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Strange Goings-on in Tucson, usa--with 3 peaces of art

Carin Elliot and the smv iogjio movement | 09.05.2003 01:34

Unbridled artist syndicate interactor and *crucial arts* promoter, Carin Elliot, has been "messing with" devoutly "Normal" vibes in the last many months. Especially about the 'everyday war'. The art tells the biggest story, so enjoy and pass around, no copyright! (All email will probably be blocked/monitored by the usual soldiers) (article 1)

Strange Goings-on in Tucson, usa--with 3 peaces of art
Strange Goings-on in Tucson, usa--with 3 peaces of art

Strange Goings-on in Tucson, usa--with 3 peaces of art
Strange Goings-on in Tucson, usa--with 3 peaces of art

Strange Goings-on in Tucson, usa--with 3 peaces of art
Strange Goings-on in Tucson, usa--with 3 peaces of art

usa--Beautifulness. Imagine people motivated to interact beautifully. Radically beautifully. Not allowing allegedly alienated behavior or bigoted mindset trample. Messing with beliefs before they can completely crystalize into ideology and "blindness". Doing *beautiful* as "direct action".

To undermine the alienation and mindset of those who allow themselves to believe that "Is" is the "only" way things Can Be Done. In example: "Humor and silliness Is unrealistic." "You Are Naive." They scoff. Perhaps they have forgotten the excellence and healing power of beautifulness in their own lives. Perhaps they have beaten their heads against "impossibility" for so long, that this is their experience.

Those who still remember the excellence of joy and beautifulness have choices. We can sit and allow the various factions of ideologically-challenged and strategically-challenged *dichotomists* continue monopolizing the imagination of the world, whether in foreign and domestic social control, or in the "pragmatic" responses to such.

How about a forseeable example?:

Music has a way of touching people's hearts. What if musicians began escaping the confines of stages and the challenge of business "reality"? Hundreds of young musicians assemble with other *crucial artists* in seeking to speak their ideas about beautifulness. If the usual soldiers assemble to drive them off, "radical" beautifulness is then "deployed", seeking to connect, somehow, with those soldiers as the individual human beings they are.

Connecting with them so that they might not "just do their jobs". So that they might begin to question the game that we claim is playing them.

Also going beyond these same old routines, beyond these same old confines! Beyond the imagination even handed down by those who would claim to lead you. Go out into everyday society! Interact excellently/beautifully with people. Perfectly imperfectly! i invite people in general to live in our desired vision of peace and joy on Earth...soooo, who/what are you waiting for? (You don't *have* to be as so-called "radical" as me; the ideahh is to do your thang, your art, your STYLE! What you love to do when you dare!

Knowing when beautiful "is", is when all parties begin to really enjoy with each other. There is a certain "connection", and you can feel it's vibe. You know this connection for sure when people's eyes sparkle, when they whoop in wildeness...yOu get the ideah!

"Deployment" of non-sequitor beautifulness whenever you desire, and wherever you dare.

Art is everything all the time. Are you happy with the art now being done in this world, to you and many others? If you're not, how about undertaking a self-instruction course of articulating your most excellent heart?

Remember, even those monitoring us are our potential connections.

Signs Carin is carrying or wearing:


(only in alienation does aggression explode)
The "everyday war" is right now when you intuit or openly hear that your most enjoyed artway is not "appropriate" or not "realistic" or "mentally ill" or or or. Immediately, some minds go to extremes. Let them. The idea is about liberating our desires. The trick is to liberate beautifully so that beautiful is realized by as many others as possible.

Basically, i'm talking about the way confining imagination in every interaction and institution (?) around and inside us usually tools us. John Trudell said it when he spoke of us "beating ourselves up inside our heads."

Everyone has chosen, for one reason or another, to conform, to shut up, to "get with the program" no matter what "program" is Given to us.

Severely alienated persons i call the *Wizards of Is* shovel this onto us. And so does our conditioning, our "programming", our "indoctrination".

Anyway, this message has been brought to you with much fear by someone who wishes to give a gift to humanity while he still can.

People are not the "enemy". Mindset and behavior are. Dared communication, beyond the confines of ideology, identity, and any other would-be confining imagination, can be excellent ways of derailing such alienation.

Other signs:

"HAVE YOU HAD VIBES MESS WITH YOU TODAY? I HAVE!" --says small old-style Troll attached to arm

A-ho! To all mY reLatiOns!

see also
for background of critical thinking about the *meta* and *macro* sides of understanding some of the world.

The basis of Saul Alynsky's methods of interaction (in _Rules For Radicals_--rare) with people called bigots may also be a good read. I don't like his tendency to dichotomize, to perpetuate "Us vs Them", but otherwise Saul (now passed on) found a very interesting way of interaction there...and i see that we've only hit the *tip of the ice-berg* of what is possible!

Carin Elliot and the smv iogjio movement
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