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No Platform for War Mongers

Paul Greening | 09.05.2003 00:09 | Oxford

Today, 8th May, the Rt Hon Andrew Smith cabinet minister for work and pentions was due to talk to oxford Labour Club. Members of Oxford Pledgers closed the meeting by standing in front of him with posters of dead and injured Iraqi children with the words'Ethical Foreign Policy?'

Andrew Smith MP attended tonight a Labour Club meeting at New College. He was due to talk and then answer questions. On entering the college he was met by peace campaigners, including Councillor Fiyaz, who strongly disagree with Andrew Smith's pro war stance.

On entering the meeting he appologised about being late saying he always stops and talks to these protesters but they are not interested in discussing. In fact some of these people have been trying to persuade Andrew Smith to attend a public debate with for example George Monbiot but feel Andrew Smith is avoiding it.

Shortly after Andrew Smith started talking 6 members of the Oxford Pledgers walked to the front with large colour photographs of dead or maimed Iraqis with the words 'Ethical foreign Policy?' on them. One said 'No platform for war moungers'. I said, 'Sorry no platform for war moungers; you supported an illegal, immoral and unjust war.' We stoad with our backs to him quietly holding the photos and blocking him from the audience. We support the Labour Club anti-war statement which condemns the war, the occupation, firing on civilians,undermining the UN,the lack of democracy,the propaganda, the targeting of civilians in violation of the Geneva Conventions and a their condemnation of the government for lying to the public. However, we feel that Andrew Smith should have a public debate in the Town Hall to answer these questions and not be given a platform to spin. We do not think there should be a platform for war mongers.

College security were called and then the police. The Oxford Pledgers (Arrow pledge of resistance)stayed until Andrew Smith had found it immpossible to talk shit from behind a photo of a dead child and left.

Paul Greening


Hide the following 5 comments

well done

09.05.2003 00:51

let's challange war criminals and their apologists wherever they rear their ugly heads
make the case for peace and justice

different drummer

A picture...

09.05.2003 08:52

A picture...
A picture...

Here is a picture of this great action :-)


make the case for peace and justice

09.05.2003 13:23

Make the case for appeasement and cowardice



09.05.2003 17:15

Do you mean appeasement as in not confronting a global power, which is becoming ever more belligerent, in the hope it will just go away?

eg america?

so who are the real appeasers? ;)

history lesson


09.05.2003 17:20

You mean cowardice as in sitting meekly at home, watching TV, while people are bombed and killed by your government, and doing nothing about it?

Or cowardice as in bombing unarmed civilians from a stealth bomber high up in the sky?

Surely you can't possibly mean cowardice as in risking arrest, in some cases even prison, to try and stop the slaughter?

Or risking death by going to Iraq and staying with the ordinary people there, in a gesture of love and solidarity?

so who are the real cowards?!?

ethics lesson