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Please guys - don't play their game...

Dannyboy | 09.05.2003 10:31

Don't feed the trolls!

Indymedia UK has been flooded with lots of hate-messages recently.

I know it is annoying - but this abuse is mainly coming for a single US message board (who shall remain nameless).

They mounted a sustained attack last night and posted lots of hate-filled messages on the newswire. In typical cointel-pro fashion, they fabricated messages that ranted about "Jewish conspiricies" and the like, which they then used to "prove" that Indymedia was a race- hate site.

The best way to deal with these postings is to ignore them until the Indymedia team can remove them. Please remember that Indymedia's publishing guidelines are very specific about this sort of thing and as soon as the poor, overworked, moderators get chance they will scrub the hate off the newswire.

We really don't want to be drawn into an infantile slanging match with these people. It brings the newswire into disrepute. I would ask that the newswire editors be a little more ruthless in the cutting of abusive posts.

Such terms as "Zionazi" are immature name-calling that just draws abuse and discredits this fantastic resource for the global justice movement.

Please lets keep this site limited to reasoned, reflective, calm and collected indypendant reporting. Leave your name-calling for down the pub :)



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What's in a word?

09.05.2003 11:53

The term 'Nazi' has been bandied about for decades to defame anyone who criticized people of Jewish descent, like Tam Dayell did.

The term 'Zionist' now has similar connotations, in that, anyone who uses it must necessarily be critical of Israel and therefore, by nature, an antisemitic 'Nazi.'

It seems the two terms fit together, like an iron fist in a velvet glove. Let's call a spade, a spade, while we still can, without it being a hate-crime.

Sticks and stones may break my bones, censored names will never hurt me, but armoured tanks bulldozing my home and hellfire missiles could kill me.

Tommy girl

Too right...

09.05.2003 12:50

I saw the full extent of that attack last night, and felt absoultely disgusted by the slander and lies coming from this group. Fortunately the article they were all slamming, which actully sought to provoke them and triggered it all off in the first place, has now been pulled from the newswire (it was non-news anyway).

To all the true IMCers out there, don't get dragged into slanging matchs and flame wars with these bastards, this just damages the integrity of Indymedia. If you want to help, e-mail offensive posts to the features list at, or become involved in the editoral team yourself.

You don't need these bigots, but this bigots definately need you, and that makes them all the more pathetic.

Peace/solidarity, tj

Thomas J