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Occupation forces murder Iraqi protestors in Fallujah

@nonymous | 01.05.2003 17:44


Occupation forces murder Iraqi protestors in Fallujah
Occupation forces murder Iraqi protestors in Fallujah

Occupation forces murder Iraqi protestors in Fallujah
Occupation forces murder Iraqi protestors in Fallujah

Occupation forces murder Iraqi protestors in Fallujah
Occupation forces murder Iraqi protestors in Fallujah

Occupation forces murder Iraqi protestors in Fallujah
Occupation forces murder Iraqi protestors in Fallujah

The war between the two regimes ended with the victory of the allied forces led by the US and UK fascist states.

But the social and class war has just begun... the tactic used by the occupation forces in order to counter this war is even worst than the zero tolerance tactics used upon the protests in the rest of the world... their tactic is a simple as that... MURDER AND THEN ASK QUESTIONS...

another palestine will be born soon...

if we want to really help this people we should act quickly and tople the fascist capitalist regimes here in the western world! It's our right to defend ourselves and others when they are murdered by our qovernments!



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dont be dumb

05.11.2004 21:41

Common Sense for the day: Don't bring stones to a gun fight. Don't throw stones at people holding guns! Doesn't take a genius to figure this out, does it?


who's shooting?

08.11.2004 02:47

I'm not sure which incident these pictures are from, but:

1) The pictures show US soldiers POINTING their weapons in a direction, but not FIRING at anyone. Therefore, i see no evidence that "Occupation forces murder[ed] Iraqi protestors..."
2) The photos do not show what happened directly before the Iraquis where shot at. Were the Americans shot at first? Who shot first? Did someone in the crowd point or fire a gun? Why were they shot at in the first place?
3) I agree with Genius, i'll never understand the logic of provoking armed me sith stones. One is simply BEGGING, PLEADING, HOPING to get shot at. Provokation works.

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Are you kidding who's shooting?

08.11.2004 17:24

Obvisously they're shooting or else there wouldn't be fuckin dead people laying in the street unless theres another way a bullet was projected into that guys head, ever seen Rule of Engagement? same thing, although I do agree that the soilders should of fired backat the attackers.But maybe they should of shot for flesh wounds instead of at the guy's head.


USA is imperialistic..duh..

14.12.2004 01:53

look at the soldiers with thier ready fire psotures...its logic you morons that the two soldiers were takin cover n shooting...there my be someone in the crowd firing upon them but the soldiers sprayed the fire...USA is logocially imperialistic..i wouldnt be suprised if an iraqi holocaust started there....the Americans are very racist and will use any excuse to take revenge on a fallen comrade and also such demonstration could anger the provoked soldiers. as stated here "New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW) challenged the military's contention that its troops came under direct fire in either of the April 28 and April 30 incidents. The group also took issue with the military's insistence that its soldiers responded with "precision fire" against what they assumed to be Iraqi gunmen." well it is now logical that this incident did happen.


It told me to make a unique and meaningful title -- amungst the articles lies

28.01.2005 15:50

Seems like more anti-american propaganda, spoken from people who not only understand Americans -- but who dont understand the world they live in and often categorize as being facist.

Lets get one thing clear, throwing stones as someone dates back into Cavemen fights -- where stones, sticks, or spears were hurled or punched into someones flesh. Stone throwing is no way to protest, and it also not only put the protesters in danger, but US troops aswell.

Stone throwing is meant to injure or kill -- its the most visible equivelant to the bullet, still keeping with the same capacity to maul or murder. How this article even cites relevant figures or the account based on what it claims, is not yet supplemented nor is it cited -- therefore making it ill-substantial and abudantly clear as hearsay.

I could post pictures all croped into one image, of any event -- and say what I wanted. Now, with emotives written into what was displayed -- would people be more likely to believe me because they want to associate with what I've discussed or shown them? Yes.

The first thing about this article sticks out clear -- the goal of Facism is to rule or overthrow. In a reverse and I believe a correct context, the article writer did more to express his sense of fanaticsm's then exploiting those he claims are American or those of the United Kingdom. No more then a few days ago, Australia had a race riot -- does the news publish this? No. More people are being beheaded -- does Al-Jazeera show this?
Of course not.

The goal of this writer is to undermine what others believe through emotional diatribe only having the truth that is displayed in these pictures. If he had at least a sense of journalistic integrity and truth, he might be able to tell us what really happened -- instead of trying to barter his arguements hearsay over what really happened.

Its also no suprise -- this was written before the elections ... so its no suprise his goal was to discourage conservatives voting out of his beligerant attitude associating them with this crime. However Bush won, because people like this displayed more of a Facist attitude, that can even be compared to Hitler's goonies.

Good pictures of an event that occured -- poor wrighting on the behalf of it.

mail e-mail: Anon
- Homepage: http://Anon

Come on....?

05.05.2006 20:12

If Im on a convoy and some one throws any thing at me, Im droppn them right there.Lets get some new rules for ROE as well.

PFC Weislogel,Skyler
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