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Andy Trotter LIES

PB | 02.05.2003 15:03

Andy Trotter tells porkies on the radio

Yesterday,wishing to get some kind of update on the May Day demo I turned to BBC London Radio at around 4p.m. Andy Trotter (assistant metropolitan police commissioner) was being interviewed about the London Demo. He said how selfish blah, blah the demonstators were, but added that if they wished to demonstate in Trafalgar Square ie out of the way of taffic, then he did not mind if they stayed there "all night". His statements on BBC London Radio were then contradicted a few hours later when orders were given to the police to clear the square. What bullshit lies from Andy Trotter. The Met may have been caught unawares, because the half-truth Beeb broadcast images of the police brutally lashing-out at peacful demonstrators.
Down with Trotters lies and brutality.



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  1. You are right — Jenny