SARS anybody
dh | 02.05.2003 22:02
Sorry for that insane Hong Kong toy again - it's ripe with symbolism - you turn that robot all white - you see the medical staff in China herding the sick into an interment camp This is the biochemical terror against the Orient race?
From the Rumor Mill News Reading Room
Was the SARS virus cultured from long buried
Alaskan victims of the 1918 Pandemic?
Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Monday, 28 April 2003, 1:40 a.m.
The more I discover and read about SARS, the more convinced I am that this epidemic is the one that I was told would hit China if the Chinese became too powerful and began threatening the United States.
I was told that a bio-weapon had already been created that would target the Asian race. The media has not, (probably WILL not) done a breakdown of the SARS victims by race. What is known is the disease is hitting mainly people of Asian descent.
This of course could have NOTHING to do with SARS being a virus created to target Asians. It could simply mean the people who became infected were Asians, they lived in Asian communities, their friends and family were Asian and if they traveled, they traveled on airlines with predominantly Asian passengers.
Here is an extremely timely article that was sent by a reader who writes:
“Please convince me that the SARS acronym was not intentionally created to frighten the Chinese people...
According to the Boston Globe, the acronym "SARS" sounds like the Chinese word for "to kill."
This other article says SARS might be ethnic: "It may be that some individuals have a genetic quirk that makes them more efficient spreaders of the virus, some have said. Others speculate that some ethnic or environmental difference may account for the hot spots."
And the San Francisco Chronicle reports: "China and Hong Kong account for 87 percent of the 4,439 worldwide SARS cases listed by WHO. There have been 263 fatalities around the world attributed to SARS, 219 of them in China and Hong Kong, according to WHO statistics."
The way SARS is mutating, it is possible that what we have here is just phase one. If a similar, but more deadly virus is introduced at this point, how is anyone going to know if it is a new strain or a mutation? Remember, most of the microbiologists who could have answered this question are dead. That's a bit too convenient don't you think?
Several years ago we were told about an expedition that traveled to Alaska to dig up the bodies of people who had died in the 1918-1919 flu pandemic. At the time, many of us speculated that the reason they were doing this was to engineer a new bio-weapon that could kill off 4/5s of the population. Take a look at the statistics for SARS against the statistics for the 1918 Pandemic:
Have you seen this information? It’s from the Salt Lake City Tribune:
"The current 5.6 percent death rate for SARS is much higher than that for the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, which was less than 1 percent... But the influenza pandemic killed from 20 million to 40 million people in the world because it spread so quickly."
In case you are not familiar with the 1918-19 Pandemic, here is a link to an article written by Hobie, an RMNews Agent, about the Pandemic. It was written in December of 2000
The Great Influenze Epidemic
The following information about the 1918 Pandemic is from an Australian ABC webpage titled,
“The 1918 Flu spread from one end of the earth to the other. Nations like Australia were relatively well quarantined. But in the remote villages of Alaska, there was little natural immunity to influenza. Entire communities were wiped out.
The death rate in the United States at least was so large that it caused the life expectancy curve in the United States to drop about a dozen years just for 1918. The remarkable thing about the 1918 flu was that…15 to 40 year olds were really selectively targeted by this virus and targeted for death in extremely unusual and dramatic way that their lungs went off and completely filled with their own bodily fluids or their blood and they literally drowned in their own blood often just in two or three days after the onset of symptoms so it was unbelievably dramatic.”
Why was the 1918 flu so lethal? This was the question that kept doctors and scientists studying the 1918 flu.
From the same webpage:
“It wasn’t until two decades later, that the hunt for the 1918 flu virus resumed. In the isolated mission village of Brevig in Alaska, 1918 flu victims had been buried in a mass grave. A young virologist, Johan Hultin hoped to recover samples of the virus from the bodies. Arriving at the remote outpost, Hultin set about exhuming the bodies. Lung tissue was recovered, but Johan Hultin was unable to culture the virus.
…in 1951 you could culture influenza viruses but you couldn't do any genetic analysis. The structure DNA was actually not even determined at that time so his attempt to culture the virus was not successful probably because the virus is too fragile to survive freezing under those circumstances for so long.
A dejected Hultin pursued a career as a hospital pathologist. The 1918 flu virus had eluded medical scrutiny once again. Forty five years later, the hunt for the 1918 flu virus took a remarkable turn. Washington DC - decision-making heart of the United States Government. Here, with remarkable foresight, comprehensive military records had been archived - including tissue specimens from dead soldiers. The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology administered a repository of tens of millions of tissue samples - going back to last century. In March 1996, pathologist Dr Jeffery Taubenberger, was seeking a way to justify keeping the old military tissue specimens. He wondered if the repository held lung tissue specimens from soldiers who had died from the 1918 flu. Supervisor, Al Riddick was dispatched to locate 70 such cases that showed up on the computer database. Sure enough, they were there: microscope slides and tissue specimens preserved in paraffin blocks. Jeffrey Taubenberger had his samples.
From the 70 samples, Jeffrey Taubenberger hoped for at least one good case. Eventually he found it. Medical records showed that on September 26, 1918, six days after contracting the flu, Private Roscoe Vaughn died from bronchial pneumonia in his left lung. His right lung, however, appeared almost normal - except for traces of viral damage.
...would remnants of the virus still be there? Taking the 79 year-old paraffin blocks, Dr Taubenberger carefully sliced off tissue from Private Roscoe Vaughn’s lung. Taubenberger’s colleague, Dr Ann Reid painstakingly analysed the samples.
Eventually... success! From minuscule fragments of RNA, Reid and Taubenberger were able to reconstruct much of the genetic sequence of the 1918 flu.
Still... the pathologists were uneasy. Their results were based on just one tissue sample. Nevertheless, in March 1997, the findings were published in the prestigious journal, "Science". Remarkably, that paper was read by Johan Hultin who’d exhumed flu victim’s bodies in Alaska 46 years earlier, in 1951. Within weeks, Hultin was on his way back to Brevig.
Dr Hultin knew precisely where Taubenberger and Reid might find additional tissue samples! There was just a chance that, here in the Alaskan permafrost, buried bodies of flu victims still contained traces of the virus. Employing local diggers, Hultin began exhuming the bodies once more.
He went up on his own initiative with his own money ah without any other kind of support ah as a seventy four year old man and got permission ah from the village council of Brevig Mission, Alaska, one of these tiny villages and started an exhumation last August… That lasted just a couple of days and he was able to dig down and found four bodies, one of which was a very well preserved in the ice and was a female that he named Lucy."
Hultin removed tissue from Lucy’s lung and dispatched his precious cargo to Jeffrey Taubenberger in Washington DC.
He sent two through the United States mail and one with Federal Express and one with the UPS shipping so that at least one of these deliveries services would work. As it turns out all four arrived just as he had had hoped.
Several days later, to Jeffrey Taubenberger’s delight, Lucy’s lung tissue showed familiar signs of viral damage.
If SARS is an ethnically targeted virus, one that was genetically created for the Asian race, we need to know what an Asian is. It seems strange to me that the only bodies from which the samples of the 1918 flu were taken were Alaskan natives.
What race do native Alaskans belong to?
I watched a program on the Discovery network about the Alutian Islands. One part of the program talked about the ice in the glaciers still being frozen and the ocean water height being much lower. As such, there was a bridge from Asia to Alaska.
The writer of the program stated that the current theory is the Asian race crossed the land bridge and settled North, Central and South America.
The point I am making regarding a race targeting virus is this: If SARS was created in a laboratory to target the Asian race, then we should know who is targeted?
We need to ask ourselves if Alaska natives are part of this Asian DNA family. Are the Indian tribes of North America subject to this virus? We know from Operation Rain Dance, the report on ethnically targeted viruses written by Gunther Russbacher, that the so-called Hanta virus was one of the first sucessful experiments in creating ethnically targeted viruses. The so-called (and misnamed) Hanta virus only killed American Indians.
If SARS is targeted to kill the Asian race, are ALL of the aboriginal natives of the Americas considered Asian? If so, how much native American blood to you need to have to make you susceptible to the virus?
Many American citizens, myself included, have Indian blood. Mexico, Central America and South America are almost predominantly made up of people who are descended from the native people.
Canada is different. The Canadians didn't intermarry, they simply killed the natives! And before our Canadian readers stop reading Rumor Mill News, please read The Canadian Holocaust The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples by Church and State in Canada - A Summary of an Ongoing, Independent Inquiry into Canadian Native 'Residential Schools' and their Legacy", by Rev. Kevin D. Annett, MA, MDiv. The report is published by The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, a public investigative body continuing the work of previous Tribunals into native residential schools: The Justice in the Valley Coalition's Inquiry into Crimes Against Aboriginal People, convened in Port Alberni, British Columbia, on December 9, 1994, and The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities Tribunal into Canadian Residential Schools, held in Vancouver, BC, from June 12-14, 1998. Editor.)
Returning once again to SARS. If SARS is the virus I was told about, the one that would make sure that the Chinese would not try to conquer the world, then we need to start wondering just how far such a virus will spread. At the same time I was told about the virus which would target the Asian race, I was told about The Great Dying. (I wrote about this is Operation Rain Dance)
Once when I sat at a table of high ranking Navy Intelligence types, they told me the story about, "The Great Dying". They said that the old plagues like cholera and malaria would soon break out in South America and Central America and millions of dying people would be crawling northward, desperately trying to escape the death that awaited them in the muddy waters of their homelands.
end of Excerpt
Until now, I never associated the virus made for the Asian race and the "The Great Dying". However, I am now wondering if SARS will soon be followed by more viruses. Maybe SARS won't kill people whose DNA is a mixture of Asian and European. Maybe a second wave of deadly viruses is needed to complete the job.
Since 1994 I have been writing about the things I was told by the Navy Intelligence officers who were Gunther's friends. They talked about how they had engineered the Nasdaq rise and fall.
At the time they told me this I had never even heard of the Nasdaq let alone the companies that were yet to be created. But right on cue, the dot.coms rose and fell and the people who engineered them made billions.
I was told that the stock market would crash and a two to three year war would be the only way to keep the United States from going into a depression that was worse than the one in the 1930s.
We are into year two of the two to three year war. It looks like we will be in it for another year, part three of this war will probably be in Korea.
The cycles of the world are planned in hundred year cycles, with each 20 year period accomplishing one leg of the cycle. The 21st century was supposed to have started off with a celebration dedicated to the new world order. The symbol of this celebration was to have been the placing of the capstone on the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
However, The Capstone Was NOT Placed On the Giza Pyramid "In this article, RMNews lays out the events that make us believe that the NWO was NOT able to usher in its One World Government on the time schedule they wanted.
One thing that must be remembered -- While there are two or three major powers in the world -- ONE of which being the United States -- there can BE no ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT."
Also from the above article: "However, there is credible evidence showing that the former Soviet Union and China are allying against the United States. If the United States is destroyed or weakened to the point that it becomes a collection of "warring states" similar to Yugoslavia, then there will be NO country of educated men and women that is strong and intelligent enough to beat back a One World Government."
The NWO plan to usher in a One World Government was stopped by those men and women who oppose a One World Government. Most of those men and women reside in the United States and most of the money that is used for the operations to derail the NWO comes from the United States.
The New World Order cannot come into fruition as long as there is an organized opposition to it hiding in the United States. I am certain the NWO plan is to take down America and turn it into a collection of warring states, much like Nemesis described in his NEVADA JOE SERIES.
The Opposition to the NWO will be faced with survival, just like the rest of the us and as such, the opposition will be neutralized. We will be a country at war against ourselves. But at the end of this war, we will not go back together as one country like we did after the Civil War. Instead we will break up into ethnically divided states who will be in a constant state of war until the New World Order steps in and brings a Conditional Peace... meaning slavery.
Keeping all of this in mind... I continue to watch SARS. I don't think anyone has the full truth of what SARS is. The reason I say this is because the moment doctors think they have cracked the code, the virus will mutate... OR an already mutated strain will be released.

Was the SARS virus cultured from long buried
Alaskan victims of the 1918 Pandemic?
Posted By: Rayelan
Date: Monday, 28 April 2003, 1:40 a.m.
The more I discover and read about SARS, the more convinced I am that this epidemic is the one that I was told would hit China if the Chinese became too powerful and began threatening the United States.
I was told that a bio-weapon had already been created that would target the Asian race. The media has not, (probably WILL not) done a breakdown of the SARS victims by race. What is known is the disease is hitting mainly people of Asian descent.
This of course could have NOTHING to do with SARS being a virus created to target Asians. It could simply mean the people who became infected were Asians, they lived in Asian communities, their friends and family were Asian and if they traveled, they traveled on airlines with predominantly Asian passengers.
Here is an extremely timely article that was sent by a reader who writes:
“Please convince me that the SARS acronym was not intentionally created to frighten the Chinese people...
According to the Boston Globe, the acronym "SARS" sounds like the Chinese word for "to kill."

This other article says SARS might be ethnic: "It may be that some individuals have a genetic quirk that makes them more efficient spreaders of the virus, some have said. Others speculate that some ethnic or environmental difference may account for the hot spots."

And the San Francisco Chronicle reports: "China and Hong Kong account for 87 percent of the 4,439 worldwide SARS cases listed by WHO. There have been 263 fatalities around the world attributed to SARS, 219 of them in China and Hong Kong, according to WHO statistics."
The way SARS is mutating, it is possible that what we have here is just phase one. If a similar, but more deadly virus is introduced at this point, how is anyone going to know if it is a new strain or a mutation? Remember, most of the microbiologists who could have answered this question are dead. That's a bit too convenient don't you think?
Several years ago we were told about an expedition that traveled to Alaska to dig up the bodies of people who had died in the 1918-1919 flu pandemic. At the time, many of us speculated that the reason they were doing this was to engineer a new bio-weapon that could kill off 4/5s of the population. Take a look at the statistics for SARS against the statistics for the 1918 Pandemic:
Have you seen this information? It’s from the Salt Lake City Tribune:
"The current 5.6 percent death rate for SARS is much higher than that for the 1918-1919 influenza pandemic, which was less than 1 percent... But the influenza pandemic killed from 20 million to 40 million people in the world because it spread so quickly."

In case you are not familiar with the 1918-19 Pandemic, here is a link to an article written by Hobie, an RMNews Agent, about the Pandemic. It was written in December of 2000
The Great Influenze Epidemic
The following information about the 1918 Pandemic is from an Australian ABC webpage titled,

“The 1918 Flu spread from one end of the earth to the other. Nations like Australia were relatively well quarantined. But in the remote villages of Alaska, there was little natural immunity to influenza. Entire communities were wiped out.
The death rate in the United States at least was so large that it caused the life expectancy curve in the United States to drop about a dozen years just for 1918. The remarkable thing about the 1918 flu was that…15 to 40 year olds were really selectively targeted by this virus and targeted for death in extremely unusual and dramatic way that their lungs went off and completely filled with their own bodily fluids or their blood and they literally drowned in their own blood often just in two or three days after the onset of symptoms so it was unbelievably dramatic.”
Why was the 1918 flu so lethal? This was the question that kept doctors and scientists studying the 1918 flu.
From the same webpage:
“It wasn’t until two decades later, that the hunt for the 1918 flu virus resumed. In the isolated mission village of Brevig in Alaska, 1918 flu victims had been buried in a mass grave. A young virologist, Johan Hultin hoped to recover samples of the virus from the bodies. Arriving at the remote outpost, Hultin set about exhuming the bodies. Lung tissue was recovered, but Johan Hultin was unable to culture the virus.
…in 1951 you could culture influenza viruses but you couldn't do any genetic analysis. The structure DNA was actually not even determined at that time so his attempt to culture the virus was not successful probably because the virus is too fragile to survive freezing under those circumstances for so long.
A dejected Hultin pursued a career as a hospital pathologist. The 1918 flu virus had eluded medical scrutiny once again. Forty five years later, the hunt for the 1918 flu virus took a remarkable turn. Washington DC - decision-making heart of the United States Government. Here, with remarkable foresight, comprehensive military records had been archived - including tissue specimens from dead soldiers. The Armed Forces Institute of Pathology administered a repository of tens of millions of tissue samples - going back to last century. In March 1996, pathologist Dr Jeffery Taubenberger, was seeking a way to justify keeping the old military tissue specimens. He wondered if the repository held lung tissue specimens from soldiers who had died from the 1918 flu. Supervisor, Al Riddick was dispatched to locate 70 such cases that showed up on the computer database. Sure enough, they were there: microscope slides and tissue specimens preserved in paraffin blocks. Jeffrey Taubenberger had his samples.
From the 70 samples, Jeffrey Taubenberger hoped for at least one good case. Eventually he found it. Medical records showed that on September 26, 1918, six days after contracting the flu, Private Roscoe Vaughn died from bronchial pneumonia in his left lung. His right lung, however, appeared almost normal - except for traces of viral damage.
...would remnants of the virus still be there? Taking the 79 year-old paraffin blocks, Dr Taubenberger carefully sliced off tissue from Private Roscoe Vaughn’s lung. Taubenberger’s colleague, Dr Ann Reid painstakingly analysed the samples.
Eventually... success! From minuscule fragments of RNA, Reid and Taubenberger were able to reconstruct much of the genetic sequence of the 1918 flu.
Still... the pathologists were uneasy. Their results were based on just one tissue sample. Nevertheless, in March 1997, the findings were published in the prestigious journal, "Science". Remarkably, that paper was read by Johan Hultin who’d exhumed flu victim’s bodies in Alaska 46 years earlier, in 1951. Within weeks, Hultin was on his way back to Brevig.
Dr Hultin knew precisely where Taubenberger and Reid might find additional tissue samples! There was just a chance that, here in the Alaskan permafrost, buried bodies of flu victims still contained traces of the virus. Employing local diggers, Hultin began exhuming the bodies once more.
He went up on his own initiative with his own money ah without any other kind of support ah as a seventy four year old man and got permission ah from the village council of Brevig Mission, Alaska, one of these tiny villages and started an exhumation last August… That lasted just a couple of days and he was able to dig down and found four bodies, one of which was a very well preserved in the ice and was a female that he named Lucy."
Hultin removed tissue from Lucy’s lung and dispatched his precious cargo to Jeffrey Taubenberger in Washington DC.
He sent two through the United States mail and one with Federal Express and one with the UPS shipping so that at least one of these deliveries services would work. As it turns out all four arrived just as he had had hoped.
Several days later, to Jeffrey Taubenberger’s delight, Lucy’s lung tissue showed familiar signs of viral damage.
If SARS is an ethnically targeted virus, one that was genetically created for the Asian race, we need to know what an Asian is. It seems strange to me that the only bodies from which the samples of the 1918 flu were taken were Alaskan natives.
What race do native Alaskans belong to?
I watched a program on the Discovery network about the Alutian Islands. One part of the program talked about the ice in the glaciers still being frozen and the ocean water height being much lower. As such, there was a bridge from Asia to Alaska.
The writer of the program stated that the current theory is the Asian race crossed the land bridge and settled North, Central and South America.
The point I am making regarding a race targeting virus is this: If SARS was created in a laboratory to target the Asian race, then we should know who is targeted?
We need to ask ourselves if Alaska natives are part of this Asian DNA family. Are the Indian tribes of North America subject to this virus? We know from Operation Rain Dance, the report on ethnically targeted viruses written by Gunther Russbacher, that the so-called Hanta virus was one of the first sucessful experiments in creating ethnically targeted viruses. The so-called (and misnamed) Hanta virus only killed American Indians.
If SARS is targeted to kill the Asian race, are ALL of the aboriginal natives of the Americas considered Asian? If so, how much native American blood to you need to have to make you susceptible to the virus?
Many American citizens, myself included, have Indian blood. Mexico, Central America and South America are almost predominantly made up of people who are descended from the native people.
Canada is different. The Canadians didn't intermarry, they simply killed the natives! And before our Canadian readers stop reading Rumor Mill News, please read The Canadian Holocaust The Untold Story of the Genocide of Aboriginal Peoples by Church and State in Canada - A Summary of an Ongoing, Independent Inquiry into Canadian Native 'Residential Schools' and their Legacy", by Rev. Kevin D. Annett, MA, MDiv. The report is published by The Truth Commission into Genocide in Canada, a public investigative body continuing the work of previous Tribunals into native residential schools: The Justice in the Valley Coalition's Inquiry into Crimes Against Aboriginal People, convened in Port Alberni, British Columbia, on December 9, 1994, and The International Human Rights Association of American Minorities Tribunal into Canadian Residential Schools, held in Vancouver, BC, from June 12-14, 1998. Editor.)
Returning once again to SARS. If SARS is the virus I was told about, the one that would make sure that the Chinese would not try to conquer the world, then we need to start wondering just how far such a virus will spread. At the same time I was told about the virus which would target the Asian race, I was told about The Great Dying. (I wrote about this is Operation Rain Dance)
Once when I sat at a table of high ranking Navy Intelligence types, they told me the story about, "The Great Dying". They said that the old plagues like cholera and malaria would soon break out in South America and Central America and millions of dying people would be crawling northward, desperately trying to escape the death that awaited them in the muddy waters of their homelands.
end of Excerpt
Until now, I never associated the virus made for the Asian race and the "The Great Dying". However, I am now wondering if SARS will soon be followed by more viruses. Maybe SARS won't kill people whose DNA is a mixture of Asian and European. Maybe a second wave of deadly viruses is needed to complete the job.
Since 1994 I have been writing about the things I was told by the Navy Intelligence officers who were Gunther's friends. They talked about how they had engineered the Nasdaq rise and fall.
At the time they told me this I had never even heard of the Nasdaq let alone the companies that were yet to be created. But right on cue, the dot.coms rose and fell and the people who engineered them made billions.
I was told that the stock market would crash and a two to three year war would be the only way to keep the United States from going into a depression that was worse than the one in the 1930s.
We are into year two of the two to three year war. It looks like we will be in it for another year, part three of this war will probably be in Korea.
The cycles of the world are planned in hundred year cycles, with each 20 year period accomplishing one leg of the cycle. The 21st century was supposed to have started off with a celebration dedicated to the new world order. The symbol of this celebration was to have been the placing of the capstone on the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
However, The Capstone Was NOT Placed On the Giza Pyramid "In this article, RMNews lays out the events that make us believe that the NWO was NOT able to usher in its One World Government on the time schedule they wanted.
One thing that must be remembered -- While there are two or three major powers in the world -- ONE of which being the United States -- there can BE no ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT."
Also from the above article: "However, there is credible evidence showing that the former Soviet Union and China are allying against the United States. If the United States is destroyed or weakened to the point that it becomes a collection of "warring states" similar to Yugoslavia, then there will be NO country of educated men and women that is strong and intelligent enough to beat back a One World Government."
The NWO plan to usher in a One World Government was stopped by those men and women who oppose a One World Government. Most of those men and women reside in the United States and most of the money that is used for the operations to derail the NWO comes from the United States.
The New World Order cannot come into fruition as long as there is an organized opposition to it hiding in the United States. I am certain the NWO plan is to take down America and turn it into a collection of warring states, much like Nemesis described in his NEVADA JOE SERIES.
The Opposition to the NWO will be faced with survival, just like the rest of the us and as such, the opposition will be neutralized. We will be a country at war against ourselves. But at the end of this war, we will not go back together as one country like we did after the Civil War. Instead we will break up into ethnically divided states who will be in a constant state of war until the New World Order steps in and brings a Conditional Peace... meaning slavery.
Keeping all of this in mind... I continue to watch SARS. I don't think anyone has the full truth of what SARS is. The reason I say this is because the moment doctors think they have cracked the code, the virus will mutate... OR an already mutated strain will be released.
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