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May 1 pronounced "Loyalty Day" in US

squatticus | 08.05.2003 09:07

In what appears to be a genuine pronouncement - but will leave you thinking 'surely this is the work of hackers!?', the Whitehouse website announces that henceforth May 1st will be celebrated as "Loyalty Day"!

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08.05.2003 09:15

Obviously this has to be a hacker if not this has to be sent to a newspaper,they really must know about this.This if true would be the definitive hallmark of a fascist state.Just like the nazi loyalty now we have the yankee loyalty.


not new

08.05.2003 12:33

theres nothing new about this. reagan declared may 1st 'law day' sometime during his stay in the whitehouse. wnyone remember carol vorderman doing some new charity/telethon thing they tried to luanch in 2000 after the first big protests in 99?

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May Day thievery

08.05.2003 15:43

Far from suspecting hackers, I wouldn't be at all surprised if this wasn't another actual real proclamation from Our Glorious Leader hisself. This is something right up their alley, the kind of sailing-over-the-edge absurdity that confirms to me that not only is life imitating art over here, but it's imitating "Saturday Night Live".

Actually, I seem to recall the swiping of May Day for attempted conversion into "Law Day" earlier than that; wasn't it under Nixon? (there I go dating myself again)

I've also recently found out, totally by accident, that September 11 had been declared "Patriots' Day" or some shit. (yeah, man; I'll be right on top of _that_ one.)

Mike Flugennock
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I swear loyalty

08.05.2003 16:59

"I hereby declair that I Tory Blair will swear allegiance to his royal majesty Emperor Bush;

I shall always abide by his wise, intelectual and sound judgement.He is a great man and leader, my dear leader.
I shall always chose his demands over those of those things called the public.
I shall never not wear Stars and Striped underwear.
I shall always be loyal and faithful to any other man or woman from that 'great land of the free' which i've come to admire for its values of universal freedom and democracy.

I shall proclaim to my citizens that I Sir Tory Blair will attack any nation regardless of evidence or general common sense if an American doesn't like it.

They can take our sovreignty, our freedom but they'll never take McDonalds"

Swear of Allegiance by his royal viceroy Sir Tory Blair, to appear on American chatshows in years to come talking of his great courage in saving Halliburton for bankrupcy.

Tory Blair

Hate Day

08.05.2003 23:16

Loyalty day is one step away from Hate Day. Wake up and smell the coffee folks.
