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Israeli Soldiers Shoot At Parents of Injured British Pacifist

natsocnet | 06.05.2003 08:59

The parents of a British peace activist who was shot in the head by Israeli occupation forces came under fire themselves as they traveled to the spot where their son was critically injured, a leading British newspaper said Tuesday, May 6.

Israeli Soldiers Shoot At Parents of Injured British Pacifist
Israeli Soldiers Shoot At Parents of Injured British Pacifist

Israeli Soldiers Shoot At Parents of Injured British Pacifist

OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, May 6 ( & News Agencies) - The parents of a British peace activist who was shot in the head by Israeli occupation forces came under fire themselves as they traveled to the spot where their son was critically injured, a leading British newspaper said Tuesday, May 6.

Anthony and Jocelyn Hurndall were in a British diplomatic convoy entering the town of Rafah in the Gaza Strip when Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint fired a shot, which passed narrowly over the top of their vehicles, The Independent reported.

The incident Saturday afternoon took place despite the Israeli Army being given notice of the journey on at least three occasions – the last minutes before the convoy arrived.

The British Foreign Office said Monday night that an explanation had been requested from the Israeli authorities for the warning shot, which was fired as the two armored Range Rovers entered the Abu Khouli checkpoint on the edge of Rafah.

Concerns were being raised over the conduct of Israeli soldiers in the south of the Gaza Strip. The incident in which the Hurndalls were fired at comes not only after their son was shot in Rafah, but after two other Westerners were killed in the city.

The Hurndalls, whose eldest son, Tom, is critically dead in an Israeli hospital after he was shot three weeks ago while trying to reach two Palestinian children, were being accompanied by Tom's youngest brother and the military and political attachés to the British embassy in Tel Aviv.

A colleague who witnessed the incident said that Tom was trying to pull two children out of danger with a group of other foreign activists and Palestinian civilians when shots were fired from an Israeli army watchtower some 100 meters away.

Mrs Hurndall, a schoolteacher from Tufnell Park, north London, expressed her wonder over the “ludicrousness” of the situation created by Israeli occupation forces.

"We were passing through the checkpoint very, very slowly when there was the sound of a bullet – it was like the sound of a large stone coming off the car,” she recalled.

"What struck me was the ludicrousness of the situation. Here we were, the parents and brother of someone who has been wounded by Israeli Defense Forces and who then fire a warning shot over our car for no apparent reason.

"It was a measure of the insanity that can take hold here." The single shot was fired from one of two watchtowers that stand above the checkpoint, causing the two British cars, identifiable by their white diplomatic plates, to come to an immediate halt.

Not until the defense attaché, Colonel Tom Fitzalan-Howard, had stepped from the car with his hands in the air to talk with the soldiers inside the tower was the convoy able to proceed.

The attack came few days after Israeli occupation forces gunned down James Miller, a freelance British television journalist while filming demolition of Palestinian houses in the southern town of Rafah in the Gaza Strip.

Notice Given

Israeli snipers shot Tom while trying to save Palestinian children

Notice that the cars would be passing through Abu Khouli was given at least three times – in the days before the trip, just as it was setting off and 10 minutes before it arrived, read the Independent.

"A single warning shot was fired as our staff were crossing the checkpoint. No-one was injured but the incident has been raised with the Israeli Defense Forces," said a Foreign Office spokeswoman.

It is understood that an Israeli Army captain at the checkpoint later told members of the convoy that the shot had been fired because the vehicles had not stopped. There was no order to do so.

The journey by the Hurndall family to Rafah, where they met peace activists from the International Solidarity Movement (ISM) who had been working with Tom, was made as they launched an appeal to raise £20,000 to bring him back to Britain by air ambulance.

The 21-year-old student, who was studying photography at Manchester Metropolitan University, was hit by a high-velocity bullet fired by an Israeli sniper as he moved towards two frightened Palestinian children in daylight.

ISM Peace activists came under renewed pressure to leave the occupied territories after allegations that the British bombers who attacked a Tel Aviv night club last week had attended an ISM memorial on Friday, April 25, in honor of American activist Rachel Corrie. Corrie, 23, died when a military bulldozer ran over her in the town of Rafah.



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israeli nazis

07.05.2003 13:41

history is repeating itself....what happened to the israelis in the holacaust they are repeating to the palestinians.....people should learn from the past. The ISM isnt a terroist organisation instead the israeli defence team(defence my arse!!!!)are terroists killing INNOCENT people even a cameraman!!!! and as usual they get away with it!!

its OBVIOUS to see who the REAL terroists are so open yr eyes to the MASS killing by the israeli army


Re: israeli nazis

03.07.2003 12:34


it is not helpful to call israelis nazis.
it is pretty fucking offensive in fact.

One effect of using this word, or zionazis, is that you increase the feelings of persecution of Israelis which prevents them looking at the historical resonances.

None of these comments I've made take away from the facts of what the Israeli army is doing to Palestinians, as you've said.