The Black Man's Gift to Portugal
Ray Smith | 27.04.2003 23:13
The Black Man's Gift to Portugal
By Ray Smith
We have all heard racial integration defended and advocated on the grounds that we have deprived our country of the benefit of the talents and abilities of the Negroes - that the Negroes have a positive contribution to make and we have failed to take advantage of it. Because of our irrational prejudice against the Negroes, we have excluded them from full participation in American society and, we are told, this is America's loss.
The Lesson of History
In view of the fact that we are now being forced to integrate with the Negroes and grant them equal participation, it might be instructive to look at other countries which have integrated with Negroes in the past to see what the Negroes gave them. What is the historical evidence?
There is a wealth of material here for study in such places as Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, etc., but the nearest parallel to the United States today is Portugal in the 16th century.
It may come as a surprise to hear of the Negroes' role in the history of Portugal, for in spite of all the emphasis on "Black studies" in our schools, no one seems to talk about the Blacks' contribution to Portugal - neither the Portuguese, the Blacks, nor our modern historians who are rewriting our history books to make the Negroes look good. It takes considerable digging in books written before our modern era of forced integration to uncover the story of Portugal.
Poets and Explorers
By the middle of the 16th century, Portugal had risen to a position analogous to that of the United States today. Portugal was the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world, with a large empire and colonies in Asia, Africa and America.
The Portuguese people were, like the Elizabethans in England, poets and explorers, a race of highly civilized, imaginative, intelligent, and daring people. They showed great potential and had already made important contributions to the Renaissance. But, unlike England and other European countries, Portugal had a large and rapidly growing Negro population and, at the same time, its white population was declining.
Portugal began the Negro slave trade after encountering Negroes in its explorations and forays into Africa. Portugal brought the first Black slaves to Lisbon in 1441, and they continued to be imported in such numbers that by 1550, the population of Portugal was 10 percent Negro (the U.S. is 13-14 percent Negro today).
Defilement of the Blood
There was no taboo or injunction against sexual relations with the Negroes, and the Negroes blood soon became assimilated into the general population through miscegenation, so that today there are no Negroes, as such, in Portugal.
The present-day population of Portugal is described by the New York Times Encyclopedic Almanac, 1971, as follows: "Ethnic Composition: The people are a mixture of various ethnic strains, including Celtic, Arab, Berber, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Lusitanian, and other racial influences. The present population is one of the most homogeneous in Europe, with no national minorities." (Note that the Negro strain is not listed by the New York Times).
What you can see in Portugal today is the product of uniform, non-selective mixing of the 10 percent Negroes and 90 percent Whites into one homogeneous whole. In effect, it is a new race - a race that has stagnated in apathy and produced virtually nothing in the last 400 years.
The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., 1911, in its article on Portugal states, "The Portuguese intermarried freely with their slaves, and this infusion of alien blood profoundly modified the character and physique of the nation. It may be said without exaggeration that the Portuguese of the 'age of discoveries' and the Portuguese of the 17th and later centuries were two different races."
Portugal has a huge "Gay" population.
People Without a Future
The contribution of this new race to civilization in terms of literature, art, music, philosophy, science, etc. has been practically nothing. Portugal today is the most backward country in Europe. The illiteracy rate is 38 % (U.S., 2.2%, Japan, 1.0%). The infant mortality rate in Portugal is 59.2 per 1000 births (Sweden, 12.9, U.S., 20.7, France, 20.4). The workers wages are the lowest in Western Europe, the equivalent of a little more than $2.00 a day.
Portugal is a forgotten land - bypassed by tourists and shunned by scholars. It is a sad country, known mainly for its plaintive, mournful fado music - nostalgic music that looks to the past and sees no future.
Portugal and America
In spite of the close similarity between the situation of Portugal in the 1550's and the U.S. today, we cannot predict that the outcome of our racial integration with Negroes will be exactly the same. The historical significance, however, is that any country, society, or group which has integrated to any appreciable extent with Negroes has suffered drastically in its ability to maintain a civilized standard of living and its ability to compete with others. There is no evidence that any other country ever gained anything from integration with Negroes.
It should be pointed out that the Negro-White ratio, 1:9, in Portugal in the 1550's does not represent the final percentage of Negro genes, for the Negro element was rapidly increasing while the White element was declining. The male Whites were leaving Portugal in large numbers - sailing to and settling in the colonies, and marrying the native women (the government encouraged this). Most of the Negro slaves brought to Portugal were adult males. The population was thus unbalanced - an excess of White women and Negro males, and a shortage of White men. Chronicles of the era relate that Portuguese women kept Negro slaves as "pets". They also married them.
The situation in the U.S. today is not too different. The radical-chic Whites have their Black pets.
Our percentage of the Negro element today does not represent the final amalgam. The Negro birth rate is almost twice as high as that of Whites. There is no White population explosion in America, or anywhere in the world. It is all colored. The colored woman has the children; the White women are on the pill or have abortions.
What the final amalgam in America will be we cannot say, but if the present trends continue, the Negro element will be much more than 14 percent.
Why Did Portugal Integrate?
The British, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese all engaged in the Negro slave trade, but only Portugal brought them to their own country. The question arises - why did Portugal so willingly accept racial integration with Negroes while other European countries kept the Negroes out and at that time maintained their racial integrity?
What was the climate of opinion, the current ideology, teaching, or propaganda that led the Portuguese to depart from the behavior of the other countries? What was the difference about Portugal?
You will not find the answer to these questions in our modern history books and recently published encyclopedias, for the whole subject of the decline has become taboo. You will have to dig into older sources and discover your own answers.
You might also ask yourself why America is accepting racial integration while most of the rest of the world is "racist." Why are we different?
The Role of the Jew
One significant difference in Portugal before its fall in the 16th century was that it had become a haven for Jews. For several centuries, the Jews had more wealth, influence, and more power in Portugal than in any other European country. In 1497, at Spain's request, the Jews were asked to leave Portugal or be converted. Most of them became 'Christians' and remained.
However, by 1550 many of the Jews were voluntarily leaving. They saw the writing on the wall. The Encyclopedia Britannica (1885 ed.) notes that "even observers like the Dutchman Cleynarts saw that, in spite of all its wealth and seeming prosperity, the kingdom of Portugal was rotten at the core and could not last."
America has also served as a haven for the Jews. The Jews in America have risen to a greater position of power, wealth, and influence than they have ever had in any other country. They dominate the newspapers, book publishing, television and radio, movies, universities, - all of the educational media, as well as the commercial life of the country.
The Jews have always proselytized for racial integration for everybody else - in Portugal, America, or in whatever country they have been, for without such a climate of tolerance of alien races, they themselves, would not be accepted. It has, therefore, been in the Jews' interest to suppress evidence which would lead people to reject alien races.
History Rewritten
Our encyclopedias and history books have been purged and rewritten as in Orwell's '1984'. If you look up Portugal in the 1970 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, you will not find anything about the role of the Negroes and Jews in the history of Portugal, or anything about the decline and fall of Portugal.
The Jews are briefly mentioned among others who "exerted various influences over the territory which in the 13th century acquired the frontiers of modern Portugal." There is no elaboration of what this influence was.
The Negroes have been eliminated entirely. They are not listed with the other ethnic groups in the ancestry of the Portuguese people. In the entire 15-page article, there is no clue that Negroes were ever present in Portugal or that they had any role or influence in Portuguese history. The 1970 edition of the Encyclopedia Americana also makes no mention of the presence of Negroes in Portugal.
In all these sources you find "facts," i.e., names and dates, but with no meaning and no indication of what actually happened or why. However, if you can manage to find some older sources, you can learn a great deal of the history of Portugal.
The article on Portugal in the 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica contains more real information than you can get in reading a hundred history books of more recent vintage. From our modern point of view, this article would probably be called "racist," but the point is that the presence and activities of the Negroes and Jews are recorded. The information is there, and you can draw your own conclusions.
Our modern scholars and authorities eliminate information which might lead the reader to the "wrong" conclusion.
Suppressing the Evidence
The 1964 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica still briefly lists the Negroes and Jews, along with others, as Portuguese racial elements, but with no details or elaborations. By 1966, the Negroes have vanished completely.
Now, what has happened between 1911 and 1966 that makes us purge and rewrite history in such a way? Have we decided that race no longer is, or ever was, a factor in history? This cannot be, since "Black Studies" are flourishing at our universities. Historians are supposedly trying hard to discover all they can about the role of the Negroes in history.
In a trial, a lawyer tries to suppress evidence that would be damaging to his client. He tries to prevent this evidence from reaching the jury. Our modern historians and scholars are trying to suppress evidence. The Negro is their client. We are the jury - and we must not reach the "wrong" verdict.
This, of course, reveals what the liberal establishment really thinks of Negroes - that they are inferior and must be protected. The evidence must be suppressed. The New York Times, et al., is a lawyer, well paid, who knows his client "did it," but tried to get him off.
Liberals in the United States often became very self-righteous and superior when the former Soviet Union purged and rewrote its encyclopedias, eliminating from its history current undesirables and making them "unpersons." We ridicule their lack of objectivity an irrational scholarship.
But we do exactly the same thing when we rewrite history of Portugal and make "unpersons" of the Negroes (and Jews). In terms of rewriting and deliberately falsifying history, we are much closer to Orwell's 1984 than the Soviet Union ever was. Big Brother protects us from dangerous knowledge.
Quo Vadis, Aryan Man
There is a great need for us to know what happened in Portugal in the 16th century, for we are repeating their experience. We are in the same predicament, at the same juncture, at the same crossroads in history. There is an amazing similarity between our situation today and Portugal's in the 1500's. Shall we take the same road?
Travelers from other European countries were amazed to see so many Negroes in 16th-century Lisbon, as are travelers today in Washington, D.C. Our own capital is a large percentage Black, and, as was the case in Lisbon, the Negroes do all the manual labor and service jobs.
The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica comments, "While the country was being drained of its best citizens, hordes of slaves were imported to fill the vacancies, especially into the southern provinces. Manual labor was thus discredited; the peasants sold their farms and emigrated or flocked to the towns; and small holdings were merged into vast estates."
Manual labor has been "discredited" for many White people these days, and Negroes fill these jobs. We are "too good" for it.
Americans Alienated
The American people are also leaving the land and flocking to the cities or metropolitan areas, and our small farms have been replaced by huge, mechanized farms.
If we had any colonies, many American men would gladly emigrate to them. Many are leaving anyway for Canada, Australia, and Europe. Those who remain feel rootless and displaced - from their jobs, their country, and even their families. It is difficult to feel any sense of belonging to what America has become today.
Stout Hearts - and Pure Blood
In analyzing the catastrophe which befell Portugal, the historian H. Morse Stephens (in his book, Portugal, written in 1891) concludes: "the Portuguese were to produce great captains and writers, and were able to become the wealthiest nation in Europe.
But that same sixteenth century was to see the Portuguese power sink, and the independence, won by Alfonso Henriques and maintained by John the Great, vanish away; it was to see Portugal, which had been one of the greatest nations of its time, decline in fame, and become a mere province of Spain.
Hand in hand with increased wealth came corruption and depopulation, and within a single century after the epoch-making voyage of Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese people, tamed by the Inquisition, were to show no sign of their former hardihood. This is the lesson that the story of Portugal in the sixteenth century teaches, that the greatness of a nation depends not upon its wealth and commercial prosperity, but upon the thews and sinews and the stout hearts of its people."
This is rather old-fashioned language, but what Stephens is saying is that, by the end of the 16th century, the quality of the people was lacking. Other European nations suffered military defeat, but continued to grow and develop. Portugal stopped dead in its tracks. It had nothing to build on. Portugal can now only look nostalgically to the past. We must use this information as insight into our future. It is too late to save the White Aryan people of Portugal, but we must save ourselves.
By Ray Smith
We have all heard racial integration defended and advocated on the grounds that we have deprived our country of the benefit of the talents and abilities of the Negroes - that the Negroes have a positive contribution to make and we have failed to take advantage of it. Because of our irrational prejudice against the Negroes, we have excluded them from full participation in American society and, we are told, this is America's loss.
The Lesson of History
In view of the fact that we are now being forced to integrate with the Negroes and grant them equal participation, it might be instructive to look at other countries which have integrated with Negroes in the past to see what the Negroes gave them. What is the historical evidence?
There is a wealth of material here for study in such places as Haiti, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Brazil, etc., but the nearest parallel to the United States today is Portugal in the 16th century.
It may come as a surprise to hear of the Negroes' role in the history of Portugal, for in spite of all the emphasis on "Black studies" in our schools, no one seems to talk about the Blacks' contribution to Portugal - neither the Portuguese, the Blacks, nor our modern historians who are rewriting our history books to make the Negroes look good. It takes considerable digging in books written before our modern era of forced integration to uncover the story of Portugal.
Poets and Explorers
By the middle of the 16th century, Portugal had risen to a position analogous to that of the United States today. Portugal was the wealthiest, most powerful country in the world, with a large empire and colonies in Asia, Africa and America.
The Portuguese people were, like the Elizabethans in England, poets and explorers, a race of highly civilized, imaginative, intelligent, and daring people. They showed great potential and had already made important contributions to the Renaissance. But, unlike England and other European countries, Portugal had a large and rapidly growing Negro population and, at the same time, its white population was declining.
Portugal began the Negro slave trade after encountering Negroes in its explorations and forays into Africa. Portugal brought the first Black slaves to Lisbon in 1441, and they continued to be imported in such numbers that by 1550, the population of Portugal was 10 percent Negro (the U.S. is 13-14 percent Negro today).
Defilement of the Blood
There was no taboo or injunction against sexual relations with the Negroes, and the Negroes blood soon became assimilated into the general population through miscegenation, so that today there are no Negroes, as such, in Portugal.
The present-day population of Portugal is described by the New York Times Encyclopedic Almanac, 1971, as follows: "Ethnic Composition: The people are a mixture of various ethnic strains, including Celtic, Arab, Berber, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Lusitanian, and other racial influences. The present population is one of the most homogeneous in Europe, with no national minorities." (Note that the Negro strain is not listed by the New York Times).
What you can see in Portugal today is the product of uniform, non-selective mixing of the 10 percent Negroes and 90 percent Whites into one homogeneous whole. In effect, it is a new race - a race that has stagnated in apathy and produced virtually nothing in the last 400 years.
The Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., 1911, in its article on Portugal states, "The Portuguese intermarried freely with their slaves, and this infusion of alien blood profoundly modified the character and physique of the nation. It may be said without exaggeration that the Portuguese of the 'age of discoveries' and the Portuguese of the 17th and later centuries were two different races."
Portugal has a huge "Gay" population.
People Without a Future
The contribution of this new race to civilization in terms of literature, art, music, philosophy, science, etc. has been practically nothing. Portugal today is the most backward country in Europe. The illiteracy rate is 38 % (U.S., 2.2%, Japan, 1.0%). The infant mortality rate in Portugal is 59.2 per 1000 births (Sweden, 12.9, U.S., 20.7, France, 20.4). The workers wages are the lowest in Western Europe, the equivalent of a little more than $2.00 a day.
Portugal is a forgotten land - bypassed by tourists and shunned by scholars. It is a sad country, known mainly for its plaintive, mournful fado music - nostalgic music that looks to the past and sees no future.
Portugal and America
In spite of the close similarity between the situation of Portugal in the 1550's and the U.S. today, we cannot predict that the outcome of our racial integration with Negroes will be exactly the same. The historical significance, however, is that any country, society, or group which has integrated to any appreciable extent with Negroes has suffered drastically in its ability to maintain a civilized standard of living and its ability to compete with others. There is no evidence that any other country ever gained anything from integration with Negroes.
It should be pointed out that the Negro-White ratio, 1:9, in Portugal in the 1550's does not represent the final percentage of Negro genes, for the Negro element was rapidly increasing while the White element was declining. The male Whites were leaving Portugal in large numbers - sailing to and settling in the colonies, and marrying the native women (the government encouraged this). Most of the Negro slaves brought to Portugal were adult males. The population was thus unbalanced - an excess of White women and Negro males, and a shortage of White men. Chronicles of the era relate that Portuguese women kept Negro slaves as "pets". They also married them.
The situation in the U.S. today is not too different. The radical-chic Whites have their Black pets.
Our percentage of the Negro element today does not represent the final amalgam. The Negro birth rate is almost twice as high as that of Whites. There is no White population explosion in America, or anywhere in the world. It is all colored. The colored woman has the children; the White women are on the pill or have abortions.
What the final amalgam in America will be we cannot say, but if the present trends continue, the Negro element will be much more than 14 percent.
Why Did Portugal Integrate?
The British, French, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese all engaged in the Negro slave trade, but only Portugal brought them to their own country. The question arises - why did Portugal so willingly accept racial integration with Negroes while other European countries kept the Negroes out and at that time maintained their racial integrity?
What was the climate of opinion, the current ideology, teaching, or propaganda that led the Portuguese to depart from the behavior of the other countries? What was the difference about Portugal?
You will not find the answer to these questions in our modern history books and recently published encyclopedias, for the whole subject of the decline has become taboo. You will have to dig into older sources and discover your own answers.
You might also ask yourself why America is accepting racial integration while most of the rest of the world is "racist." Why are we different?
The Role of the Jew
One significant difference in Portugal before its fall in the 16th century was that it had become a haven for Jews. For several centuries, the Jews had more wealth, influence, and more power in Portugal than in any other European country. In 1497, at Spain's request, the Jews were asked to leave Portugal or be converted. Most of them became 'Christians' and remained.
However, by 1550 many of the Jews were voluntarily leaving. They saw the writing on the wall. The Encyclopedia Britannica (1885 ed.) notes that "even observers like the Dutchman Cleynarts saw that, in spite of all its wealth and seeming prosperity, the kingdom of Portugal was rotten at the core and could not last."
America has also served as a haven for the Jews. The Jews in America have risen to a greater position of power, wealth, and influence than they have ever had in any other country. They dominate the newspapers, book publishing, television and radio, movies, universities, - all of the educational media, as well as the commercial life of the country.
The Jews have always proselytized for racial integration for everybody else - in Portugal, America, or in whatever country they have been, for without such a climate of tolerance of alien races, they themselves, would not be accepted. It has, therefore, been in the Jews' interest to suppress evidence which would lead people to reject alien races.
History Rewritten
Our encyclopedias and history books have been purged and rewritten as in Orwell's '1984'. If you look up Portugal in the 1970 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, you will not find anything about the role of the Negroes and Jews in the history of Portugal, or anything about the decline and fall of Portugal.
The Jews are briefly mentioned among others who "exerted various influences over the territory which in the 13th century acquired the frontiers of modern Portugal." There is no elaboration of what this influence was.
The Negroes have been eliminated entirely. They are not listed with the other ethnic groups in the ancestry of the Portuguese people. In the entire 15-page article, there is no clue that Negroes were ever present in Portugal or that they had any role or influence in Portuguese history. The 1970 edition of the Encyclopedia Americana also makes no mention of the presence of Negroes in Portugal.
In all these sources you find "facts," i.e., names and dates, but with no meaning and no indication of what actually happened or why. However, if you can manage to find some older sources, you can learn a great deal of the history of Portugal.
The article on Portugal in the 1911 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica contains more real information than you can get in reading a hundred history books of more recent vintage. From our modern point of view, this article would probably be called "racist," but the point is that the presence and activities of the Negroes and Jews are recorded. The information is there, and you can draw your own conclusions.
Our modern scholars and authorities eliminate information which might lead the reader to the "wrong" conclusion.
Suppressing the Evidence
The 1964 edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica still briefly lists the Negroes and Jews, along with others, as Portuguese racial elements, but with no details or elaborations. By 1966, the Negroes have vanished completely.
Now, what has happened between 1911 and 1966 that makes us purge and rewrite history in such a way? Have we decided that race no longer is, or ever was, a factor in history? This cannot be, since "Black Studies" are flourishing at our universities. Historians are supposedly trying hard to discover all they can about the role of the Negroes in history.
In a trial, a lawyer tries to suppress evidence that would be damaging to his client. He tries to prevent this evidence from reaching the jury. Our modern historians and scholars are trying to suppress evidence. The Negro is their client. We are the jury - and we must not reach the "wrong" verdict.
This, of course, reveals what the liberal establishment really thinks of Negroes - that they are inferior and must be protected. The evidence must be suppressed. The New York Times, et al., is a lawyer, well paid, who knows his client "did it," but tried to get him off.
Liberals in the United States often became very self-righteous and superior when the former Soviet Union purged and rewrote its encyclopedias, eliminating from its history current undesirables and making them "unpersons." We ridicule their lack of objectivity an irrational scholarship.
But we do exactly the same thing when we rewrite history of Portugal and make "unpersons" of the Negroes (and Jews). In terms of rewriting and deliberately falsifying history, we are much closer to Orwell's 1984 than the Soviet Union ever was. Big Brother protects us from dangerous knowledge.
Quo Vadis, Aryan Man
There is a great need for us to know what happened in Portugal in the 16th century, for we are repeating their experience. We are in the same predicament, at the same juncture, at the same crossroads in history. There is an amazing similarity between our situation today and Portugal's in the 1500's. Shall we take the same road?
Travelers from other European countries were amazed to see so many Negroes in 16th-century Lisbon, as are travelers today in Washington, D.C. Our own capital is a large percentage Black, and, as was the case in Lisbon, the Negroes do all the manual labor and service jobs.
The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica comments, "While the country was being drained of its best citizens, hordes of slaves were imported to fill the vacancies, especially into the southern provinces. Manual labor was thus discredited; the peasants sold their farms and emigrated or flocked to the towns; and small holdings were merged into vast estates."
Manual labor has been "discredited" for many White people these days, and Negroes fill these jobs. We are "too good" for it.
Americans Alienated
The American people are also leaving the land and flocking to the cities or metropolitan areas, and our small farms have been replaced by huge, mechanized farms.
If we had any colonies, many American men would gladly emigrate to them. Many are leaving anyway for Canada, Australia, and Europe. Those who remain feel rootless and displaced - from their jobs, their country, and even their families. It is difficult to feel any sense of belonging to what America has become today.
Stout Hearts - and Pure Blood
In analyzing the catastrophe which befell Portugal, the historian H. Morse Stephens (in his book, Portugal, written in 1891) concludes: "the Portuguese were to produce great captains and writers, and were able to become the wealthiest nation in Europe.
But that same sixteenth century was to see the Portuguese power sink, and the independence, won by Alfonso Henriques and maintained by John the Great, vanish away; it was to see Portugal, which had been one of the greatest nations of its time, decline in fame, and become a mere province of Spain.
Hand in hand with increased wealth came corruption and depopulation, and within a single century after the epoch-making voyage of Vasco da Gama, the Portuguese people, tamed by the Inquisition, were to show no sign of their former hardihood. This is the lesson that the story of Portugal in the sixteenth century teaches, that the greatness of a nation depends not upon its wealth and commercial prosperity, but upon the thews and sinews and the stout hearts of its people."
This is rather old-fashioned language, but what Stephens is saying is that, by the end of the 16th century, the quality of the people was lacking. Other European nations suffered military defeat, but continued to grow and develop. Portugal stopped dead in its tracks. It had nothing to build on. Portugal can now only look nostalgically to the past. We must use this information as insight into our future. It is too late to save the White Aryan people of Portugal, but we must save ourselves.
Ray Smith
Hide the following 3 comments
and again...
27.04.2003 23:34
The Truth and the Power of Manipulation
11.02.2004 18:00
Read for yourself and decide who is manipulating the Truth!
In honor of our Great Patria and her Sons and Daughters.
"Unfurl the unconquerable flag
In the bright light of your sky!
Cry out all Europe and the whole world
That Portugal has not perished.
Your happy land is kissed
By the Ocean that murmurs with love.
And your conquering arm
Has given new worlds to the world!"
Ze Silva
Never read so much bullshit
02.03.2004 03:43
That Ray has a captive place in Hell, there is no doubt. Only a bastard with a very sick mind could come up with so much crap about a Nation which gave the world so much, and in so doing exhausted itself.
Is there a combination of racist-brain of shit Nobel Prize? Ray Smith qualifies.
f.y., .so.b. Ray Smith