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Galloway looses the whip

Support Galloway | 06.05.2003 18:14

George Galloway forced out of Labour Party by New Labour extremist right-wing sect.

Tony Blair has ordered the suspension of George Galloway the Marxist member of the House of Commons for Glasgow Kelvin from the Labour Party. This is an attempt to split the left of his party and destroy an eloquent radical in parliament. Blair has the full support of the establishment press.

If you want to contribute to the Galloway legal fund you send cheques to his solicitors

George Galloway legal fund.
Davenport Lyons,
1 Old Burlington Street,
London W1S 3NL.

Support Galloway
- Homepage:,9061,950451,00.html


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Your support is especially important...

06.05.2003 19:00 that the checks from Saddam aren't coming in to


Guilty until Proven Innocent?

06.05.2003 19:10

Whatever happened to the idea that someone is "innocent until proven guilty"?

As Galloway rightly says in "The Guardian" article above, his suspension from the Labour Party is "prejudicial" to his libel action against the "Daily Torygraph" and the "Christian Science Monitor". The matter is still being investigated by the courts, yet the Blairites have already decided, in their wisdom, that he is "guilty" and decided to penalise him accordingly. Following their support for an illegal war, the Blairites are obviously proceeding with the same contempt for the law and "due process".

It is time to build a political alternative to the unspeakable hypocrites of New Labour. These people have blood on their hands. They are beneath contempt. Organise a Social Forum on a national, regional and city basis NOW!


Send a FREE protest to the Labour Party

06.05.2003 19:56

Send a short message of protest to Labour at their freepost address in fact send several, it won't cost you a penny and could cost them a packet, over the last few months I have calcualted that I have cost them at least £100.00 in postage for my Anti-War messages to them.

Now tonight I have sent them 50 freepost letters all with the same message in support of George Galloway.

Here is that FREEPOST address:-

The Labour Party
LON 10417

Show your solidarity with George and help drive Labour further into debt, it is possible if enough of us do it.

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

nevermind the eggs, have a semtex snowball

06.05.2003 20:49

We've a situation here in ireland, where new statesman totalitarian tinpot toff Tony Blair thinks he can hold his smug smarmy gob up high and swan about in Ireland playing little lord fauntelroy Brit overlord. While he gets his NF/BNP foot soldiers to throw eggs at George Galloway in Scotland. Well two can play at that game, watch out for a bucketful of horse manure totalitarian tony it's coming your way soon.

veni emmanuel

Send Phone Directories!!

07.05.2003 09:46

Like the idea of sending letters to the freepost address of the Labour Party, but if you send them heavier stuff their postage will be even more!

Miss Point

UK Social Forums are being organised

07.05.2003 10:27

This thing is only just starting - but if you want to get involved, post something on the message boards:


galloway speaking in south london, wens eve

07.05.2003 13:25

double check this, but i have a leaflet that galloway will speaking tonight (wensday) at
the rivoli ballrooms,
"crofton park" rail station ,
deepest lewisham,

go along and give him some support.

double check