The War on Human Rights Groups
New Profile | 09.05.2003 16:19
Here is the beginning of the Military State of Israel's War on Human Rights Groups, particularly those who aim to help Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and Gaza
The ISM and Raproachement offices in Beit Sahour were raided today. Three women were taken into custody. Two internationals were arrested, both apparently American (one is Flo, the communications coordinator). A Palestinian is being held for questioning. The 2:00 and 3:00 PM radio news reported that the internationals were illegally here, but the ISM office confutes that. In addition to the arrests, 5 computers and 3 lap tops were confiscated.
This is the beginning of the government’s and military’s war on human rights groups, particularly those who aim to help Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and Gaza.
At present, legal aid is being sought for to try to release the women and to recoup the computers. Action beyond that is also needed. If the attack on the ISM and the document below that foreigners will from now on be forced to sign are allowed to succeed, then all other international human rights and anti occupation groups will soon follow, and after them also Israeli ones. Black days are ahead if we do not act fast.
Here is the sequence:
From: ISM Media Alerts
Subject: [EMEM] New Israeli military declaration targets ISM -Singling out
As of Thursday, May 8, 2003, humanitarian organizations working within the Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestine began receiving a new declaration created by the Israeli military.
This document (included below) demands
signature of all international groups working within the Gaza Strip and any internationals attempting to enter the Gaza Strip. In addition to stipulations of not holding the Israeli Government responsible for the death of
internationals, the declaration specifically states that the individual signing can have no connection to the International Solidarity Movement(ISM).
The ISM, a Palestinian led non-violent group which attempts to provide protection to the Palestinian people and to enable them to non-violently resist the Israeli military occupation of Palestine, has recently come under attack from the Israeli Government and Army.
This attack, including the targeting of ISM volunteers that left one dead, one comatose and one severely injured, and now this new declaration, are all aimed at discrediting and inhibiting the peace work of the ISM.
Here is a copy of the declaration sent by the communications co-ordinator:
Israeli Defense Forces
Form to be filled out and submitted to IDF authorities prior to entry to the Gaza Strip
First name Family name
Passport number
Home address
Address in Gaza
Purpose of visit in detail
Duration of visit
Organization arranging visit
Conditions of Entry into the Gaza Strip
Foreign nationals entering the Gaza Strip, please note that the IDF is committed to ensuring the safety of civilians not engaged in hostilities. However, in the current circumstances, the IDF cannot guarantee the personal safety of foreign nationals visiting the area.
Although the IDF cannot accept responsibility for death, njury or damage/loss of property incurred as a result of military activity, foreign nationals visiting the area are subject to the following conditions whose purpose is to minimize the risks involved:
1. The Military Installation Area along the border with Egypt is IDF administered territory and is strictly out of bounds to foreign nationals. Please note that this area has been the site of intense hostilities and is extremely
2. Interference or obstruction of Israeli security personnel in the performance of their duties is a criminal offence.
3. The areas adjacent to the Perimeter Fence,
Israeli Settlements, Lateral Roads serving Israeli civilians and IDF positions are Closed Military Zones and are strictly out of bounds to all persons.
4. Foreign nationals are strongly advised to stay well clear of military activity.
I declare that the details provided above are true and correct and that I have read the above conditions and agree to abide by the fully. I am aware that my failure to do so may lead to my arrest and/ or expulsion from the Gaza Strip and/or from the territory of the State of
Israel. I am aware of the risks involved and accept that the Government of the State of Israel and its organs cannot be held responsible for death, injury and/or damage/loss of property which may be incurred as a result of military activity. I also undertake not to disrupt IDF operations in any way and declare that I have no
association with the organization known as ISM
(International Solidarity Movement) nor any other
organization whose aim is to disrupt IDF operations.
Signed Date
ISM Media Coordinator
Beit Sahour, Occupied Palestine
[ ism-alert AT ]
972 -2-277-4602
New Profile – Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli Society
POB 48005, Tel-Aviv 61480, Israel
E-mail: mailto:
Voice box: ++972-(0)3-516-01-19
This is the beginning of the government’s and military’s war on human rights groups, particularly those who aim to help Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and Gaza.
At present, legal aid is being sought for to try to release the women and to recoup the computers. Action beyond that is also needed. If the attack on the ISM and the document below that foreigners will from now on be forced to sign are allowed to succeed, then all other international human rights and anti occupation groups will soon follow, and after them also Israeli ones. Black days are ahead if we do not act fast.
Here is the sequence:
From: ISM Media Alerts
Subject: [EMEM] New Israeli military declaration targets ISM -Singling out
As of Thursday, May 8, 2003, humanitarian organizations working within the Gaza Strip, Occupied Palestine began receiving a new declaration created by the Israeli military.
This document (included below) demands
signature of all international groups working within the Gaza Strip and any internationals attempting to enter the Gaza Strip. In addition to stipulations of not holding the Israeli Government responsible for the death of
internationals, the declaration specifically states that the individual signing can have no connection to the International Solidarity Movement(ISM).
The ISM, a Palestinian led non-violent group which attempts to provide protection to the Palestinian people and to enable them to non-violently resist the Israeli military occupation of Palestine, has recently come under attack from the Israeli Government and Army.
This attack, including the targeting of ISM volunteers that left one dead, one comatose and one severely injured, and now this new declaration, are all aimed at discrediting and inhibiting the peace work of the ISM.
Here is a copy of the declaration sent by the communications co-ordinator:
Israeli Defense Forces
Form to be filled out and submitted to IDF authorities prior to entry to the Gaza Strip
First name Family name
Passport number
Home address
Address in Gaza
Purpose of visit in detail
Duration of visit
Organization arranging visit
Conditions of Entry into the Gaza Strip
Foreign nationals entering the Gaza Strip, please note that the IDF is committed to ensuring the safety of civilians not engaged in hostilities. However, in the current circumstances, the IDF cannot guarantee the personal safety of foreign nationals visiting the area.
Although the IDF cannot accept responsibility for death, njury or damage/loss of property incurred as a result of military activity, foreign nationals visiting the area are subject to the following conditions whose purpose is to minimize the risks involved:
1. The Military Installation Area along the border with Egypt is IDF administered territory and is strictly out of bounds to foreign nationals. Please note that this area has been the site of intense hostilities and is extremely
2. Interference or obstruction of Israeli security personnel in the performance of their duties is a criminal offence.
3. The areas adjacent to the Perimeter Fence,
Israeli Settlements, Lateral Roads serving Israeli civilians and IDF positions are Closed Military Zones and are strictly out of bounds to all persons.
4. Foreign nationals are strongly advised to stay well clear of military activity.
I declare that the details provided above are true and correct and that I have read the above conditions and agree to abide by the fully. I am aware that my failure to do so may lead to my arrest and/ or expulsion from the Gaza Strip and/or from the territory of the State of
Israel. I am aware of the risks involved and accept that the Government of the State of Israel and its organs cannot be held responsible for death, injury and/or damage/loss of property which may be incurred as a result of military activity. I also undertake not to disrupt IDF operations in any way and declare that I have no
association with the organization known as ISM
(International Solidarity Movement) nor any other
organization whose aim is to disrupt IDF operations.
Signed Date
ISM Media Coordinator
Beit Sahour, Occupied Palestine

[ ism-alert AT ]
972 -2-277-4602
New Profile – Movement for the Civil-ization of Israeli Society
POB 48005, Tel-Aviv 61480, Israel
E-mail: mailto:

Voice box: ++972-(0)3-516-01-19

New Profile