High-Res Mayday Photos
a.c.a. | 02.05.2003 14:10
pics from the end of the critical mass, the police encirclement, march to parliament, back to trafalgar, mobile rig, and pig riot. (article 1)
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Please don't send such large pictures
02.05.2003 23:36
There really is absolutely no point in uploading such large files. Probably 95% of people accessing Indymedia use dial up and each picture will take about 5 mins to appear on their screen even with a fast modem. The viewer then has to manually scroll all around the screen as they can only see a fraction of the picture at a time. Every digital camera comes with software which should allow you to resize your pictures. Suggest no more than about 800 pixels maximum horizontally.
Even if these were to be the best pictures from all of Mayday they're effectively out of bounds to nearly everyone. I didn't have the patience to look beyond the first one, doubt if many others would either.
Please DO upload big pictures
30.11.2004 12:55
In response to "blah blah blah modem speed blah blah, average internet surfer, blah blah" - If you don't want to sit and wait then don't open the article, but don't attempt to deny the rest of us the wonderful images, please. If "Hi-res" in the article title isn't enough to warn you then perhaps we should look to increase your connectiuon speed or your reading ability rather than degrade the quality of service for those who are capable of using it. FYI - this entire page took under 2 seconds to load on my PC & I don't have to scroll horizontally to see them. as for 95% of users being on dial-up - what utter shit!
Jo - if your computer's too slow and your screen's too small go upgrade, don't perswade people to provide less content.
Alex H