and falls within the realm of the Islamic Nation. In their dictum, the biblical land of Israel became part of Palestine, a so-called state of the Abode of Peace, after it fell to the Arab invaders during the early days of the Islamic conquests of the Middle East, and that it should remain so.
For example, the Palestine National Covenant declares in Article 6,
“The Jews who had normally resided in Palestine until the beginning of the Zionist invasion will be considered Palestinians.” In Article 15 it states, “ The liberation of Palestine, from an Arab viewpoint, is a national duty… and aims at the elimination of Zionism in Palestine.”
No matter how many Islamic states recognise Israel, there will always be some militant hardliners that will reject it. They will act on behalf of certain defiant Islamic states and continue to oppose its existence. With continued financial and manpower support by such hostile states, the militant Mujahideen act as proxy and fight their war.
All the Islamic governments in the Abode of Peace want to do away with their Western style parliamentary system and replace it with their own sectarian one, based on their religious law of (Majlis Al-Shura) the Consultative Assembly, or (Majlis Al-Watani) the National Assembly. They bitterly oppose the existence of Israel and restoration of Assyria to the end. Their jihad (holy war) slogan is: do or die; either perish or pressure the Islamic states to revoke their recognition of Israel and suppress the Assyrian identity to the end. The policy of the (Dar Al-Harb and Dar Al-Silm) Abode of War and the Abode of Peace dictates never to surrender gained territory but rather enlarge the community and ultimately declare their faith supreme globally. (Pryce-Jones, 1989: 27-28).
Losing Islamised territory outside (Dar Al-Silm) the Abode of Peace geographical zone is considered a relapse and regrettable, like Spain and the Balkans. But to lose Islamic territory within the borders of the Abode of Peace, like Israel and the future prospect of re-establishing self-rule in Assyria, is unforgivable - To Islam it is a bitter pill, hard to swallow. It is against their Islamic doctrine. It is contradictory to the adherence and fulfilment of their Prophet’s personal message of global Islamisation. Regress does not mean abandonment of their mission.
Mujahideen are the poker of Islam that faithfully keeps the Jihad fire astir. The demise of the Soviet presence and their troops in Afghanistan is still fresh in the Russian people’s minds. This was done by the surging wave of the Mujahideen against the Soviet troops not for the love of America or the West or mere hatred of Communism, but for the love of Allah and in fulfillment of their prophet’s message of global Islamisation. They insist on following the path of spreading their message (Al-Da’awah) by force rather than preaching it by oratory and open dialogue.
Love of God and Democracy
The October 1917 Russian Revolution gave the West rise to Western concern over the emergence and rapid spread of communism. Western democratic governments – conservative elements, heavy industrialists and Religions (mainly Christianity and Islam), began to counter it at all levels. For example, in the Catholic Church, there emerged the prelacy of Opus Dei – (God’s Work) – in particular; and later in Islam, militancy of the Central Islamic Axis emerged to protect their own existence. (Robert Hutchison, 1997: pp 15, 230-234). They planned to marginalize and counteract progressive elements of leftist trends, hence the open conflict between the two camps of democracy and free enterprise against communism and atheism.
During the decolonisation period, the Western Powers began to build defensive walls against communism. They created strong Islamic governments in opposition to Marxism and Leninism through treaties and ententes. They provided them with financial assistance, technical and military training and support. The Islamic countries became death traps to thousands of innocent people and progressive elements of democratic trends. In the name of combating communism and promoting freedom of religion and democracy thousands upon thousands of innocent people were falsely accused of subversion. Apparatus of the government agencies were purged of all suspicious elements. They were either summarily dismissed, or tried and imprisoned. Many received long-term prison sentences. Others disappeared, never to be seen by their parents, their loved ones and relatives. They were killed, murdered or died under torture and buried in unmarked mass graves. All this was committed for the false reason of state security.
Anti-communism policy gave rise to Arab ultra-nationalism. Islamic hardliners clamped down very heavily on many liberal intellectuals and non-Islamic native institutions. It was an opportune moment for the Islamic states to consolidate their hold on new territories during the decolonisation period. With the help of the West, Moslem countries added new territories to their (Dar Al-Silm) Abode of Peace, guised as formidable walls against the spread of communism. From the early 20th century, beginning with the Assyrians in (Mesopotamia) Iraq in 1933; early sixties in Cyprus and Indonesia and early eighties in Chile, the culling went on with full intensity.
Their new territories extended from the Assyrian Province of Mosul and Hasitcha-Khabur (in the Iraq-Syria) District to Eastern Cyprus, to Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Archipelago of Indonesia and Irian Jaya in the Pacific Ocean.
In the process of decolonisation, the mandated powers did not institute protection for the indigenous nationals in the constitution of the Islamic countries from which they withdrew or created such as, Jordan, Syria, and Iraq in the Middle East, and the Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco in North Africa and Indian and Pacific Ocean countries. Instead, the mandated powers gave the Islamic countries a free hand in ‘culling undesirable elements’ in the name of promoting freedom and security.
The mandated powers fostered the infamous and repressive ‘millet provision’ to the (Turkish) delight and pleasure of the Islamic states, and satisfaction of the West - all in the name of freedom and democracy. The position and support of the West had been exploited either out of ignorance or for its lack of concern about Islam’s hidden agenda of Islamisation of non-Islamic native communities through coercion.
The West’s main concern was to win the war against communism at any cost. In the mind of the West, Assyria was ancient history, something of the past. Islamic propaganda, in agreement with the West, buried the Assyrian issue. It dismissed it, ignored it and has since attempted to keep it dormant.
Now that communism has collapsed and vanquished in those regions, the United Nations Organisation being aware of such constant provocations and abuse of human rights has an essential role to play in addressing the situation.
The United Nations has the responsibility to intervene and take the necessary steps, urging such oppressive regimes to stop suppressing its native nationals, under the pretext of “communistic leanings, leftist trends or decadence”. The UN is in a position to act and urge existing governments of such tyrannical regimes to introduce secular constitutional reforms to guarantee the aborigines their natural rights. Or else, help the aboriginals free themselves to regain sovereignty over their land under protection of the UN.
There is a need to keep up the pressure on unrepenting regimes to reform their government systems. The UN and those international organisations that are responsible and allege that they work in the interest of all humanity need to be reminded to apply themselves and show real positive outcomes. Otherwise, they will become self-seeking lackeys and easy tools in the hands of the petrodollar masters, multinationals and their bureaucrats.
Stop lying
13.05.2003 09:49
would you adam an eve it ?
13.05.2003 10:01
That Bin Laden set up the whole operation from his cave in afghanistan pull the other one please, I'd rather go for Blofeld and the james bond theory .
Your yankkkee friends need an enemy and lo and behold up pops
ex M15 assett OBL, with a CIA issue cheque book ...
What ever happened to Bin ladens predecessor "Carlos the jackal" his trial seems to be taking rather a long time ?
If you read David Yallops book "to the ends of the earth"
you will see that inventing celeb status terrorists to carry out highly publicised attacks is not a new idea..
Also good feature film material as with the Enntebbe
also featured some photos of the horrors of Sabra and Chatilla bodies piled up after Sharon had broken his word, for what it's worth and let his hounds off their leashes .
And while we are on the subject of terrorism plate 47
shows Menachem Begin kissing the flag of the out lawed terrorst group Irgun .. Plate 48 Some of begins work before collecting the nobel peace prize. At least six badly charred bodies Deir Yassin 1948 .. oh dear plates 49 and 50 are even worse more dead bodies In August 1976 at least 2,576 Palestinians were slaughtered at Tel al-Za'atar i wonder who
could have done that ??? Zionazis perhaps ?????
So Buzz I guess it's time to B OFF !!!
Sticker dude
13.05.2003 10:10
Firstly, the BBC has lots of stuff about islamic militants causing mayhem and destruction; but the last time I searched the BBC news site it turned up only 2 articles about the shooting of Tom Hurdnall (admittedly it was before the IDF took some pot shots at his parents!)
And I agree with 'erm', the reality of the situation is that people are dying here, sod the historical bollocks the killing needs to stop NOW... BOTH SIDES/ALL SIDES.
I am sure that if you troll back long enough in the history books then the Italians could lay fair claim to GB and most of Europe etc......... lets take action on the reality of whats happening today, yesterday, tomorrow.
It's all true
13.05.2003 10:58
In the end all the religions are the same.
Much as I hate the Zionists and like most of you would like to do a lot more to help the Palestinians, I suspect if the situation was reversed, the Palestinians would have behaved as inhumanely as the Israelis ?
Fuck all religions
13.05.2003 11:23
Islamic fundamentalists, Right-wing christian conservatives, Hindi nationalists, Zionist jews - they all the preach the same sort of bigoted "my religion is better than your religion" crap.
Miss Point
Dont blame the messenger
13.05.2003 14:05
Do you really think that Muslim militants in the Philippines or Chechnya are carrying out terrorist attacks against innocent civilians because of what's happening in Palestine?
Do you think Muslims are murdering Christians in NIgeria or Hindus in Kashmir as a way to show their solidarity with the Palestinian cause?
One of the people responding to my post was 'erm' who wrote: "Two, twenty or two hundred thousand pages of the rights and wrongs of ancient Assyria won't distract from the simple daily reality of people in Palestine being shot and having their homes bulldozed"
What does 'ancient Assyria' have to do with anything. I made no reference to Islamic aggression of the past. The whole point was to call attention to Islamic aggression that took place during just one day - yesterday - and in countries all around the world.
I think it's quite telling that not a single posting actually addressed the original issue: why are Muslims committing so many acts of violence, against so many types of people, in so many different nations?
By asking this question I am not, as 'blimey' suggested, trying to "obscure the brutality of the Israeli occupation", (just because the Israeli occupation is brutal, doesn't mean that Islamic terrorism is not brutal too - one does not cancel out the other), nor as 'machno' claims, saying that 'Zionists are good and Muslims are bad".
If what I said is 'racist' then reality is racist. I was merely
reporting on events that actually occured. A classic case of blaming the messenger...
It is wrong for pro-Israelis to label anyone who disagress with Israeli policy an 'anti-semite'. But it is equally wrong for pro-Islamists to shout down any
reproaches of Muslim terrorism by deflecting all the blame on to outiside forces and alway portraying Islam as the victim.
Personally I detest all religions - but at least I detest blame them all equally.
I am talking about Islamic extremism on an international level