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Third World Immigration: Importing Poverty, not Prosperity

Arthur Kemp | 27.04.2003 22:31

Third World Immigration into the UK imports poverty, boosts social delinquency and crime, and costs British taxpayers a fortune - precisely the opposite of what liberals allege are the benefits of such open door immigration policies.

Third World Immigration: Importing Poverty, not Prosperity

By Arthur Kemp

Third World Immigration into the UK imports poverty, boosts social delinquency and crime, and costs British taxpayers a fortune - precisely the opposite of what liberals allege are the benefits of such open door immigration policies.

For decades, Whites in Britain have been told repeatedly that Third World Immigration is beneficial and will help to boost the economy, protect old people's pensions (through the immigrants being economically active and 'sharing the future tax burden'); and bring a host of other alleged blessings.

The Commission for Racial Equality, for example, in its flagship publication 'Roots of the Future - Ethnic Diversity in the Making of Britain' says:

"Far from impoverishing the country, immigrants have brought fresh ideas, new skills, labour, capital, resourcefulness and a diversity of cultures that make all our lives richer and varied. The aim of this book is to highlight the contribution made by Britain's ethnic minorities to its social and economic development". (1)

A review of the ethnic minorities "contribution to social and economic development" is therefore well in order.

The London Case Study

London is the ideal place to study the economic and social impact of Third World immigration into Britain. Not only does the capital contain more than half of the total number of the UK's ethnic minorities, but demographic studies have shown, that, given current immigration and natural reproduction rates, Whites will be a minority in London by 2010. (2)

Social and economic indicators from London, therefore, provide a valuable insight into the 'contribution' of Third World immigrants to Britain's well-being, and these can then be posited against the liberal suggestion that immigrants bring 'prosperity' to Britain.

Poverty, Not Prosperity, Marks Third Worlders in London

According to the Association of London Government (ALG), the capital has two-thirds of the most deprived local authority housing estates and three of the five most deprived boroughs in England.(3)

Bearing in mind that London will be a majority non-White city in just eight years time, the racial implications of the ALG finding are obvious.

According to the Community Foundation, in its information pack 'About London', poverty in London is getting worse with growing numbers now receiving Income Support and with a growing polarisation of incomes since the 1980s. (4)

This poverty has a clear and obvious racial distinction to it, with the Community Foundation pointing out that one in three black and minority ethnic households is on a low income, compared with only one in six white households. (5)

London has the highest rate of child poverty of any region in the UK. (6) In the capital, 44 percent of children live in households where income, after housing costs, is half the national average, compared with 25 percent in the South East and 34 percent in the UK. (7)

Between 1998 and 2000, the rate of child poverty in London remained the same. Over the same period, it fell by 7 percent in the North East and 5 percent in the North West. (8)

Unemployment in inner London is almost twice the national average - 7.1 percent compared with 3.6 percent in the UK (9)

In addition, some 42.1 percent of children in Inner London are eligible for free school meals. This compares with an average of 15.8 percent of children nationally. (10)

In December 2001, 10 of the 25 Parliamentary constituencies with the highest unemployment rates in the UK were in London (11)

London is, says the Association of London Government, home to more unemployed people than any other region in the UK and more than the combined total of Scotland and Wales. (12)

'More Than Half' of Children in Inner London 'Below Poverty Line'
According to a report released by the office of the mayor of London in November 2002, more than half the 600,000 children living in inner London are being brought up below the government's official poverty line. (13)

According to this report, 30 percent of inner London's 1.8 million working age adults are already below the poverty line. (14)

'Poverty' in London is Majority Third World in Origin

The mayor of London's own report on poverty in the capital points out that poverty is highest among ethnic minority groups, with 73 percent of Pakistani and Bangladeshi children in inner London and 55 percent of black children living in poverty after housing costs. (15)

The statistics speak for themselves. Instead of contributing an 'economically active' component to the British economy, Third World immigration has in fact massively exacerbated poverty in London.

Crime and London

With London set to become a majority non-White city within the next eight years, it is sobering to learn that the capital has 25 percent of England's problem drug users. There are an estimated 56,000 drug dependent adults in London. (16)

The Metropolitan Police estimates that 30 percent or more of crimes such as burglary, shoplifting, fraud and theft are committed by drug users in London. (17)

There were 994,233 crimes reported in London in 2001/01 - of these 155,276 were violent offences and 8,759 sexual offences. (18)

One in four of all sexual offences reported to the police in England and Wales in the year 2000/01, were committed in London. (19)

In the capital there are 158 detentions per 100,000 population compared to the next highest rate which is in the North West, with 99 per 100,000 population, and the national rate of 91 per 100,000 population. (20)

DoH figures for 2000/01, which set out formal admissions to NHS and private facilities under the Mental Health Act 1983 by Regional Office Area, show that London has the highest rate of mental health detentions in NHS hospitals. (21)

Third World Immigration and Social Delinquency

Research carried out at Cambridge University has proven a close link between poverty and truancy among primary school children. The study, carried out at Magdalene College and School of Education, examined statistics on truancy from London boroughs between 1997 and 2000. (22)
This research is significant when the Third World immigrant population of London's schools is evaluated:

According to the Association of London Government, English is an additional language for 43 percent of school-age children in inner London. (23) In addition, London's schoolchildren speak over 300 languages. (24)

It is therefore clear that a significant proportion of London's school-going age children are of Third World extraction. When combined with the poverty factor endemic amongst this population sector, the question has to be asked: Does Third World immigration lead to academic excellence, and the building of a future population which is 'going to contribute to the economy', as the multi-culturalist liberals would have White Britons believe?

The sad truth is that "(T)housands of children in London do not go to school, either truanting or 'excluded' for misconduct," according to Moira Rayner, Director of the Office of Children's Rights, Commissioner for London. (25)

Furthermore, she links truancy and misconduct directly to race: "These exclusions are linked to parental poverty, ethnic minority status and poor reading skills," says Ms. Rayner. (26)

And what does this lead to? Ms. Rayner provides the answer: "In London, five percent all offences are committed by children during school hours: 40 percent of robberies, 25 percent of burglaries, 20 percent of thefts and 20 percent of criminal damage in 1997 were committed by 10 to 16 year olds." (27)

Other issues evident in London include:
- Inner London has double the national average of children from lone parent families. (28) - Four of the five local authority areas with the highest rates of teenage pregnancy are in London. (29)
- The number of children looked after by social services in inner London is double the national average. (30)

The Financial Cost of Third World Immigration to London

The amount British taxpayers have to fork out for this series of economic and social disasters in London is staggering: in the 2000/2001 financial year, the capital spent a total of £2.1 billion on social services. (31)

According to the Government Office for London, by 2004, the most deprived boroughs in London will all receive an additional £34.5 million in funding, over and above 'normal' outlay. (32)

In addition, London has around 52,000 homeless households - the equivalent of the population of a town the size of Guildford - in temporary accommodation. 8,000 are in bed and breakfast or hostel accommodation. The net cost of homelessness to London after subsidy is more than £100 million a year. (33)

Conclusion: Third World Immigration Has Brought Poverty, Not Prosperity

The evidence is clear: the multi-culturalists are lying when they say that Third World immigration has and will benefit Britain economically and socially.

The truth, solidly documented above, shows the exact opposite: namely:

London, which has borne the brunt of Third World immigration into the UK, has some of the most severe poverty issues in the UK;

London, which has borne the brunt of Third World immigration into the UK, has pro-rata, the highest unemployment rate in the UK;

London, which has borne the brunt of Third World immigration into the UK, has and continues to cost the British taxpayer a massive amount in terms of social support services;

The inescapable conclusion is that Third World immigration does not bring prosperity, but in fact imports large-scale poverty.

Only a halting, and reversal, of the immigration policies of the past few decades can prevent this problem from threatening the very existence of Britain as a first World nation.


(1) Commission for Racial Equality, 'Roots of the Future', London, March 1997
(2) The Observer 'UK whites will be minority by 2100' September 3, 2000,,6903,363750,00.html
(3) Association of London Government (ALG) - 'Fair funding needed to help deliver Government's vision of providing quality services for all' 1/10/2002 ;
(4) Community Foundation, 'About London'
(5) ibid.
(6) Association of London Government, 'Key Facts' booklet,
(7 -11) ibid.
(12) Association of London Government (ALG) - 'Fair funding needed to help deliver Government's vision of providing quality services for all' 1/10/ 2002 ;
(13) The Guardian, '53% of inner London children 'live in poverty', November 19, 2002,,3604,843007,00.html
(14 - 15) ibid.
(16 -19) Association of London Government, 'Key Facts' booklet,
(20) Association of London Government (ALG) - 'Fair funding needed to help deliver Government's vision of providing quality services for all' 1/10/ 2002 ;
(21) ibid
(22) BBC, 'Link between poverty and truancy' 7 July, 2002,
(23) Association of London Government, 'Key Facts' booklet,
(24) Community Foundation, 'About London'
(25) Moira Rayner, Director of the Office of Children's Rights, Commissioner for London, 'The State of Children's Rights in the UK',
(26 - 27 ) ibid.
(28- 30) Community Foundation, 'About London'
(31) Association of London Government (ALG) - 'Fair funding needed to help deliver Government's vision of providing quality services for all' 1/10/ 2002 ;
(32) Government Office for London, Children's Fund,
(33) Association of London Government (ALG) - 'Fair funding needed to help deliver Government's vision of providing quality services for all' 1/10/ 2002 ;
Arthur Kemp is the Rhodesian born author of 'March of the Titans, A History of the White Race' You can buy his book from Freedom Books.

Arthur Kemp


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I like the smell of curries in the hi streets

28.04.2003 13:13

I do love my curries and the ones made by the immigrants are the best.

And I do like the way they dress, speak and enjoy life. What would our miserable lives be like without them people and for some, without dem people to moan about (to cover up our gross inadequacies)?

As for worries about "whites" not breeding fast enough:
firstly, there is no competition to do so;

secondly, there is Viagra for those who can't cope on the stamina or "stand to attention" front;

thirdly, I am happy to provide for the immigrants/"non-whites" because I am Christian and I welcome "strangers in the midst" and also because we have robbed through colonialism more than the "others" will ever take back from "us" (I believe in paying back what we owe - can't help that, I am better Christian than Phoney Blair),
and, yes,
fourth reason:
my boss is "non-white" but speaks better English than the rest of "some" of us and is better educated through her own effort - I am all in awe for such immigrants.

More immigrants please - let our high streets run red with lovely curry overflows... and yes, more of them "immigrant" teachers in our schools, please - I want our kids to be better educated and more civilised through exposure to the rest of humankind.

Eggwina Currie

Your attempt ...

28.04.2003 14:08

... to massage the figures is pathetic.

Putting myself at great personal danger (of being very bored) I read your whole article. In it I found a lot of loosly held together facts, that taken as a whole argument produce not the desired burning hatred of non-white people, but instead a mixture of confusion and derision.

You attempt to splice together the notion that londons poverty is the result of its ethnic make up - and yet none of the data you cite comes even close to claiming that ... in fact as none of the data is even looking for such a link how have you found it?

You glibly inform us of the amount spent on social projects like housing and welfare payments is shocking - but in relation to what? It certainly can not be to the tax that non-white people and businesses run by them contribute to the exchecker, nor can it be in relation to the net import of resources and capital that non-white people and businesses accrue for this tiny island. It is only shocking (to you) because your tiny mind is an island and can not fit in to its simple methods of understanding the fact that skin colour tells us NOTHING BUT THE COLOUR OF THE SKIN.



28.04.2003 14:34

The first paragraph of this posting is racist and in clear contradiction of IMC's editorial guidlines.

The article is being hidden, but you can stil read it through the editorial admin page

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