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Palestinians need sane leaders

Professor J. Ali | 03.05.2003 03:52

While Israel has democratically elected leaders in and out every few years, who have tried many peace approaches, Palestinians have been lead to ruin by the same single terrorist leader for 35 years in a row, Yasser Arafat.

Israel offered a permanent peace 3 years ago. Palestinians rejected it and began their terrorist intifada. AFTER they began it, months after, Israelis voted in ariel sharon, as a response to it. After palestinans were successfully hitting israel with terrorist attacks every 1-3 DAYS, israel responded by going into many additional palestinian towns that were hotbeds for terrorists in an effort to clamp down on them. They would rather hamas lunatics try to attack israeli soldiers outside of israel than successfully break in and blow up every innocent jewish person they can get at. That is what's happening right now. There is no "ethnic cleansing." Almost 20% of israeli citizens are muslims/arabs, and they are not being harmed. Israel is not fighting a "race." Israel is not fighting with their own arab citizens. Israel is fighting with their neighbors, the palestinians, who are not israeli citizens, and who refuse to call off their idiotic, self-destructive intifada. Israel is more heavily armed than these nuts, so naturally when they fight, more palestinians die than israeli soliders do. If Israeli soliders wanted to, they could kill 5000 or 10,000 a day. They don't want to. They are hunting terrorists and people who refuse to be civil and peaceful. If Israel cared nothing about hurting their neighbors then every time a palestinian from town X attacked israel, israel could just lob giant bombs into town X, not lose a single israeli soldier, and kill thousand of palestinians at a time. After a few rounds of that, terrorism against israel would probably stop. But at an enormouse rate of innocent deaths. Israel does not want that. Proof of this is that instead of just lobbing bombs and killing thousands at a time, Israel has always tried to clamp down on terrorist hotbed towns, control them, and hunt terrorists and arrest people who are involved with attacks.

The day terrorists from towns X and Y attack israel and israel responds with giant bombs killing 3,000 from town X and 6,500 from town Y is the day you should declare that israel is responding with full war and no longer cares about hurting innocents. Until then, you should shut your mouths and try to figure out what it's like to try to kill terrorists who mix in with innocent people and have voluntary and involuntary "human shields" trying to protect them.

The solution to this is as follows. First, palestinians must call off their insane terrorist intifada. Hamas and islamic jihad nutcases must be gotten rid of. And Palestinians have had the same nutcase leader for 35 years, Yasser Arafat, and it's ridiculous to think that peace can come with a lunatic like him at the healm. Israel democratically elects new leaders every few years. All Israeli citizens of every religion vote. There are muslims and arabs, democratically elected, who are a part of the Israeli government right now. Israel leaders change every few years, and over the last 10 or 20 years Israeli leaders have tried every approach possible in dealing with the Palestinians. But when your dictator, err, leader, is Yasser Arafat for 35 years in a row, you aren't going to do very well. He needs to be replaced. Palestinians need a SANE, CIVIL, RESPONSIBLE leadership who, if given power, will lead Palestine into becoming a respectable state, and not just another terrorist home like Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, etc.

Think about it. If Israel right now handed over total land control of the West bank and gaza to Palestinians, and scumbags like Hamas, Islamic JIhad, Arafat, etc. were the main groups in charge and with all the power, what kind of state would Palestine be in 2 or 4 or 10 years? A terrorist state who would probably seek to destroy Israel the moment they had the power to do so. And don't go talking about Ariel Sharon, because Israel is a democracy, he was just voted in a mere 3 years ago, and he will probably be voted out in a year or two when a tough guy like him isn't needed anymore to run the place. BUT, THINK ABOUT THIS, if we can find a group of civil, moderate, non-extremist Palestinians to act as leaders, and give them control of the land, and let them lead Palestine into becoming a state, they can make sure it is run RESPONSIBLY and doesn't turn into a terrorist state and eventually make full war on Israel.

No matter which "side" you are on (the side that wants peace for both sides, or the side that wants to wipe Israel out), think about it. If you genuinely want peace for everyone involved, what would be better, if terrorists and lunatics like arafat and hamas run Palestine and gain power as it becomes a state (eventually leading to probable full war with Israel), or if CIVIL, SANE, RESPONSIBLE leaders run Palestine and gain power as it becomes a state, leading to a responsible neighbor who won't attack Israel and therefore war won't result and hoards of people won't die on both sides.

I'm for the latter.

Israel already offered to remove the settlements, several times, in fact. That's quite possible. But as long as war is being made on Israel, it makes no sense to do so.

Israel many times has offered to end the occupation in return for peace. Palestinians, mostly due to their terrorist leaders and popular terrorist groups, have always rejected the peace and chosen to attack. So, now, Israel attacks the attackers, specifically trying to get at members of the organizations that refuse to stop attacking Israel.

Palestinians controlled over 90% of their own land for most of the 1990's. Yet they still refused to stop attacking Israel, and still refuse to call off their terrorist intifada attacks. So, Israel had to go back in.

Israel's occupation should end the moment responsible, sane, non-extremist leaders for Palestinians emerge to take control and lead to a permanent, peaceful future. Israel's occupation should not end as long as the likes of Arafat and Hamas represent the Palestinian people. That would not help either side.

Egypt was willing to make real peace with Israel. Israel accepted, and it worked, and it has lasted.

Jordan was willing to make real peace with Israel. Israel accepted, and it worked, and it has lasted.

Of course, both Jordan and Egypt are still anti-semitic countries. Hell, it's barely even legal to BE a Jew in half the arab states. But that's another story. We're talking about political relations.

Palestinians have had the same nutcase leader since the 1960's. He's a loser. Arafat needs to go. Can we dig up some Palestinian moderates who aren't religious extremists and genuinely want peace for both sides, PLEASE?

Until that happens, no good will result.

Professor J. Ali


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dear professor J. Ali

03.05.2003 06:14

Mr Ali, don't delude yourself. Democracy or not Israel is behaving as a rogue state. The solution of the problem is the integration of palestinian and israeli workers.
Sharon is mass murderer and Arafat is not less criminal, the point is Israelis want palestinians out of their own territory. Peace agreements past and present are garbage, they never talk about auto-determanation of palestininas.
In US and GB democracy creates tyrants, Bush/Blair are an example. Sharon maybe be an elected idividual but he is still a criminal.


Yeah they need Zionist running things

03.05.2003 07:27

Strange they can't find a zionist to run Palestine they run just about every thing else on this fucked up planet ..
Divide an rule has been practised on the Arabs for centuries.
They don't even quailify as victims of racism, jews have got the monopoly on that.



03.05.2003 08:49

Please...the plight of the Palestinians has been recognised by global governmental consensus to be due to racism.

It is the racist countries like the USA and UK (of course Israel) that fail to accept this decision and keep on distracting from the facts. Please do not contribute to their devious plans and aims.

Please refer to

and let us know IF you read the 'plight of the palestinian people' as NOT DUE TO RACISM.
If so this has to be made clear.

Thank you.

Also some of you might like to browse the UN archives on the Palestine mess and understand the divide and rule policies and how they work against humanity...especially at a time where our govt. is at it again, illegally, (using centuries old experience) in dividing up and ruling Iraq.

One sad but often repeated lament from this much ignored archive found at
is worth quoting....

'As soon as the Partition Plan was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, in November 1947, the Zionists decided to get rid of the Arabs living in territory which was to belong to their State. They did not shrink from any methods of dispersing that Arab population. Acts of terrorism and persecution vying in horror with the methods of Hitler were committed by Zionist bands of terrorists, to the full knowledge of the British Mandatory authorities, which were still responsible for maintaining order and security in the country. That state of affairs soon alarmed the Security Council, which, in its resolution of 17 April 1948 concerning the situation in Palestine, expressed itself in the following terms: "…the United Kingdom Government, so long as it remains the Mandatory Power, is responsible for the maintenance of peace and order in Palestine and should continue to take all steps necessary to that end".'

-- 1951

is a good way to point out that the UK govt. was behind the divide and rule policy and the Zionists were a band of terrorists....a bit like the UDF and other gangs in N.Ireland but boosted by racism. all the business interests and who controls who comes after these basic facts.
Yes, the Zionists have risen up and organised themselves much more since then but if one was to troubleshoot clarity is important.
In the above quoted paragraph also note the absence of the word Jew as much as Christian or Muslim.


exiled sheep

All Jewish Zionist are Murderers!

03.05.2003 09:32

Yes, Israel is a democracy; and Sharon has been voted into office TWICE.

Therefore, we must assume that the majority of Israelis agree with Sharon's murderous policies. We must therefore assume that most Israelis, if not most Jews around the world are genocidal Zionist racists. What other possible conclusion can be drawn?

Therefore Prof. Ali(sic) your elaborate justification for Jewish state terrorism will change nothing. We know what the Zionist Jews want - not peace; but the complete enslavement of every Palestinian. Actions speak louder than words.


Actions speak louder than words

03.05.2003 14:04 up.

the word

anti-semitism is ANNOYING

03.05.2003 17:35

I can't understand why such nuts post articles/comments on IndyMedia so often. About half the posts here are wierd fanatically and insanely anti-Zionists, who usually mix Zionism with Judaism and blame Jews for everything. And then theres also the occasional one going on about Palestinian terror, which always leave at the terror Palestinians live in under the Israeli occupation, saying 'oh but we didn't mean to kill innocents' etc.

The occupation is wrong, unjustified, and unneccessarily brutal. If the Israelis were as serious as peace as they claim then they could just withdraw back to the old borders, the PLO would then have to hold elections etc or it would be called a dictatorship, and then if they continued terrorism/not going after the terrorists then they are the bad side. Maybe Hamas would continue, but without the occupation they would lose support probably, and they were initially set up by Israel remember.

Anyway back to my original point.

Israelis/Jews are NOT Nazis and do NOT control America/the world. Those are just the usual anti-semitic conspiracy theories, which most often trace back to fascists and are based on forged/invented 'evidence', and fill in huge gaps with 'ah so this means that they are doing this with these people, but wait a minute, those people are doing that... ahh they must be doing that because they want them to do that so they can do the other thing' etc.

IndyMedia says in its thing that they want a better world, cooperation etc, and anti-semitism (either against Jews or Arabs), is the complete opposite of that. You lot make IndyMedia really annoying sometimes, every other post theres an article or comment about how Jews (or Israelis depending on how wanting-not-to-seem-like-an-anti-semitic-conspiracy-theorist-like-they-are the person is) control everything or rule everything or did this or that or whatever. There are tonnes of anti-Semitic or conspiracy sites of forums you could post your rubbish at.



03.05.2003 23:46

Sad that someone posts an intelligent article that gets to the heart of the problem, and a bunch of crazed, insane, deluded and IGNORANT Israel, zionist and "jew" haters have to rise from the woodwork to spew idiotic opinions.

Israel is not racist. Israeli citizens are of every race, religion, color and creed, and they all have equal voting, working and life rights. ALmost 20% of Israeli citizens are arab. Also, semitic jews and semetic arabs are the same race. None of them are being discriminated against. You morons who yell "racist israel!" are ignorant fools.

Israel's problem is with the people next door,the palestinians, who are the same race as about 60% of the Israeli Jews. And it has nothing to do with race. Palestinian leaders and top organizations are terrorists and killers, and Israel is battling them because of what they do and try to do (kill the jews), not because of their race.

If "the zionists" hate the palestinians, it's because the palestinians refuse to stop trying to kill jews, not because of what race the palestinians are. Again, the palestinians (semites) are the same race as the majority of jewish israelis (semites).

Also, for the ignorant fools who compare ariel sharon to yasser arafat, all you do is reveal that you know nothing. Ariel Sharon's #1 goal is keeping Israel safe and alive. Arafat's #1 goal, which he PUBLICALLY STATED and acted on for about 30 years, was to wipe Israel out. Motivation matters, you know. Or are you too stupid to not care WHY things happen? And Ariel sharon wasn't even in office when palestinians trashed the peace process, rejected israel's offer of a state, and began daily terrorist attacks against Israel. The intifada began, and MONTHS LATER, Ariel Sharon was elected in.

When Palestinians call off their insane terrorist intifada and get leaders who aren't nutcases, that's when this problem will advance.


Sorry, am I annoying you?...

04.05.2003 01:56

... if so, then...

Did you know that non-Jewish Israelis cannot buy or lease land in Israel?

Did you know that Palestinian license plates in Israel are colour coded to distinguish Jews from non-Jews?

Did you know that Jerusalem, both East and West, is considered by the entire world community, including the United States, to be occupied territory and NOT part of Israel?

Did you know that Israel allots 85% of the water resources for Jews and the remaining 15% is divided among all Palestinians in the territories? For example in Hebron, 85% of the water is given to about 400 settlers, while 15% must be divided among Hebron's 120,000 Palestinians?

Did you know the United States awards Israel $5 billion in aid each year?

Did you know that yearly US aid to Israel exceeds the aid the US grants to the whole African continent?

Did you know that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that has nuclear weapons?

Did you know that Israel is the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and bars international inspections from its sites?

Did you know that Israel currently occupies territories of two sovereign nations (Lebanon and Syria) in defiance of United Nations Security Council resolutions?

Did you know that Israel has for decades routinely sent assassins into other countries to kill its political enemies?

Did you know that high-ranking military officers in the Israeli Defense Forces have admitted publicly that unarmed prisoners of war were executed by the IDF?

Did you know that Israel refuses to prosecute its soldiers who have acknowledged executing prisoners of war?

Did you know that Israel routinely confiscates bank accounts, businesses, and land and refuses to pay compensation to those who suffer the confiscation?

Did you know that Israel blew up an American diplomatic facility in Egypt and attacked a U.S. ship in international waters, killing 33 and wounding 177 American sailors?

Did you know that the second most powerful lobby in the United States, according to a recent Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders, is the Israeli AIPAC?

Did you know that Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions?

Did you know that today's Israel sits on the former sites of more than 400 now-vanished Palestinian villages, and that the Israelis renamed almost every physical site in the country to cover up the traces?

Did you know that it was not until 1988 that Israelis were barred from running "Jews Only" job ads?

Did you know that four prime ministers of Israel (Begin, Shamir, Rabin, and Sharon) have taken part in either bomb attacks on civilians, massacres of civilians, or forced expulsions of civilians from their villages?

Did you know that the Israeli Foreign Ministry pays two American public relations firms to promote Israel to Americans?

Did you know that Sharon's coalition government includes a party- Molodet which advocates expelling all Palestinians from the occupied territories?

Did you know that Israel's settlement-building increased in the eight years since Oslo?

Did you know that settlement building under Barak doubled compared to settlement building under Netanyahu?

Did you know that Israel once dedicated a postage stamp to a man who attacked a civilian bus and killed several people?

Did you know that recently-declassified documents indicate that David Ben-Gurion in at least some instances approved of the expulsion of Palestinians in 1948?

We often hear of Ehud Barak's generosity about an alleged return of 95% of the Palestinian Occupied Territories. When Palestinians refused, they were blamed for "missing an opportunity." Did you know that the Palestinians have already accepted Israel's existence on 78% of what was Palestine?

For those who use the argument of the Bible: God said to Abraham, "Unto thy seed, I will give thy land." Abraham had two sons. Ismael-the Arab son, and Isaac-the Jewish son. So even if one wants to go to the Bible, the land would belong to both.

Did you know that Palestinian Christians are considered the "living stones" of Christianity because they are the direct descendants of the disciples of Jesus Christ?

Did you know that despite a ban on torture by Israel's High Court of Justice, torture has continued by Shin Bet interrogators on Palestinian prisoners?

Did you know that Palestinian refugees make up the largest portion of the refugee population in the world, after Afghanistan?

Did you ever wonder who is preventing you from getting a clear picture of who the Palestinians are and what the Israelis have done to them?




04.05.2003 03:00

"Anti-zionism=Anti-Jewish Racism" A quote by the great American Civil Rights leader, Martin Luther King Jr.


Recent re-evaluation of Israels "95% offer"

04.05.2003 04:28

The article above begins with a reference to the famous "95% offer".

I am beginning to realise that the nature of this offer, and the propaganda action in relation to it, have been hugely significant in reducing empathy towards the palestinians.

Lets examine what we can find out about what the offer actually was. New information is coming to light.

The offer gave the PA "sovereignty" over lots of territory, but it was sovereignty in name only. The settlements would remain inside the PA territory, and the Israeli army would remain with them, having full access to "protect them" including maintaining control of the huge Israeli-only roads which connect them. The PA was not allowed any army or air force. The Israeli air force would patrol the skies. The sovereign territory was completely ringed round with a thin Israeli "secirity zone" so that it had absolutely no borders with any state but Israel. Israel could thus seal it off, and control all movement at the slightest provocation. Israel controlled its water resources. Some sovereignty ! Oh, and $30Bn compensation for the refugees, but this had to be raised by the international community, not Israel, and they wouldn't get their land back. The Palestinian capital to be not the real Jerusalem, but a village called Abu-Dis outside Jerusalem proper, but just within its eastern borders, cleverly renamed to Al-Quds (the arab name for Jerusalem) to hide the deception. To get this whole wonderful deal Arafat would have to sign that it was full and final settlement of every claim and every issue - never to be argued about again.

So why have you read none of these details before? Because Israel insisted that all negotiations must be verbal, with nothing to be written down until it was all agreed (which it never was). You can see why.

How then is it known ? Because just recently a couple of people who participate have started reporting what happened, based on notes taken at the time. One was Robert Malley, special assistant for Arab-Israeli affairs in the Clinton administration. Malley was at Camp David, and he kept detailed notes of the "verbal only" discussions.

Why didn't the Palestinians defend themselves from the "they refused unreasonably" accusation by revealing these details at the time? Good question, and no one really understands why, except that Arafat appears to be working to an agenda which puts himself above the interests of his people.

If you doubt Malleys description of the nature of the offer, search the net yourself for any authorative alternative description with any actual detail.
I have not obtained Malleys own book, but have taken some of the above detail from another book, written by an Israeli academic.

This book is : Israel/Palestine - How to End the War of 1948 by Tanya Reinhart ISBN 1-58322-538-2. Ms Reinhart is a Professor at Tel Aviv University, and has a website at

If you have the time to examine just one aspect of this whole complicated mess, I suggest you investigate this, and make up your own mind what the offer was, and whether it should, or could have been accepted.

My personal opinion is that the offer was as I describe, and also (sadly) that Israel has never had a good-faith intention to seek peace with a truly sovereighn palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank.

For an up-to-date insight on Israeli Govt thinking on the roadmap TODAY, read this item.

Ignore the slightly intemperate introduction. I can confirm the quote from Al Haaretz is correct.

Peter Mortimer


04.05.2003 06:24

The average Israeli Jew is a normal, civilized person.

The average Palestinian is a crazed, radical lunatic-supporting nutcase who thinks that attacking Israel will make Israel give in to demands.

Palestinians have tried that approach for 35 years now. It hasn't worked. At this point, any offers Israel gives them at all should be considered a gift.

Arab countries who kicked all their jews out aren't doing anything. Yet Israel isn't kicking their own muslims out of Israel. Israel is just fighting with the nutcase Palestinians, their wonderful neighbors, who celebrate crazed suicide bombers and think that if they "die for Allah" it'll somehow help their own cause.

Palestinians should have just been allowed to immigrate to Jordan and let that have been the end of it. But anyone who really knows this issue knows that Palestinains were terrorizing Jordan and trying to take the country over, which is why in the early 1970's, King Hussein was forced to attack the Palestinians and kick all their terrorist groups out, killing 5,000-10,000 Palestinians in the span of one month. Look up the details of "Black September"

Jews got kicked around the world 8234892348932 times, then flocked to the desert to try to build up a democracy, arabs tried to exterminate them a few times, and so the democracy is not perfect. Whatever. Fuck Arafat, and hamas, and the damn crazed islamic extremists (not "muslims" - I'm talking specifically about "extremists" - who tend to be pretty popular among so-called palestinian "moderates").

There are 1 billion arabs and about 6 million israeli jews. THe arabs want them dead, or gone. It isn't going to happen. Once a palestinan state exists (well, Jordan is mostly made up of palestinians, but whatever), it'll be permanent. I support Israel expanding their borders a bit considering their nutcase neighbors, because once it's set, it's set.

Sam Logan