Mythology of the US Victory...
Saladin | 28.04.2003 23:04
In the era of mass marketing and the globalisation of mass disinformation by the news networks of the corporate elite whatever the US does is portrayed in a gross manner. The expansion of McDonalds is seen as the expansion of a social system that knows apparently no bounds. The fact that they are closing is only a minor hiccup in the never ending path of overexpansion which whilst based on false credit is seen to be organic growth and the... march of the markets.
Since the so-called American tanks arrived in Baghdad and a few Saddam statues were toppled evidence was created to support the view now prevalent in the gloabalist 'left' that it was inevitable for the Iraqui regime to fall due primarily to the overwhelming firepower of the US forces. All well and good if the event fitted into the reality of the corporate media and that this reality was a true reflection of events on the ground. If on the other hand this reality was fabricated like the corporate accounts so beloved by US big business like Enron then opposite rules would apply in analysing events. Certain questions would arise which are impossible to explain using basic logic. For instance if the US forces spent near two week fighting in towns of a few hundred thousands primarily in the the south of Iraq and they had to by pass them and they took Baghdad in a day or two, then the question arises, how come the resistance in the centre was so much weaker than the periphery? One or two possible explanations exist, overwhelming firepower by US forces (which didn't apply in the southern towns!!) or the result of a secret agreement between the Bath Party and the US army.
A military defeat which is born out of an actual conflict is different to a sellout by your own forces. People do not feel defeated, but sold out. The end result may not be the same as one born of defeat. The globalist 'left' argue that no country can withstand the US and that its army is a fighting terrorising killling machine with the best weaponry on earth. In other words they are its advanced marketing guard. They promote not the ideology of the revolution but the ideolgy of defeat, pessimism and despair. they are the unnoficial representatives of the corporate media. Unhired media whores, whose ideal in life is to get an official media position to peddle the lies from the centre.
The US forces got stuck in the deserts of Iraq. They now meet in tents with airconditioning units and have smelt the wrath of millions. They are looking for a way out by inviting the UN to 'run' Iraq as they cannot do it. The so-called 'troika of peace' Russia, Germany and France are obliged to be part of the US's new world order. Policemen who foot their own bills. If they dont like it they can stuff it. Either which way the deregulation of life in Iraq has unleashed social forces no one knows in which direction they will turn. Towards the US and the desert 'occupation' forces will not happen in our lifetimes. Irrespective of the sellout of the Baathists the Iraqui resistance will plough ahead. New times require new leaders.
Since the so-called American tanks arrived in Baghdad and a few Saddam statues were toppled evidence was created to support the view now prevalent in the gloabalist 'left' that it was inevitable for the Iraqui regime to fall due primarily to the overwhelming firepower of the US forces. All well and good if the event fitted into the reality of the corporate media and that this reality was a true reflection of events on the ground. If on the other hand this reality was fabricated like the corporate accounts so beloved by US big business like Enron then opposite rules would apply in analysing events. Certain questions would arise which are impossible to explain using basic logic. For instance if the US forces spent near two week fighting in towns of a few hundred thousands primarily in the the south of Iraq and they had to by pass them and they took Baghdad in a day or two, then the question arises, how come the resistance in the centre was so much weaker than the periphery? One or two possible explanations exist, overwhelming firepower by US forces (which didn't apply in the southern towns!!) or the result of a secret agreement between the Bath Party and the US army.
A military defeat which is born out of an actual conflict is different to a sellout by your own forces. People do not feel defeated, but sold out. The end result may not be the same as one born of defeat. The globalist 'left' argue that no country can withstand the US and that its army is a fighting terrorising killling machine with the best weaponry on earth. In other words they are its advanced marketing guard. They promote not the ideology of the revolution but the ideolgy of defeat, pessimism and despair. they are the unnoficial representatives of the corporate media. Unhired media whores, whose ideal in life is to get an official media position to peddle the lies from the centre.
The US forces got stuck in the deserts of Iraq. They now meet in tents with airconditioning units and have smelt the wrath of millions. They are looking for a way out by inviting the UN to 'run' Iraq as they cannot do it. The so-called 'troika of peace' Russia, Germany and France are obliged to be part of the US's new world order. Policemen who foot their own bills. If they dont like it they can stuff it. Either which way the deregulation of life in Iraq has unleashed social forces no one knows in which direction they will turn. Towards the US and the desert 'occupation' forces will not happen in our lifetimes. Irrespective of the sellout of the Baathists the Iraqui resistance will plough ahead. New times require new leaders.