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Evening Standard forged Iraqi 'freedom' picture

JC | 08.05.2003 17:10

Proof of Evading Standards faking of Iraqi jubilation at their 'liberation'.
Don't you love our free press

Don't beleive the hype

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pity about pic resolution

08.05.2003 20:24

shame it's really fuzzy - a result of (i guess) still-from-broadcast grabbing and then scanning a newspaper res photo.

But the nice thing about this claim (and i don't doubt it's true) is that anyone who can get hold of the relavent ES can test it for themselves.



08.05.2003 23:55

It is true, and the journalist responsible was, if I remember rightly, sacked for doing it. It's also very very old news and it's been posted here at least three times now.


More info in Guardian

09.05.2003 07:24

There was a good article on this and other forgeries in the Guardian (G2 I think). You will find it on a search of their archives. They quote the Evading Standards as saying the picture was copied from a TV broadcast and only the operator logos were removed.

Prajna Pranab


09.05.2003 10:00

What I find interesting is that the guy in the white shirt appears to have taken his sun glasses off and quickly shaved his beard off as well. No doubt it's to throw us off the scent...

Paul Edwards

article link

09.05.2003 10:26


A fake indeed!

11.05.2003 01:07

A fake indeed!
A fake indeed!

Chaps: Don't believe the disinfo people who've dropped in, at taxpayers' expense, to pooh-pooh this conspiracy. There is a battle on for your mind!

The photo on the front page of the Evening Standard (Wed, 9 April) most certainly was faked.

The only question left is:

What part did the Blair Regime play in this ghastly fraud?

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