B4-G8: Zone of Auto-Gestionaries in Geneva 23.05-30.05.2003
solidarity | 27.04.2003 05:30
The VILLAGE will take place in Geneva, end of May before the start of the meeting of G8 in Evian,
from Friday, 23th May to Friday 30th May 2003
In solidarity with the VAAAG in Annemasse and the C'village in Lausanne.
from Friday, 23th May to Friday 30th May 2003
In solidarity with the VAAAG in Annemasse and the C'village in Lausanne.
Zone of Auto-Gestionaries in Geneva Switzerland 23.05-30.05.2003 (the week before the G8 summit)
We are a regional anti-autoritarian, auto-gestionary and anti-capitalist assembly of people.
Our objective is to federate specific, daily and local or global battles, more than to symbolically fight against the G8 summit in Evian.
Our goal is not to create a perfect world but to live another type of society, confronting diverse point of views and other organisational methods of living.
A VILLAGE is thus being organised during the week of G8 meetings, which would be sustained by anybody's activity. The village would allow its participants to share their thoughts, hold discussions and try out another way of living.
We therefore invite groups as well as anyone, who identifies him/herself with this initiative, to join and build such a VILLAGE.
The VILLAGE will take place in Geneva, end of May before the start of the meeting of G8 in Evian,
from Friday, 23th May to Friday 30th May 2003
In solidarity with the VAAAG in Annemasse and the C'village in Lausanne.
We are a regional anti-autoritarian, auto-gestionary and anti-capitalist assembly of people.
Our objective is to federate specific, daily and local or global battles, more than to symbolically fight against the G8 summit in Evian.
Our goal is not to create a perfect world but to live another type of society, confronting diverse point of views and other organisational methods of living.
A VILLAGE is thus being organised during the week of G8 meetings, which would be sustained by anybody's activity. The village would allow its participants to share their thoughts, hold discussions and try out another way of living.
We therefore invite groups as well as anyone, who identifies him/herself with this initiative, to join and build such a VILLAGE.
The VILLAGE will take place in Geneva, end of May before the start of the meeting of G8 in Evian,
from Friday, 23th May to Friday 30th May 2003
In solidarity with the VAAAG in Annemasse and the C'village in Lausanne.
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You'll be late
27.04.2003 06:15
Facilitation : 14 - 15 May 2003 Geneve.
Sharing the Gains of Globalization in the New Security
The Forum, which will be the major event on trade facilitation in the world in the months before the WTO
Ministerial Meeting in Cancún, will contribute to creating a positive framework for implementing international instruments and proposing an attractive set of solutions regarding trade and transport facilitation. It will suggest ways in which trade facilitation can help improve the efficiency of supply chain logistics in a volatile international trade environment.
In particular it will:
strengthen the global network for trade facilitation within the United Nations as a place for open policy debate on the issue;
adopt a practical United Nations initiative fostering trade facilitation around the world, focused on the next steps that Governments, the business community and international organizations should take;
investigate the possibility of developing an international standard for security in trade procedures, which would apply equally to all;
contribute to building the political will necessary for implementing trade facilitation among various groups of countries;
make a substantive contribution to the preparations for the discussion of trade facilitation at the WTO Ministerial Meeting in Cancún, Mexico. "
So this is where the capitalists lay down the nuts and
bolts of Globalisation.
Oh and did anybody still think the UN was impartial?
commie bastard