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Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq

Committee for War Criminal Prosecution | 05.05.2003 02:51

The Committee for War Criminal Prosecution held its annual spring rallies to protest war crimes committed by nation-state leaders, featuring the U.S. Bush administration's performances in Iraq this year. (article 1)

Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq
Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq

Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq
Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq

Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq
Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq

Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq
Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq

Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq
Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq

Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq
Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq

Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq
Salt Lake City rallies condemn Bush's war crimes in Iraq

The Committee for War Criminal Prosecution (CWCP)held its fourth annual spring gatherings in Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A. on April 24th and 25th. Each year, the gatherings are designed to focus attention on nation-state leaders around the world who have committed either war crimes or human rights violations.

The spring, 2003 protests singled out breaches of international law by the U.S.'s Bush administration during its recent invasion of and war against Iraq. As well, demonstrators noted efforts by that same administration to diminish individual civil liberties and constitutional protections within the United States through passage of domestic legislation designed to enhance police powers.

The CWCP's positions on both international and domestic issues as pertaining to the Bush administration are summarized more extensively in two position papers entitled, "Defending application of the rule-of-law to international politics"
and "Bush's war crimes in Iraq"

Further information about the views discussed in this article and in the CWCP position papers can be found on the following websites

Amnesty International-

Coverage of war crimes charges against U.S. Gen. Tommy Franks and evidence of other U.S. war crimes in Iraq:
Associated Press-


Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center-

"Washington Times"-

Human Rights Watch-

International Committee of the Red Cross-!Open

Iraq Body Count Project-

Medecins Sand Frontieres-

Yahoo Iraq news coverage-

Please see photos below for images of demonstrators and their signs.

Committee for War Criminal Prosecution


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