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Jews Renounce Right to Israeli Citizenship

Miriam Reik | 05.05.2003 21:17

A letter to the Israeli government that began in England and circulated there is now posted and circulating in the USA: all signers of the letter are Jews born in the diaspora who, by signing, renounce their legal right to Israeli citizenship.


British Jews who wished to protest Israel's "barbaric" policies toward the Palestinians have been able to sign a letter by which they renounce their legal right to Israeli citizenship. The letter, which originated in England, circulated amongst artists and intellectuals and has garnered nearly a hundred signatures.
The many other diaspora Jews worldwide who wish to join in this gesture of abhorrance can now sign the letter at With over 100 additional signatures already, the letter declares that the legal right to citizenship, bestowed on all Jews everywhere by Israel's "Law of Return," is "morally wrong," noting that "the very people who should have most right to a genuine 'return'" [the Palestinians] are excluded, having been "forced or terrorised into fleeing" their homes.
The letter also expresses "solidarity with all those who are working for a time when Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip can be lived in by people without any restrictions based on so-called racial, cultural, or ethnic origins."


We are Jews, born and raised outside Israel, who, under
Israel's "law of return," have a legal right to Israeli residence and citizenship. We wish to renounce this unsought "right" because:

1) We regard it as morally wrong that this legal entitlement should be bestowed on us while the very people who should have most right to a genuine "return," having been forced or terrorised into fleeing, are excluded.

2) Israel's policies towards the Palestinians are barbaric -- we do not wish to identify ourselves in any way with what Israel is doing.

3) We disagree with the notion that Zionist emigration to Israel is any kind of "solution" for diaspora Jews, anti-Semitism or racism -- no matter to what extent Jews have been or are victims of racism, they have no right to make anyone else victims.

4) We wish to express our solidarity with all those who are working for a time when Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip can be lived in by people without any restrictions based on so-called racial, cultural, or ethnic origins.

We look forward to the day when all the peoples of the area are enabled to live in peace with each other on this basis of non-discrimination and mutual respect. Perhaps some of us would even wish to live there, but only if the rights of the Palestinians are respected. To those who consider Israel a "safe haven"
for Jews in the face of anti-Semitism, we say that there can be no safety in taking on the role of occupier and oppressor. We hope that the people while the very people who should have most right to a genuine "return," having been forced or terrorised into fleeing, are excluded of Israel and their leaders will come to realize this soon.

Miriam Reik
- e-mail:
- Homepage:


Hide the following 9 comments


06.05.2003 00:14

This is an excellent initiative.

The demand for reparations, for past Israeli wrong-doings to the Palestinians, is an essential additional point to raise with the Western powers who created this mess and who today perpetuate it: British and American imperialism.

It is these Western powers who should pay for the reconstruction of Palestine. What we have at the present time is essentially a First World Israeli nation (with wide internal class divisions as in all capitalist countries) alongside a Third World nation--Palestine. While these enormous differences in wealth exist between Israel and Palestine, there can be no hope of a resolution of the Middle Eastern crisis. Not only must Israel abandon its idiotic policy of repression, but it must raise SERIOUS money, internally and externally, to help the Palestinians get out of the abject poverty in which they are now trapped. This is the ONLY way out of the never ending tit-for-tat violence. The first step in the realisation of this is for the Israeli left (with a little help for its friends abroad) to fight to kick out Sharon, and the other looney-tunes psychopaths, that currently run their country.

We all know that pleas for such reforms currently fall on deaf ears. History shows that reforms occur as a by-product of militant revolt. It is amazing how when the threat of mass revolution raises its head, money ("aid") suddenly appears from nowhere to buy off the resistance.

Take the example of the Cuban Revolution and the subsequent Kennedy-inspired Alliance for Progress aid programme in Continental Latin America in the 1960s. This was aimed at preventing an extension of the Cuban revolution on the Latin American continent. A totally cynical motivation. But it does show that money can be extracted if the threat of losing everything frightens the rich nations.

Individual terrorism is not effective to loosen the purse strings--and it penalises innocent civilians while leaving the real culprits, the arms mechants, the bankers, etc., untouched.

You have to mobilise large masses of the poor to really put the wind up the rich imperialist suits. Non-violent direct action is OK as far as it goes, but you will soon run up against the brick wall of the police and the army. So, you have to be prepared to organise people to go beyond pacifism if you are really serious about winning. Ghandi only succeeded in achieving a partial break with colonialism. India today is a pauper nation--there are more poor people in India today than the total population of Africa. It was only a very limited victory and that was because the Brits were terrfied of the spread of Communism after the Sceond World War. That threat has gone for the time being.

How about establishing a Middle Eastern Social Forum? Now that would be a start.


Are you telling the truth?

06.05.2003 09:27

Hmm. I went to the registrat of the domain, which is and clicked "WHOIS" and looked up the owner of the domain. You can do this yourself to see what I'm pasting below.

Here are the owners of that website:

Registrant: Acts of Conscience P.O. Box 3304 New York, New York 10025 United States Registered through: Domain Name: JEWSRENOUNCE.ORG Created on: 05-Feb-03 Expires on: 05-Feb-04 Last Updated on: 15-Feb-03 Administrative Contact: Officer, Informatoin Acts of Conscience P.O.Box 3304 New York, New York 10025 United States (212) 732-1380 Technical Contact: Officer, Information Acts of Conscience P.O.Box 3304 New York, New York 10025 United States (212) 732-1380 Domain servers in listed order: NS1.ACEHOST.COM NS2.ACEHOST.COM


What the person who posted at the top of this thread is not true. It is not "British Jews" who did this. The site owners are in New YOrk, and their contact email address is the Yale "Divest from Israel" campaign which calls for discrimination in the worldplace against Jewish Israelis, to hold them responsible for what OTHER jewish israelis do.

Essentially, people who want to urge the world to discriminate against jewish people of israeli citizenship are the people who are behind this.

Very unsavory people.


Sign-up page is kosher - go to this URL

06.05.2003 10:35

You can sign here:

This page is hosted on the web site of the British Library.

Sounds OK to me...perhaps the other website mentioned is contaminated, but so long as the text of the letter stands - there is no need to use anything but the above URL.

Best wishes,

Mr Tom


Boston Spa


Administrative Contact:
British Library (29540857O)
British Library
Boston Spa
01937546551 fax: 01937 546586
Technical Contact:
Easynet Group plc (EH-ORG)  domreg@EASYNET.NET
Easynet Group plc
44-46 Whitfield Street
+44 171 681 4444 fax: - - +44 171 681 4445

Record expires on 29-Jul-2003.
Record created on 29-Jul-1999.
Database last updated on 6-May-2003 06:33:56 EDT.

Domain servers in listed order:


Mr Tom

Nothing unsavoury at divest-from-israel

06.05.2003 10:58 is an activist site campaigning against investment in Israel, and for a boycott of Israeli goods. The poster calling him/herself WHOIS is merely distracting from the issue posted here in the first place - that there are plenty of jews worldwide disagreeing with Israel's politics of state terrorism.

- Homepage:

Who cares?

06.05.2003 15:23

Im sure Israel can do quite well without a bunch of whining self hating Jews!


Um, bassman...

06.05.2003 16:20

It's not about self-hating jews, it's about an individual's morals. I'm quite sure that many Jews worlwide do not believe in what the Israeli *government* is doing. It's as simple as that, this is just one way to express that opinion.



06.05.2003 17:05

Isn't it time you posted something with facts is it, rather than your usual racist Zionist crap?

'self-hating jews' indeed! They don't hate themselves, they just don't agree with you and people like you who want to steal Arab land for a Jewish state. Neutrei Karta appears to disagree for religious reasons as well as moral - why not try to refute their religious arguments, rather than just disparaging them as 'self-hating'?

By the way, if you don't hate yourself, perhaps I can help you out?

Love and kisses,


Life of Brian

06.05.2003 18:39

Brian I am not Jewish. I am not a Zionist. I am an anti racist whether directed at the Jewish people, blacks, hispanics, Arabs, Muslims. It bothers me to see progressives single out one group and use dubious neo Nazi sources, statements out of contex, statements collectively attributed to a group made by one member of a group. You accept any source, convict with proper hearings, take at face value any defamation as long as it is directed at Jews. Brian, face it, you are a Jew hater. Dont try to sanitize your hatred by masking it as "Anti-Zionist" we no that is a code word for--Jew hatred. Brian, get a life.


Just stop being so silly, bassman !

08.05.2003 03:01

If the Swiss government was had a "disputed territory" and was doing to its inhabitants what the Israel government is doing, there would be uproar. Surely you can see that ?

But even if only two people objected, would you want to call them racist ? Anti-Swiss ?

Unless you call them that (which is obviously very silly) then your accusations here must be simply because the people criticised are jews. ie you are treating jews as different from other people, and demanding that others do the same. In which case, it is YOU that are the racist.

Please try to understand.



You are either a very silly person, or you are a very prejudiced racist without realising it. I understand the really bad racists are absolutely blind to their condition, and just can't get it.

If you read the capitalised sentences above through, again and again very slowly and carefully, the light just might begin to dawn.
