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Tom Paine. | 25.04.2003 09:37

Charles Moore (Telegraph) warned Spin Ali of Downing Street that David Blair was not the right person for the smear job.

Moore knew that David Blair's cover was thin.

He warned Spin Ali in a private memo that his (Moore's) position would be exposed if it became common knowledge that David Blair worked for MI6.

He further warned that Spin Ali's own position would be in jeopardy if the smear was exposed.

David Blair position in MI6 was too well known.

Spin Ali cleared it with Phoney Blair, who in his reckless way, thought he could get away with criminally smearing a fellow labour MP.

Phoney Blair knows that David Blair works for MI6.

In other words the two Blairs plus Spin Ali are conspirators in a criminal enterprise.

Galloway should ask the police to investigate.

Who's next on the smear list?

The Archbishop of Cantebury.

Tom Paine.
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Hide the following 17 comments

Uh huh

25.04.2003 10:50

They put fake documents in a pile of legitimate documents in a private home in the hopes that a British journalist would find it and have it translated.

Admit it...Galloway was on Saddam's payroll.


Believe that, Believe anything

25.04.2003 11:06

Why are you so quick to believe a rabid right wing rag like the telegraph?

Remember the famous Scargill on Gadaffi's payroll lie?


political interests?

25.04.2003 11:48

While it seems extremely unlikely that the journalist found these documents by chance in a looted building, there is a bad smell coming from george galloway's direction.

For a start, what the hell is this political campaign called the miriam (is it miriam?) appeal that he founded that has dealings with and donations from regimes such as the saudi arabia and the iraqi ba'ath regime all about? however ridiculous the whole oil money thing sounds, galloway has somekind of interests in the middle east, and it all reaks of money to me.

will someone please educate me?


educate yourself

25.04.2003 12:09

I don't wish to be presumptuous about what you know already, but if you start with what we know of the dodgy government-sponsored activities in Ireland (the testing-ground for alot of foreign and home 'policy'), and then work through the rest of the former empire, you should be able to judge for yourself what is possible/probable. If you already know all this stuff, then I apologize for being patronizing, but maybe you should refresh your memory. Who knows, we may even get to the bottom of this allegation within our own lifetimes.

mail e-mail:

Missing the point

25.04.2003 12:18

I certainly don't believe a word the Torygraph prints. This smear campaign is obviously an attempt to shift public attention away from the mess they have created in the Middle East and from facts that the media and the Establishment find embarrassing:

a) the REAL issue which is that a decade of sanctions and invasion has caused millions of needless deaths. The invasion had created a huge mess and laid the basis for a dramatic growth of muslim fundamentalism. Therevis also the possibility of a tragic civil war (this is also Robert Fisk's assessment).

b) the fact that most people in Iraq now want the US and Britain OUT of their country. They are against both Saddam AND the US/UK.

c) The fact the US and British companies armed and supported Saddam and now have their noses back in the Iraqi "reconstruction" trough once again.

The media wants to deflect attention away from these embarrassing facts.

Galloway is a very courgaeous person and we should defend him. Whatever political errors he might have made, and illusions he might have, it takes real courage for such a prominent British politician to call upon invading British troops to refuse to obey orders. There is just no equivalent to him in the US--although Micheal Moore is also politically very courageous.

Galloway is innocent until proven guilty.



25.04.2003 12:49

george galloway is a labour politician riding the anti-war wave. that is all he is.

his "political errors" are being in the labour party while being anti-war. the fact that he opposes the iraqi war while being a member of a party the current ideology of which is driving the war on terror is nothing short of a contradiction. the man has political interests in the middle east which involves large amounts of money changing hands, in his own words.

while this scandal reaks to high heaven, and is probably intended to divert attention from the real issues, the man is a monkey, and a misguided one at that.


The INC and the smear

25.04.2003 13:35

The Iraqi National Congress may well have provided the reporter with fake documents. They have been smearing Galloway in America for about a year. Entifadh Qanbar has appeard on talkshows to discredit Galloway. He repeadtedly said that Galloway was 'corrupt' and that eventually the INC would prove it. It is believed (by reliable journalists)to be the INC that provided the forged nuclear documents to the US and UK intelligence agencies. The documents were on letterhead that haven't been legitimate since 1980.

Carlos Malvado

To vigilante

25.04.2003 13:48

The Maryam campaign was Galloway's anti-sanctions initiative - and if you're against that, then you're against humanity.

There's a 1999 article referring to it in the Google cache:

which may enlighten you further.



Thank you

25.04.2003 14:18

This is the most constructive threads (one of few) on IMC-UK I have ever followed.

I will point out that Gonzo is so right and Galloway was about ot be welcomed bigtime and made a massive hero in Iraq for his humanitairan role.

Also yes, the INC is the biggest suspect. They organised pulling down the statue in front of the Palestinian hotel remember. They have to now organise the western 'liberator' to come amidts a throng of support form the people.
Galloway is the only white man (Powell being white) who could have pulled a crowd in Iraq naturally.

But there are few crucial mistakes to pickup here.
Galloway should leave party politics by being more bold and courageous. ask those questions that he could not ask and point fingers on the record and leave.
If he respects parliament so much he could try again independently, could he not?

Also no humanitarian peace movement ever should depend on patrons or key figures. WE KNOW WE ARE RIGHT AND THE MOST MINIAML ORAGANISATION IS ALL WHAT IS NEEDED for the conviction (IF IT IS REALLY THERE) to instill the will of the people.



25.04.2003 14:19

In regard to the original posting here, it certainly sounds like something the government and the corporate media would do, BUT where's the evidence??? What are your sources???
I could just as easily say that Tony Blair is in fact the freakish demon-spawn of Satan and Jeremy Beadle. While this is easily believable, without evidence to back it up it's just useless speculation and is meaningless.

Wasted space

Why is Galloway pro Arab?

25.04.2003 14:30

For those who wonder why Galloway is so sympathetic to Arab causes, you might consider the fact that his wife is a Palestinian scientist.

If he was in it for the money he would have joined the Conservatives (now known as New Labour), and creamed off the corporate directorships that come after a political career of licking boot.



25.04.2003 14:59

Galloway is the reason why Im proud to be British still. He has done more work for Palestine and Iraq than anyone on this island. The zionist/pro-war/oil megolomaniacs have been looking for a reason to get rid of him for the last 20 years, and now with the fall of the Iraqi government, they can make absurd claims linking him with Saddam.

We should be organising a show of support of Galloway in this hard time in his life and career as a politicians its the least the Arab people, anti-sanctions and anti-war people owe him. Any ideas anyone? Pro-Galloway march perhaps?


all antiwar are corrupt traitors!

25.04.2003 15:15

I have conclusive evidence that all antiwar protesters were on the Iraqi payroll! I have a letter signed by none other than Saddam Bin Laden saying 'All protesters everywhere are my minions, and PS I invented SARS as well'!

All patriots and freedom-lovers are welcome to quote me as a definitive and always reliable source!

Down with IslamoLeftieAnarchSocialPaciFascism!

a nonny mouse

Richard Perle on board of Daily Telegraph

25.04.2003 23:29

Hawk on board, so it's a small world after all. Remember the 'Dossier' and the 'Nigerian Uranium Deal'. This is Phoney Tony's style and he badly needs something to take divert the public because of what he has to face next week. The May Day protests will show just how unpopular Phoney is despite what the brown nosers at the Beeb keep trumpeting. This invasion relied on International compliance, if not actual support and that is fading fast.


Yes - sources???

26.04.2003 08:26

The original post is meaningless without sources.

Paul Edwards


26.04.2003 09:33

That's right - the original post claims that David Blair the reporter who found the 'dodgy memo' is an MI6 spy. This is a damning accusation, if true. But where is the evidence? Let's see it if you're so sure.

Galloway is innocent, and it's obviously a smear campaign. Remember when MI5 tried to frame Arthur Scargill for using NUM funds to pay off his mortgage? It was only years later that this was revealed to be a pack of lies. The former editor of the paper the Daily Mirror admitted this only last year.

Tony Blair wants to discredit the whole anti-war movement by discreditiong Galloway. That's why - whatever our political differences with Galloway himself - we should defend him.


Archbishop of Canterbury?

27.04.2003 00:32

The Archbishop of Canterbury is next for a smearing? Presumably Blair hand picked him to be AoC so he could then sling shit at him a few months later... muppet

