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Sharon blamed for blocking 'roadmap'

BBC | 09.05.2003 17:51

There is widespread scepticism in the Arabic press - and some of the Israeli papers - over whether Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is committed to the US-led "roadmap" peace plan.

Sharon blamed for blocking 'roadmap'

There is widespread scepticism in the Arabic press - and some of the Israeli papers - over whether Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is committed to the US-led "roadmap" peace plan.

Several papers argue that Israel is trying to delay the execution of the plan, as well as water down the commitments imposed upon it under the proposals.


The murderer Ariel Sharon is now trying to deprive our Palestinian brothers of all their political cards, even before engaging in any peace negotiations. The most important card that he wants to dislodge from the Palestinians is the intifada.

Al-Bayan - UAE


From the word go, and even before the implementation of the roadmap begins, the Israeli prime minister has been determined to kill it at its infancy. Israel wants to reject the roadmap proposal and wants amendments introduced, as mere security proposals, in order to suit its objectives of emptying the plan of all political commitments that Israel will have to fulfil.

Al-Khalij - UAE


The Palestinian crisis continued this week, with Palestinian Islamic groups successfully resisting pressures by the Zionists and US Secretary of State Colin Powell. The Zionists continue to pursue their objective of disarming the intifada through Palestinian Prime Minister Abu Mazen of the self-rule government, an aim which has been ridiculed by most Palestinian groups.

Jomhuri-ye Eslami - Iran


The US is the only party which can resolve the Israeli-Palestinian dispute and bring about peace in the region, as it is the only country controlling the game and is the owner of the original roadmap proposal.

Al-Akhbar - Egypt


Evidence shows that the postponement of the roadmap schedule itself is Israel's objective, as the roadmap strategy fixed 2005 as the year for announcing the Palestinian state. The Palestinians have accepted the roadmap despite its shortcomings while Israel has come up with over 15 objections to the US-led peace proposal... As Israel endeavours to sabotage the US peace proposal, it is the responsibility of the international community, the US and the forces of peace to take charge and impose their will to guarantee the plan's implementation.

Al-Quds - Palestinian


The two US envoys, Steve Hadley and Elliot Abrams, promised Sharon that he had nothing to worry about. The US will not demand that Israel withdraw under fire. In other words, the US will sit on the sidelines while Sharon and Abu Mazen trade constraints and excuses.

Ha'aretz - Israel


Sharon and his men are crushing any splinter of political chance, any stub of a creative idea for a peace settlement. With the effort exerted in trying to kill off the roadmap, it would have been possible to build a big bridge of hope.

Yediot Aharonot - Israel



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11.05.2003 07:25

This Road Map will fail just like Oslo did. The premise of Oslo was for Israel to give up the West Bank and Gaza in exchange for security form terror attacks launched from these territories. Barak tried to do this at Camp David and Taba. But Arafat would have nothing to do with 2 states. Arafat doesn’t want a state besides Israel, he wants a state instead of Israel. The Road Map will probably fail for the same reason. Why? Because the Arabs do not want peace with Israel. Israel is the greatest embarrasment to Arabs and Muslims since it was proven that Mohammed was an epileptic drooling pedophillic lying murderer and thief.

In 50 years Israel has managed to create a thriving democracy with an economy that puts all of Islam to shame. In 50 years Islam has contributed nothing but death, pain, and misery to the world. And the world is sick of it. And to what do MooseLimbs blame this - Israel! Laughable!!!!!

The Arab dictatorships, of which makes up 100% of their goverments, NEEDS hatred of Israel to distrct their masses from their true oppressors - themselves. Without a conflict with Israel, the Arab masses will turn on the corrupt billionaire Arab dictators.

Arab dictators have made two promises to their people - Israel will be destroyed and Arabs will retake all of "Palestine". This is the rallying cry since 1948.

Arabs CANNOT make peace with Israel. Without Israel to blame for all the death, poverty, destruction, misery, and oppression across Islam, who will the Islamic people blame?

The Road Map is dead because we all know that Arafat and the Arabs only view it as a stepping stone to the destruction of Israel. Destroy Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Aqsa, and others and what will be left to fight Israel?


Re: Roadmap?

12.05.2003 10:44

You set yourself above the Arabs but seem to have many of the negative qualities that you condem in them.
Your nation would be nothing (and probably not exist at all) if not for vast amounts of US money, weapons and support. If many Arab nations had the same positive (not negative) input of the US they would be different nations.
And i don't blame Arafat for turning down a few road linked bits of scrappy land termed (State). You can claim no moral high ground when you want exactly what you say the Palestinians want, the destruction of your (their) State! Yes i agree with the Arab press, the war criminal Sharon will do everthing in his power to kill the already dead road map.

M Lacey (UK)