You frightened of this one,Indy?
dh | 07.05.2003 22:24
Rod Liddle's column for the Guardian, reveals him as the kind of
cynical smug know-it-all that should make him a prime target for
permanent presenter of `Have I Got News for You?' His attempt to
demolish internet conspiracy theories in today's Guardian, exposes
him also as another mindless tool of the Powers That Be
I'll admit to having reposted both the financial bribe and the
paedophile ring stories on Indy UK, as well as some pieces on
Nibiru/Planet X/Comet NEAT.Of the latter, Rod claims not to know of
its whereabouts or even that Nibiru is a planet. With a Japanese sect
having already headed for the hills, and Zachariah Sitchen gone to
ground and with photos of Planet X/Nibiru already circulating
(, with a forecast date of the polar
switch as occurring as soon as next Thursday (15th) (see also, I'd have
thought Rod would have done that piece of elementary research that
would have told him what the damn thing was.
(Sitchin by the way is the author and archaeologist who translated
the Sumerian cuneiform tablets that told the story of humankind's
extraterrestial origins – you know, like the ones looted from the
Baghdad Museum under the supervision of the US military. Some would
say Sitchin's just a tool of the Rockefeller Foundation)
As for the Blair stories, Liddle only manages to obfuscate the issues
rather than regard them as launching pads for serious investigation
to prove or disprove the allegations.. Some journalist.
Instead he just ends up with some twaddle tying up the conspiracy as
some Jews/paedophiles/aliens/giant lizards crap as usual (-crap,
thatis, in the terms Liddle presents it - not necessarily in
consideration of the mountains of evidence behind those
superficial 'nonsenses)
. Do some simple research man, if you were serious, that is.And damn
Dalyell to hell for making that statement which again makes the
oppostion look to be anti-semite, - Scottish laird that he is – whose
side would you expect the aristocracy to really be on.
If you're talking about Israel, just wonder for a moment how the
unsullied passports came so instantaneously into IDF hands, and how a
Sufi pacifist mystic suddenly became an alleged suicide bomber. If
you're a journalist worth your salt, crack open that bullshit story,
aimed at easing Blunkett's biometric passport and, later, ID card
through in the G8
As for the Lightworkers, there ain't no saviours out there.
We can only save ourselves and achieve our own redemption by
collectively waking up and taking our power in our own hands.
Otherwise the new world order will continue to be unfolded before our
very eyes, while clever little amusing intellectuals try to hide it,3604,950541,00.html
Rod Liddle
Wednesday May 7, 2003
The Guardian
Blair in $16bn bribe scandal!
Shelve the plans for foundation hospitals - the Nibiruans are on
their way. They want to help, of course, but they might turn nasty if
we start doing weird things to the NHS. These Nibiruans - well, you
just can't tell what sort of mood they're in. Let me explain. I am
beholden to reader Bridget Pemberton for passing on some quite
wonderful conspiracy theories, which she found - where else? - on the
web. I thought I'd better share some of them with you.
Check out the Cloak and Dagger website ( for a
complete lack of evidence that George W Bush bunged Tony Blair a
personal bribe of £16bn to support the war in Iraq, "via a financial
entity in the United Arab Emirates". The money went into Tony's
private account, apparently. Hell, I'd have supported the war for
half that. Why does nobody ever try to bribe me? Twenty years a
journalist and not a single cash bung, although the Fruit Trades
Journal once offered me some fruit.
Anyway, Tony also arranged to ship "items" to North Korea "to
facilitate their nuclear capabilities". I'm not sure how this fits
into the rest of the plot, but apparently Hillary Clinton, Royal
Jordanian Airlines, Alan Greenspan and Ronald Reagan are involved
somewhere along the line - and the overall goal is the overthrow of
the American republic. Fair enough, you might think. As Machiavelli
had it, the end does occasionally justify the means.
Obviously, I want very much to believe this conspiracy, but I want
even more to believe the other one on Propagandamatrix - that Blair's
real motive for the war was to protect an "elite" paedophile ring.
(No direct link or even full URL for this. Why not Rod? - dh)
I'm not sure how. Nor am I sure, exactly, what an "elite" paedophile
is, or does. By my reckoning, 40% of conspiracy theories have
paedophiles lurking in the bushes somewhere in the background. There
are usually perfidious Jews in the mix, too - aren't there, Tam?
Jews, paedophiles and aliens. And, if you're David Icke, giant
Luckily, whatever its real cause or motive, the war in Iraq will be
the last ever to be waged on this planet. We know this because it has
been so decreed by the Lightworkers of the Light Realm in Telos,
which is situated - as I'm sure you are aware; hell, you may even
have been there - in the centre of the earth. "Your Mother Earth's
time for ascension has now come and her wishes will be honoured. From
this time forward she will cleanse herself and will not tolerate any
longer the abuse of Her body and Her precious children."
This is quite exciting, don't you think? To where will earth ascend,
I wonder? Adama of Telos is less forthcoming on this matter, but then
maybe she or he doesn't know either. Because we're all of us,
henceforth, "under the jurisdiction of the Great Central Sun". This
GCS business seems to work a bit like the European court of human
rights, except with better robes.
My general rule of thumb is that one in 100 conspiracy theories are
correct. In which case, please let it be that delivered to us by the
Nibiruan Council. I don't know where Nibirua is, but it's certainly
not of this world: "As we explained in our January update," the
Nibiruans remind us, "you now have a ninth-dimensional grid
surrounding your planet. It is through the templates in this grid
that you can find your way out of the current situation." Guys, I'm
looking, I'm looking.
So thank you, Bridget Pemberton. And thank you, Nibiruan Council
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cynical smug know-it-all that should make him a prime target for
permanent presenter of `Have I Got News for You?' His attempt to
demolish internet conspiracy theories in today's Guardian, exposes
him also as another mindless tool of the Powers That Be
I'll admit to having reposted both the financial bribe and the
paedophile ring stories on Indy UK, as well as some pieces on
Nibiru/Planet X/Comet NEAT.Of the latter, Rod claims not to know of
its whereabouts or even that Nibiru is a planet. With a Japanese sect
having already headed for the hills, and Zachariah Sitchen gone to
ground and with photos of Planet X/Nibiru already circulating

switch as occurring as soon as next Thursday (15th) (see also

thought Rod would have done that piece of elementary research that
would have told him what the damn thing was.
(Sitchin by the way is the author and archaeologist who translated
the Sumerian cuneiform tablets that told the story of humankind's
extraterrestial origins – you know, like the ones looted from the
Baghdad Museum under the supervision of the US military. Some would
say Sitchin's just a tool of the Rockefeller Foundation)
As for the Blair stories, Liddle only manages to obfuscate the issues
rather than regard them as launching pads for serious investigation
to prove or disprove the allegations.. Some journalist.
Instead he just ends up with some twaddle tying up the conspiracy as
some Jews/paedophiles/aliens/giant lizards crap as usual (-crap,
thatis, in the terms Liddle presents it - not necessarily in
consideration of the mountains of evidence behind those
superficial 'nonsenses)
. Do some simple research man, if you were serious, that is.And damn
Dalyell to hell for making that statement which again makes the
oppostion look to be anti-semite, - Scottish laird that he is – whose
side would you expect the aristocracy to really be on.
If you're talking about Israel, just wonder for a moment how the
unsullied passports came so instantaneously into IDF hands, and how a
Sufi pacifist mystic suddenly became an alleged suicide bomber. If
you're a journalist worth your salt, crack open that bullshit story,
aimed at easing Blunkett's biometric passport and, later, ID card
through in the G8
As for the Lightworkers, there ain't no saviours out there.
We can only save ourselves and achieve our own redemption by
collectively waking up and taking our power in our own hands.
Otherwise the new world order will continue to be unfolded before our
very eyes, while clever little amusing intellectuals try to hide it

Rod Liddle
Wednesday May 7, 2003
The Guardian
Blair in $16bn bribe scandal!
Shelve the plans for foundation hospitals - the Nibiruans are on
their way. They want to help, of course, but they might turn nasty if
we start doing weird things to the NHS. These Nibiruans - well, you
just can't tell what sort of mood they're in. Let me explain. I am
beholden to reader Bridget Pemberton for passing on some quite
wonderful conspiracy theories, which she found - where else? - on the
web. I thought I'd better share some of them with you.
Check out the Cloak and Dagger website ( for a
complete lack of evidence that George W Bush bunged Tony Blair a
personal bribe of £16bn to support the war in Iraq, "via a financial
entity in the United Arab Emirates". The money went into Tony's
private account, apparently. Hell, I'd have supported the war for
half that. Why does nobody ever try to bribe me? Twenty years a
journalist and not a single cash bung, although the Fruit Trades
Journal once offered me some fruit.
Anyway, Tony also arranged to ship "items" to North Korea "to
facilitate their nuclear capabilities". I'm not sure how this fits
into the rest of the plot, but apparently Hillary Clinton, Royal
Jordanian Airlines, Alan Greenspan and Ronald Reagan are involved
somewhere along the line - and the overall goal is the overthrow of
the American republic. Fair enough, you might think. As Machiavelli
had it, the end does occasionally justify the means.
Obviously, I want very much to believe this conspiracy, but I want
even more to believe the other one on Propagandamatrix - that Blair's
real motive for the war was to protect an "elite" paedophile ring.
(No direct link or even full URL for this. Why not Rod?

I'm not sure how. Nor am I sure, exactly, what an "elite" paedophile
is, or does. By my reckoning, 40% of conspiracy theories have
paedophiles lurking in the bushes somewhere in the background. There
are usually perfidious Jews in the mix, too - aren't there, Tam?
Jews, paedophiles and aliens. And, if you're David Icke, giant
Luckily, whatever its real cause or motive, the war in Iraq will be
the last ever to be waged on this planet. We know this because it has
been so decreed by the Lightworkers of the Light Realm in Telos,
which is situated - as I'm sure you are aware; hell, you may even
have been there - in the centre of the earth. "Your Mother Earth's
time for ascension has now come and her wishes will be honoured. From
this time forward she will cleanse herself and will not tolerate any
longer the abuse of Her body and Her precious children."
This is quite exciting, don't you think? To where will earth ascend,
I wonder? Adama of Telos is less forthcoming on this matter, but then
maybe she or he doesn't know either. Because we're all of us,
henceforth, "under the jurisdiction of the Great Central Sun". This
GCS business seems to work a bit like the European court of human
rights, except with better robes.
My general rule of thumb is that one in 100 conspiracy theories are
correct. In which case, please let it be that delivered to us by the
Nibiruan Council. I don't know where Nibirua is, but it's certainly
not of this world: "As we explained in our January update," the
Nibiruans remind us, "you now have a ninth-dimensional grid
surrounding your planet. It is through the templates in this grid
that you can find your way out of the current situation." Guys, I'm
looking, I'm looking.
So thank you, Bridget Pemberton. And thank you, Nibiruan Council
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