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Who is IMC-UK? ...Suppressed views

ram | 25.04.2003 14:46

Winnie Mandela defrauding a 'bank' is a good thing.
IMC-UK censor cutting off my post because of my language is a bad thing.
Here I post the link to the article minus the language which I consider the best way to describe/protest at this under reported outrage. USA and UK are involved deeply in this.


"The idea behind most of these projects is to create open platforms to which everyone can contribute - not only a small media elite with their particular interests. By eliminating the classic division between professional producers and passive audience, many issues and discussions that were previously suppressed become visible and available.
TAKE NOTE. We need to be more aware of this.
Increasingly it is looking like Iraq had no *active* WMD progarmme in recent times.
There was definitely one such program supplied by the US and UK.

"I did many things, but not one of them was illegal and not one of them led to the death or bodily harm of a single person...The U.S. and Britain do all these things on a daily basis. Whatever we did is peanuts by comparison."
- Dr Wouter Basson, head of Project Coast


Lot of mystery surrounds the dismantling of the project Coast.

Who supplied WMDs to the apartheid regime FOR FUCKS SAKE!!

The past few months we have been bombarded with negative views on WMDs as if a human would not know that.

Why not use this time to question the bastards!

- Homepage:


Hide the following 24 comments


25.04.2003 14:53

Mabye it's because you're making absolutely no sense. Mabye it's because this is the UK Indymedia, not South Africa?



25.04.2003 15:03

Ram, why don't you keep your comments to yourself? You're boring the hell out of me. Every time I see your name next to a comment I skip it - because it'll have the word 'pig' in it about 50 times, and it'll sound like utter garbage.

Some people moan on about supposed 'censorship' on UK-IMC, but even in an anarchist society you have consensual rules and agreements - people will be expected to be more responsible, because their actions are so much more powerful: blocking your IP from posting would be a gift to the newswire.


I am not moaning

25.04.2003 15:35

I am not moaning about IMC-UK censorship.
I have criticisig it at times.

> even in an anarchist society

why compare with anarchism. I am on about free media and surppressed views.

Blocking IP is a classic. One real pig!


Rambling nutter

25.04.2003 16:00

Ram seems to not only mostly talk hyperbole, in the midst of a few choice nuggets of wisdom now and then, ultimately he's not worth the energy of reading his incessant ramblings. it seems he/she has comments posted in reply to absolutely loads of articles recently, mainly talking clap-trap.

as for imc being a cover for rts, er, no. IMC is yes linked but it is seperate and happened independently. to say it is a "front" is just bollox
Hey, Ram, fuck-off....

random member of joe public


25.04.2003 16:14

oh, the rts-link to imc wasn't made by Ram. Ok, but my closing comment b4 still stands
Ram - get a dayjob ... there's nothing supressed about yr views, is there

joe public


25.04.2003 16:28

Leave this ram alone. Yes the language is questionable but ram is angry. There is more to the posts and comments. I saw something on this same topic before and I canºt see it now.
It is all the cia who passed bio weapons to the nazis is south africa. same people who gave it to iraq.



25.04.2003 16:29

Leave this ram alone. Yes the language is questionable but ram is angry. There is more to the posts and comments. I saw something on this same topic before and I canºt see it now.
It is all the cia who passed bio weapons to the nazis is south africa. same people who gave it to iraq.


Truth and Reconciliation? Ramblings?

25.04.2003 18:28

The braindeads just shutup and read. No one wants to buy trouble. I am not wasting time with you kids for nothing.

Yes I am angry but the choice of the word Pig has reasons also it is forceful.

If you know more please comment.
If you do not understand ask nicely.

The question is all about WMD. Soon it will be all around us either when they plant it or when they do not find anything in Iraq. Also remember the Anthrax on post?
Why so much activity around early 1980s with WMD?
Whjo was in power where?

Read this piggy link

(white-supremacists or white minority rule have for a long time been looking at tactics like the Black Bomb)

Another point to make is the alpha-male is not Ben Gurion or Sharon instead this pig,

for you piglets!



25.04.2003 18:40

So the Ram is angry. If he would control it, and take the time to choose real words his contributions could be far more telling.

Goose is wrong on one thing: The South Africans knew about something just like HIV by 1954, and may have given samples to their transatlantic racist friends for scientific experiments.


Oi llyan

25.04.2003 19:20

Can't you see the name Goose. I think it is mimicking that pig Goosen (read the Washington post stories of Apr 20 and 23).
Clearly Goose has been following me or urging me to see what is out there.

OK I admint it ..the fact that someone stands up for me arouses my suspicions.

As for you point about Rheus monkey experiments , yes I have seen it and believe it to be true too but I would not complicate matters. The question right now is about WMD and why we are licking *whose* arse when big shit is happenning in the world. The SARS case is blown out of its rela proportions by the media here but it does push the imagination...especially re: synthetic *targeted* (by race of course) not think synthetic bacteria are here yet but laws were passed for this in the US recently.

As for the transatlantic transfer of material note that it does not not matter which direction shit flows (alos do not insult the capability of US bioweapon facilities or you will get a mail) it is my only point that it is a white-minoroty/supremacy thing.


Re ... Ramblings

25.04.2003 19:26

Thanks to Ram I have just read and see that Bush father might be an anarchist subversive - why else did he call his company Zapata Oil?

The top Directors of American big business are making such a mess of their Corporations they must be undercover Anarchists intent on causing the collapse of Capitalism. They do far more to bring about the collapse than all the Demonstrations in the World have done... and their work in hand is far from finished. Just wait until the reality of the insurance market is realised.

It may be time to learn from that other fine American institution - the Mormons, and lay in a two year stock of food. When the system crashes the Supermarkets will cease functioning. Start Gardening.

Be prepared. I presume you have all read that fine CIA manual on intelligence analysis recommended on some months ago under "Something good from the CIA?"


Thankyou ram

25.04.2003 22:34

I love your ramblings
You do get to feel a little put out, if you're all over here and you get rejected. Just relish the number of 'fuck offs' you get, Especially if accompanied by 'you stupid cunt'. You know you're making an impact and you just got to keep on keeping on, while retaining your own linguistic style


realist & friends.

25.04.2003 22:55

are you attention-seeker loners? i think you should ease up on the crack.


blah blah

25.04.2003 23:09

Ram, the pot calling the kettle black?

Further anarcho rambling, I think the typist responsible for cutting and pasting the phD student’s thesis into the government paper in feb, leaving all punctuation and spelling errors in place, was an undercover anarchist intent on causing the collapse of the system. Much more effective than smashing up a McDonalds.


OK the time has come I suppose

25.04.2003 23:11

The previous post was not mine. My ID hijacked.

Guess I must have toouched something.
(Without attaching any self importance to the IMC people, it might be worth noting the previous ram's IP number/access provider. I do not like people who hijack identities.)

I promise you onething ...there are many more looking actively at the UK involvment in some matters raised above.




25.04.2003 23:25

Only ram appeared on the scene as Harlequin dissappeared (thank god). Both are known to annoy their fellow IMCers and create chaos on the newswire. I have no time for trolls and rabid ranters on the IMC, especially racists (I am one of the 99.999% of 'whites'/ppl of european origin who are do NOT hate everyone who isn't white), and I hate all kinds of racism.

Get a life, and stop poisioning the NEWSwire with your drivel.

Thomas J

Especially due to you

26.04.2003 00:00

idiots who believe in this 99.9999999% theories (Blair will tell you the same) that this Newswire needs some real news!

I have followed this newswire occasionaly and with anxius interest during the past 2? weeks and I must say it stinks of piggy apathy if this is a collection of the sensible people.

The idiots who believe in 99.99999% theories apart realise that being herded down backstreets is no protest.


Ram always has to have the last say!

26.04.2003 10:32

get a life, u rambler

joe public

If you care...

26.04.2003 11:11 might continue a dialogue.

One comment or 100 comments I do not think it affects the IMC newswire if it serves the purpose of voicing surpressed views.

The if you childishly think in terms of last commentator you are welcome to every offendign thread and post.

BTW, it must be noted there have been calls to unite against another view and ignore the views. So may be this could be another factor especially when I had posted something and had to update it myself.

The fact that you have been so hell bent on destroying the very serious and grave matter highlighted (about the 'PIG connection') on this thread (did you read anything? Do you have any comments/observations about the content?) suggests me that you could get a life yourself by moving on to other issues you might consider important.
Even then I am very keen to know what those other pressing matters might be to McPigs like you.



26.04.2003 12:28

Ram, can't you see the negative affect you're having on the newswire? Rather than calmly debating the issues concerned with the articles, people are having to respond to your bullshit ramblings. The articles you post are for the most part a combination of paranoia, self-righteousness and illiteracy. Your really dragging the quality of Indymedia UK down the toilet.

Why do you feel the need to post on every single newswire string? Do you ever leave your house, or are you just on the internet all day, reading conspiracy theories and spouting utter cobblers?

With any luck he'll be back at school now the holidays are over.


Yep you spotted it

26.04.2003 14:26

UK is floatsam in the toilet.

Your judgement of 'most part' being this and that is probably due to a paranoia inducing, lost, brainwashed environment gripping those who call themselves 'indy people' here. Trying to shut other views by bullying and ID hijacking. I ignore them and suggest you do too.

Please realise that I am not posting anything with any ulterior motives as some have pointed out.

Last night a browse through to South Africa or Nigeria showed that the sites there are largely stagnant except of course the adverts and the serial posters seems to me that what you consider quality is what you would have discussed around these ramblings??
In africa there is minimal IT infrastucture so I can understand the participation being minimal too... is it excusable that we in the UK, one of the two aggressors in the current sad situation ... are in apathy....when shit is happening based around us?

If there is a need for quality control please let me and others know clearly instead of mumbling away.

May be it is spin that you are on about and we could help you.

War and killing is bad think of it like this way....IMC-UK currently reflecs a bit of our collective fuckup because of atleast one partcipant who cares!


The problem is...

26.04.2003 17:43

the problem is, I don't understand ram's postings at all. What are they about? Why do you write them? I don't mean to be mean, they just don't make any sense to me, and after reading quite a few recently, I still don't know what your point is??? I don't even know why people get so upset, do they actually understand them?


Do IMC-UK users have any views?

26.04.2003 19:00

The real problem is that people in the UK spend too much time focusing on what word is used in a sentence instead of understanding or even trying to understand what someone is trying to say.

So what if someone, like Ram for instance, uses the word pig all the time? Aren't you capable of overlooking his choice of vocabulary and seeing what he is trying to say?

My main observation from checking UK Indymedia in terms of the Iraq war is that although the British government participated in the invasion of Iraq and still has troops stationed there, the Brits don't seem to be aware or even to care less about the long term implications of a war they helped fund. Also, they don't seem to be capable of sophisticated debate or of concern about how their taxpayers money is spent.

You're lucky enough to have access to a site like Indymedia where you can openly express your views. Instead of debating yours and your governments responsibility in invading another country you're focusing on how many times Ram uses the word pig.

Here are selection of other keywords to focus on:
refugees, missing relatives, environmental disaster, land ownership, privatisation

nice one


26.04.2003 19:54

Rambling incomprehensible cut and paste trash with no sources and no humour beyond funny pig words is not 'debate', its a load of rubbish. i have some words of my own- spelling, punctuation, imagination- comprende?

dirty squatter