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Chemtrails Over London

News Alert | 04.05.2003 19:42


What an awesome and disgusting chemtrail display over London on Sunday, May 4th. What’s the matter with people? R U blind? Since when was it normal for jets to have four booster rockets blazing a noxious substance all over our skies, all day long. (Barium, Aluminium, Polymer Fibres, Pathogens etc.) Why don’t regular airline pilots, see it, report it, expose it? Since when were “clouds” linear and forming Blair Witch-like Runic symbols, crosses and triangles, funnels and vortices. This is insanity, while people are experiencing acute respiratory and bronchial problems or increased asthma... it is a crime against all life-forms, human, plant or animal, threatening nature’s very delicate eco-system. Why can’t the dumbed-down sheep SEE THE CHEMTRAILS, and then rage against it? Or are you afraid you are called a loon? It’s lunacy to ignore it! Our friendly World Government could wipe us out – EXTINCTION-LEVEL-EVENT – by spraying deadly toxins on us through chemtrails! Do U even care?

News Alert


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more information please

04.05.2003 19:51

Maybe we don't rage because we don't know what you're talking about? More information please?


better get a cloudbuster up there

04.05.2003 21:36

Better ensure a cloud/chembuster is installed in the Kapital as soon as
It doesn't take much decimation knowledge to understand the direction of the NWO


Why no-one knows about it because

05.05.2003 07:35

It's all a figment of your paranoid imagination.

Have a nice day!

Thomas J

Oh and by the way conspiracists

05.05.2003 07:37

Don't even bother even bother sending any abusive replies about this, I am NOT going to rise to it. I will leave you now with this, enjoy,

Thomas J
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Oh Puleeeease.................

05.05.2003 18:46

Oh Puleeeease.................
Oh Puleeeease.................

Not Jay Reynolds... you'll have to do better than that.


Nothing is ever good enough for you guys

06.05.2003 08:38

Thing is, you will dismiss anything that debunks your conspiracy theory as not good enough and that I would have to 'do better than that'. Well showing a picure of naturally occuring cirrus and cirrostatus clouds is not what I would consider 'good enough', even though it's criss crossed by various contrails, the number of them is a bit strange, but then, you can do really wonderful things with Photoshop, can't you?

Thomas J


06.05.2003 09:04

See "Air traffic may increase cirrus cloudiness," Nature 397:30, 7 January 1999

...and then stop polluting the internet with 'chemtrails'.

mail e-mail:
- Homepage:

If ur gonna hijack my identity...

06.05.2003 11:14

At least SPELL my name correctly u idiot!!! As far as the real bullshit buster is concerned, i am quite happy to let sleeping dogs lie on this one, other people have have put a valid argument against this, no real point in igniting flame wars, just makes them more detemined. I've also realised it was getting out of hand when i was scanning the newswire every day trying to find fault in an article, so i have stopped before it became an insane obssession.

Hence, bullshit buster is no more, I am still going to critise conspiracy stuff (under a different name) when I feel the need to, but I will now do it in a more intellegent manner.

So please, let me rest in peace, it wasn't clever then, and it still isn't clever now, and I have realised this.

bullshit buster (ghost of)

Chemtrails are very real and being sprayed on troops in Iraq

31.01.2004 17:30

Wake up and realize and study the subject...the truth is stranger than fiction..."they" are spraying the population in America and elsewhere at a fantastic rate...possibly chemtrail suppression of human evolution or population control/pharmaceutical industry project..

Conner McLeod