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Hate in disguise

daniel gurney | 30.04.2003 11:58

Hate pages disguised as 'grass roots' in the war against terror.

Is this site a joke?
It talks of 'humanely relocate(ing) [deport] all individuals/groups BOTH ISRAELI AND ARAB inciting, supporing, funding, or harboring terrorists'
So they're keen on deporting ariel sharon then?
Yet throughout its pages all its talks of is arab terrorism. not once does it mention Israel's terror. settlement violence, barrach goldstein, the hagganah etcetc.
Another site,[URL=][/URL], even tries to link the latest suicide bombing directly to the new Palestinian PM abu mazen!

daniel gurney
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Why are you surprised?

30.04.2003 16:50

The West particularly UK has "given" the jews who lived for over 2500 years in Europe a "home land" in Palestine. Palestne to the educated British, I say is not part of your island nor is the occupied northen part of Irland nor the Malvinus Islands ..etc

After the defeat of Germany and racism in Europe as they want us to beleive, you expect the Europeans and the "Americans" to have their jews back but no, they go and weaken and destroy any Arab force which even have the potential to liberate Palestine. Even most of the anti war activists can not see the main reason behind the destruction and the current occupation of Iraq being so that the jews continue to occupy Palestine. They can not even recognise that Perel, Woolfwitz are all jews. They do not even recognise the occupation of other people's land and the continues death and destruction is terrorism.

They want us to wear military uniforms in order to not labled terrorist and as had happened in Iraq, the none Iraqis of Arab and Muslim fighters are not allowed to join the struggle with their Iraqi brothers and sisters but it is alright for the us/uk to threat and bribe others even though they are not white (here) to join the occupation.

I uderstand that the US/UK politicians will never say the reality behind these wars otherwise they will be traitors and not Gallowy. But the amazing thing is the activists' response. They are afraid of being labelled racists for uttering the above ideas even in a metophoric sense.

Anybody just ask yourself or anybody else, Which reason behind the war makes sense?
