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Picknikers 4 Peace. A Report.

Camden Autonomists | 06.05.2003 20:19

8 4 Peace. 20 odd copz against Peace. Picnik held right under their eyes. They never noticed heavily armed picnikers deploying right under their (blind) eyes. Why is it that whenever we try to have a demo/picnik whatever, the bloody sun always shines!!!

6 of us were joined by two Iranian comrades (Feyaddin terrorists? only joking lol;-)) in holding a subversive picnik behind the home of the American Ambassador. Despite a vanload of unsmiling TSG driving right by us TWICE, and all foot bobbies clearly being ordered to be alert for us armed rascals we were able to rapidly deploy munitions (crisps, sarnies, drinks, birthday cake) and other weapons of terror (though it was too hot to play footie). We held the position for about three hours before people started to retreat to more comfortable (cooler) surroundings. On the way back we noticed a couple of motorbike piggies lurking near the Ambassadors front gate. We found it too hot to play footie/knock our ball into his garden, or to play with our model rockets containing the strange white powder that we found on our visit to the pig-farm previously. WE MUST ADD THAT WE FOUND IT VERY RUDE THAT THE AMBASSADOR DID NOT EVEN BOTHER TO INFORM US THAT HE WAS UNABLE TO ATTEND, DESPITE OUR MUCH LOVELY GRUB INCLUDING HIS FAVORITE COCA COLA FIZZY POP. Maybe next time we could play a widegame in fancy dress, one group of american soljus is chasing another group of Jihad terrorists. We have the whole of Regents Park to play in, so it will be ace.

Camden Autonomists
- e-mail: (his m8)


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