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Google threads conceal propaganda

annoyed character | 09.05.2003 09:15

who do they think they are fooling?

Reading the threads on the subject of google I can see a ridiculous amount of racist, anti-semitic threads that appear to me to be fabricated almost beyond doubt in order to discredit the mainly good material on this site. We are not fooled by these plants and we say, "fuck off and get back to your jobs at P.R. for Lockheed Martin or wherever the fuck you come from, hurry up and die painfully like you deserve".

annoyed character


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09.05.2003 09:30

I tried to get to your LGF blog to see exactly what sort of self-satisfied bullshit you single-digit IQ types get up to, but unfortunately it was blocked by my school administration program for being a 'hate-speech site', whereas indymedia has no problems whatsoever.

I agree with you guys that Yasser Arafat is a bit of a prick, but he is fucking NOTHING compared to Sharon. That fucker needs skinning.

annoyed character

might agreee but ...

09.05.2003 10:05

wot you say is probably true but indymedia is not about peoples personal opinions.
It is a place to publish news items which the publisher can then include in his or her research by simply listing a series of links. I am hardly gonna save this link to be able to pull up this "comment"
The harlequins and Rams that roam the corridors of IMC are possible just lonely folks who want some company but could easily be part of the plot to disrupt the newswire . It's rare to find a comment that adds any thing significant to an article or gives a valid second opinion with links that help the reader get a better idea of the subject in question.
Israel and all things jewish is the big one right now but its hard to follow which is exactly how "they" want it to be .
Confused ravings from punters who have very little idea wot is really going on. Apparently their are two sides hirling abuse at one another, but perhaps it's not that simple.
Both accuse each other of being nazis ... who knows ?

shot away

Google alone

09.05.2003 10:09

Bit of a bummer for you conspiracy types, but you won't have to be worried about Google threads again. You see, Indymedia has been unlisted as a new source, so you will have to continue your solipistic masturbatury hatred all on your lonesome onesomes.

Bye Bye


Please guys - don't play their game...

09.05.2003 10:15

I know it is annoying - but this abuse is mainly coming for a single US message board (who shall remain nameless).

They mounted a sustained attack last night and posted lots of hate-filled messages on the newswire. In typical cointel-pro fashion, they fabricated messages that ranted about "Jewish conspiricies" and the like, which they then used to "prove" that Indymedia was a race-hate site.

The best way to deal with these postings is to ignore them until the Indymedia team can remove them. Please remember that Indymedia's publishing guidelines are very specific about this sort of thing and as soon as the poor, overworked, moderators get chance they will scrub the hate off the newswire.

We really don't want to be drawn into an infantile slanging match with these people. It brings the newswire into disrepute. I would ask that the newswire editors be a little more ruthless in the cutting of abusive posts.

Such terms as "Zionazi" are immature name-calling that just draws abuse and discredits this fantastic resource for the global justice movement.

Please lets keep this site limited to reasoned, reflective, calm and collected indypendant reporting. Leave your name-calling for down the pub :)


Dump Google!

10.05.2003 01:33

We don't need google for a search engine-there are plenty of others. If they want to slander us while they pander to racists, etc. then don't use them!