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repression in london

andy | 05.05.2003 18:10

about mayday in london

replyind to what i wrote previously. i don't think being militant means going to a demostration with a petrol bomb. being militant it means so many things...also to fight when one of us i being arrested!!! it does make sense to go to a demostration with the fear to be arrested for nothing! and what does the movement do to be stronger and to defense ourself by this kind of attacks?
i didn't go to any meeting before mayday march. and then? do i have to be one of the organisers to feel part of a march?
i don't know, maybe it is just a differece of experiences made in the past, different ways to live a movement ( genova, prague etc...) but really it is not possible to demostrate in this condition. i didn't have fun because people is been arrested without any logical reason.
ciao again



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MAyday is our DAY

05.05.2003 19:12

You don't have top be an 'organiser' to feel a part of mayday.
Mayday should not be treated as a spectacle. Trash the television head.
If there is one aspect of capitalism ( and also leninism )that is quite insidious and is central to its logic - it is the WAR ON THE IMAGINATION.
We can get together with friends, form our affinity groups - do something ourselves, dress up, dress down, do your own action, join another action, join the main march if there is one, or don't. Whatever. Be autonomous. Act collectively. Celebrate diversity. Celebrate cpomradeship.

London, in particular has many targets, and there were other actions around different parts of the city all day. THE DAY IS OURS. TAKE IT.

As for being arrested for 'no reason' - that's not entirely true, is it. The bully boys in blue do have reasons, being the hired thugs of the fascist corporates which they are ( This includes such firms as Lockheed Martin, who apparently have business interests with the Met. Hmmm.)
