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UK Social Forum

Dannyboy | 07.05.2003 15:40

Are you organising a Social Forum - type event in the UK? Share your experiences and contacts...

"Across the UK, diverse groups of people have started organising. Mini Social Forums have been spontaniously springing up in living rooms and church halls, universities and mosques as people struggle to chart a path out of the war and poverty blighted hell that many now percieve the world to be. This web site is an attempt to plot the development of these forums and perhaps provide a hub to allow the various groups to comunicate with each other."



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London Social Forum meeting tomorrow

07.05.2003 21:09

There is a London Social Forum Meeting tomorrow (8th May) being held at the London School of Economics.

Please Come to Next Plenary Meeting - 6.30pm Room H101, LSE (see our website for map)

Dear All,
This is going to be an important meeting. We need various groups to be set up as soon as possible and to harness the interest and enthusiam being generated. Whether you have been before or this will be your first time, please do come along.

The room is confirmed as H101 at LSE and we will be starting at 6.30pm. All items for the agenda should be sent to:

Jill at

E-mail list:

Waltzing Matilda

London SF Website

07.05.2003 21:21

London Social Forum Website is: