culture for all
pat | 07.05.2003 09:21
about freedom, the state, democracy
Kropotkine Pierre : The wage system Kropotkine Pierre : The wage system (RTF. 74 Ko)
Kropotkine Pierre : An Appeal to the Young (RTF. 84.2 Ko)
Kropotkine Pierre : War ! (RTF. 22 ko)
Kropotkine Pierre : The State : Its Historical Role (Doc. 167 Ko)
Bookchin Murray : What is communality – The democratic dimension of anarchism (RTF. 132 Ko)
Nietzsche Friedrich : The Antichrist (Doc. 289 Ko)
Nietzsche Friedrich : Twilight of the Idols or How One Philosophizes with a Hammer (Doc. 93.5 Ko)
Bakunin Michael : The policy of the International (Doc. 45.5 Ko Ko)
Bakunin Michael : The capitalist system (Doc. 56.5 Ko)
Bakunin Michael : Power Corrupts the Best (Doc. 26.5 Ko)
Bakunin Michael : Marxism, Freedom and State (Doc. 189 Ko)
Berkman Alexander : What is Communist Anarchism ? (Doc. Compressé WinZip 225 Ko)
Bonanno Alfredo M.: Anarchism and the national liberation struggle (Doc.76 Ko)
Boston Anarchists Against Militarism (BAAM) the) : Why Anarchists oppose militarism and nationalism (Doc. 84 Ko)
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