Blair suspends NI elections/democrasy to save master lickel davy trimbull
Cleo | 03.05.2003 22:09
How would the british public like it, if Blair suspended his own UK national elections just because he thought New labour/old tories wouldn't do well in them?? In a shocking bare faced display of election manipulation, Blair once again exposes his brit colonial overlord mannerisms by pulling the rug from under the assembly elections and denying democrasy to the northern irish public.
have to agree with the DUP on this one, and to support their legal challenge against Blair's illegal election engeneering on behalf of lickle davy trunchbull even though the DUP are not my cup of tea. The brits can't just run off with the ball when the game isn't going their way, just because their prize player lickel davy trunchbull is about to be sent off. Thats not what democrasy is about, election engineering and stacking the odds in teacher's pet lickel davy trunchbulls favour. Blair is once again proving that northern ireland is on parr with other colonial tinpot third world junta outposts, where democrasy/elections can be suspended at the drop of a hat, according to the whims/favours of el presidente. We're not living in the last century, brits like tiny tony need to change their abhorrent snobby brit overlord mentality and move out of the dark ages. Tony can't preach to northern Irish people about abandoning paramilitarism if there are no political outlets/pathways in place to replace paramilitarism. We have to remember for many years paramilitaries have represented and protected their working class loyalist and republican communities, Tony suspending our political structures/escape from paramilitarism, will only drive ordinary people back to paramilitaries to represent them. Northern irish people will have no choice but to turn to paramilitaries to get their views/message across to the brits.
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more power to the paramilitaries
04.05.2003 12:57
from the man that gave us FRU