Poem for Peace
Elaine Audet | 26.04.2003 10:34
In our living rooms a January evening twelve years ago
We sat in darkness watching a pale night sky
Pierced by a multitude of splinters
Blazing burning stars falling through doors and windows
In a ballet leaving nothing human in its wake
They wanted us to believe that the equivalent of Hiroshima
Of more than all the bombs dropped in the Second World War
Would destroy only empty buildings leaving life intact
Like father like son deception continues
This poem is also published in french, spanish and persian (farsi).
Welcome to the poetry column on Sisyphe.
We sat in darkness watching a pale night sky
Pierced by a multitude of splinters
Blazing burning stars falling through doors and windows
In a ballet leaving nothing human in its wake
They wanted us to believe that the equivalent of Hiroshima
Of more than all the bombs dropped in the Second World War
Would destroy only empty buildings leaving life intact
Like father like son deception continues
This poem is also published in french, spanish and persian (farsi).
Welcome to the poetry column on Sisyphe.
Elaine Audet
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Lipservice for peace
26.04.2003 11:38
But it does not necessarily mean that they usher in the revolutions needed. Many just pay lipservice to peace within the clearly marked boundaries.
I think some rap bands are almost there...offending words works in our violent soceity but not necessarily the only way.
We need a regime/lifestyle change and in this light we are yet to have another
Rabinranath Tagore
Ken Saro Wiwa
or Gaspar Garcia Laviana
The closest to any revolution is in terms of 'renaissance' this or that.
Its only me
26.04.2003 13:42
news:bOXpa.198362$ vs.19025877@news3.calgary.shaw.ca...
> Oh, I'm a Republican
> I got a small schling
> I like to bomb niggahs
> and make a lot o' bling
> I got a bunch o' friends
> in high up places
> They helps me get dem
> government graces.
> You think I'm smart
> I just know who's who
> I couldn't run a fruit stand
> without the red white & blue
> I'll drop some crap
> about Jesus the Christ
> You'll buy it all
> and vote for me twice
> 'Fact, Jesus is comin'!
> Real soon, now!
> So we gotta prop up Israel
> That ol' sacred cow
> Don't need no history
> Don't need no schoolin'
> I got my ideology
> To keep me a shootin'
> Liberals! Faggots!
> Commies and queers!
> Socialist hippies
> Full o' pussy tears
> Propaganda's m'friend
> But I calls it "fact"
> Even though I don't read
> 'Cept for Chick tracts
> Facts? No! Don't need em here!
> We're conservatives! We work on FEAR!
> Don't like what we say?
> Well FUCK YOU, bud!
> We'll shove it down yer throat
> and tell ya it's good!
27.04.2003 02:06
Hey you,
You out on the streets walking by,
yes you,
The one who believe this goverment is right,
As long as you dont get involved in the fight.
Whats that you say
We'll free them one day, except for the ones that have been blown away.
How would you feel if you'd buried
Your mother
your father
your daughter and son,
Then told thats what happens in war time,
And not a lot can be done.
While they bury there dead,
Do you sleep sound in bed,
Do you accept and agree,
Some say accept means recieving,
And this may well be the key,
But who are the ones doing the taking
Who says, I accept let it be.
me again
27.04.2003 11:44
Are sO square!
The problem is a circle
and we lick Blair!!
The god of all questions
27.04.2003 13:58
A square a circle,
What the fuck
Its not enough
To cause a ruck
But not to worry
Dont panic stay calm
Log on to IMC
And hear shit from ram