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who says what: anti-semitism and IMC

kurious oranj | 24.04.2003 17:03

Please forgive a brief opinion piece:

Why all the arguments about anti-semitism on IMC?

Because this is an open-source forum where anyone can post anything in any name.

So we do indeed get genuine anti-semites on here; the Nazis of the far right, the BNP and their mates in the US, who post up white supremacist crap about the 'Jewish conspiracy' and exploit any posting about Palestine to push their sick fantasies.

But we also get ultra-Zionists and their hard-right supporters, who accuse anyone who supports the Palestinians at all of being anti-semitic.

Ironically, their world-views do fit together. Both believe that all Jews do (or should) agree about everything and uncritically support Israel. Both believe that anyone who supports Palestine is (or should be) anti-semitic. Both argue that anyone who doesn't support their racist form of nationalism is racist against 'their own' people. Both are full of bile and hate for anyone who opposes war.

And both are talking rubbish. Anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism. Zionism is a nationalist movement and opposing nationalism doesn't make you racist.

Equally, there is no secret Jewish conspiracy. There is a quite open and obvious conspiracy of the rich and powerful of all countries and backgrounds against the rest of us.

To most of us this is common sense.

kurious oranj


Hide the following 12 comments


24.04.2003 22:09

A good attempt but why do you fuck it up by saying to *most* of us...common sense?


your opinion is just one of many

25.04.2003 06:54

Like you say there are a lot of,very differing, opinions on IMC. Most of the types offering their views know next to nothing, sure there are a few racists, we all have a bit of that in us. The disinformation put up by Israel and their supporters is massive. Some off the pro Israeli posters are pretty fucking extreme in one sentence they accuse anti Israeli posters of being racists and in the next go on to demonstrate that they consider Arabs to be sub human, racists or wot ? . As to the Jewish conspiracy theories, I wouldn't rigth 'em off just yet ..
But it would be good to some "collective research" into the whole subject. Finding myself very angry about the situation in Palestine and also completely ignorant about the subject
and noting that most people are on my level I have started swatting up on the whole question ....
what we need are facts not opinions .. I reckon whatever anyone says that Israel is the biggest threat to world peace.


Israel biggest threat?

25.04.2003 12:44


It is the USA that is the biggest threat for global peace. They have been such for more than 50 years from when they took over from the UK.

Whehterh it is Israel or still UK which occupies the second position in list of threats is debatable.

Note: USa and the UK created Israel just to add on to the threat they alreadt posed.
USA and UK actively aid and abet Isreal.


Kurious is spot on

25.04.2003 14:50

Excellent work Kurious.

It's about time somebody tried to put a stop to all this "Zionazis" vs "Islamofascists" juvenile bollocks that all too often clogs up IMC threads.

My two cents:

Israel is a client state of the US, not the other way round. The White House is run by billionaire Christian fundamentalists, not bearded Jewish elders.

Israelis are not "The Jews" any more than Ulstermen are "The Christians" - besides, if we're talking about semitism, then your average Jewish Israeli (of European/US/Russian descent) is actually far less "semitic" than your average Palestinian.

When people talk about a "Jewish conspiracy" they wilfully ignore the millions of poor and/or downtrodden Jewish people in the world (jus' like the rest of us!)

Capitalism is the only conspiracy worth switching off the X-Files for. And that particular conspiracy doesn't care what colour or race or sex or even sexuality you are, as long as you have loads of cash and lax morals.

Yes, most of the capitalist elite are white men. Some are even Jewish. But to suggest that all Jews are somehow in league with each other - well, that's just the chimpanzee part of the brain working.

Finally: Ram mate. Reverse racism is still racism.

Do try looking beyond the colour of people's skin. You may be pleasantly surprised to find that some white people are actually jolly nice, and don't spend every waking hour working out how to oppress others.

Fight the power, not phantom menaces!


Mad Monk

Jewish conspiracy theories

25.04.2003 14:53

You wouldnt write off Jewish conspiracy theories, but you claim that people are quick to accuse people of anti Jewish racism? Ram, you are a Jew hater. Why not admit it?



26.04.2003 13:52

Here in the states, the Zionist crusade is called the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I wonder why. conflict sounds like it is a matter of neighbors not getting along and fighting. That is NOT the case at all. The Zionists are foreign invadors, not neighbors.
Just becuase the hebrews murdered the Canaanites , Amorites, Jebuzites, etc. etc. 3000 years ago, Zionists think they have a "right" (as they claim) to just move in, take over, steal what they can get away with, murder all who resist, route bereaving widows and orphans into the wilderness, and 20 years later (1967), invade the wilderness as well, and start up with the ethnic cleansing afresh. Saying Palestine is a jewish homeland is to claim that genocide IS a valid means to profit. I don't see how Zionists are any better than Nazis. But when I say that people do not have a right to profit from murder, I end up getting called anti-semetic. When Jews talk of the nazi gold in Switzerland, they rightly proclaim that "Nobody can be allowed to profit from murder." But because the hebrews were genocidal maniacs, Zionists claim the right to murder Palestinians for thier land. And it is murder. If someone comes into your house and just takes your television set, that person would be a thief. If you try to stop the CRIME only for the thief to pull a gun and blow your brains all over your family and friends, then that thief is a murderer as well. We all know this is true. But other alleged Christians were evil to other Jews, so modern day allegedly Christian westerners think that giving guns and ammunitions to ZIonists to kill more Palestinians for land is somehow GOOD for thier souls. They are as damned as the ZIonists. Palestine is NOT a Jewish homeland no matter how many lies you hear or repeat. And since ZIonism is the collective effort to destroy Palestine ( Palestine+ZIonists=Israel, do the math yourself), all of the ZIonists are accompices (if not the actual perpetrators) of murder and theft. I don't like murderous thieves wether they are Nazis or Zionists or whatever. Does a Jewish country have a "right" to exist? I don't know. I don't like purly philosophical questions with NO definative answeres. BUT, do Zionists have a "right" to murder and steal? That is a real world question that has been getting the locals killed for decades. Only one of these questions is ever asked in the media. And wouldn't you know it, it is the meaningless one. Do ZIonists have a "right" to protect themselves? Yes, of corse they do. But occupying your neighbors land is an OFFENSIVE action, not deffensive. Defense has 2 options , fight or flight. Since outside of ZIonist occupied Palestine there is NO Israel, Zionists have a "right" to defend themselves be ending the OFFENSIVE war of conquest that THEY started and getting the HELL out of palestine. Nobody can be allowed to profit from murder. Not even Zionists. But I bet your soul that you don't even have the character to even admit that the Zionist's murderous thefts in palestine are even rude, much less a CRIMINAL war of conquest. Do you? Come on, just rude! You can't even admit that much? I guess you beleive the Zionists on television who say that Palestinians hate the Zionists because the Zionists are jews, and not becuase the Zionists are a buch of murderous thieves. FREE TIBET! Oops! Now some pre-judge-mental freak s going to call me anti-chinese too. You suck! Seek mental help soon.


Fight Islamofascism

27.04.2003 00:21




anti islamofascist

turn it around

27.04.2003 13:49

Palestine + ZIonists= Israel
Israel = the destruction of Palestine
Death to Israel = the liberation of Palestine
"DEATH TO ISRAEL" is 100% defensive in nature

"Israel has a right to exist" = Zionists have a right to just move in, take over, steal what they can, murder anyone who resists, route bereaving widows and orphans into the wilderness, and 20 years later, invade the wilderness as well to start up ethnic clensing for anouther generation.
"Israel has a right to exist" is 100% offensive in nature.
One is called hate speach, the other a fact.

England and France didn't declair war on germany in 1939 because the Nazis started gassing Jews and gypsies, etc. years later. They did so because the Germans invaded Poland. Arabic Speaking, muslim neighbors of the palestinians tried and failed to liberate palestine like England and france tried and failed to liberate Poland. One is called a noble effort, the other a crime against the Zionist invadors of Palestine. The noble effort was not even 1/2 assed, it was totaly a phony war. If England and france had fought as hard as Arabic speaking muslim neighbors of the Palestinians did when they failed, hitler might not have made it into the netherlands, Denmark, etc. And the fact thAt England and France failed to liberate Poland does not mean Germany had a "right" to occupy Poland as the Zionists always suggest that defeating the liberation effort of Palestine gives then a right to occupy palestine.
Hypocrite is not a compliment. And coming up with clever names like , "islamofaschist" is just more scapegoating of the aggressors victims. Don't let the Zionists lead you away from Jesus. Revalations 2:9, matheuw 7:5, etc.etc.etc.


Death to the Arab Oppressors in Israel

27.04.2003 15:40

There is no Palestine, there has only ever been Israel. There are no Palestinians, only imperialist fascist arabs like Egyptian Arafat.


anti islamofascist

More scapegoating?

27.04.2003 17:07

Thanks for showing your prejudice. Only an Israel in your eyes. Palestinians never had a western style government, so the palestinians do not really exist, is that your flawed beleif. And does not haveing a western style government really give Zionists a right to murder for the land? Sick freak! There has only been Israel. Bullshit with Horse shit sprinkles. How about Canaan. There was no Israel before the hebrews murdered for the land. No palestinians? In 1882 when Zionists started moving back to the land the Hebrews murdered for, 400,000 allegedly non-existant locals lived in thier homeland of which only 5% were jews. And yes, they did not call themselves palestinians. It doesn't matter what They call themselves or when they started calling themselves whatever they choose to call themselves. That still doesn't give Zionists any right to murder for the land. But check out 2nd cronicles chapter 2 and tell me what the number 153,600 means. The fact that Israel's most holy shrine is actually a monument to slavery cracks me up. Romans kicked the jews out of the land, and kept the slaves to pay taxes and rebuild Jerusalem for the muslims to liberate from the byzantines (east roman empire). Islam spread so quikly because in the early days of islam (before the Turks change it) Muslims could not be slaves. Slaves under the hebrews for 1200 years and Romans east and west for 700 years had a choice: convert, or stay a slave to those smart enought to convert. A real no-brainer there. And then the Muslims left to liberate more peoples from byzantine masters.
Palestinians are descended from the raped slaves of the hebrew masters. Why else are they the only Arabic speaking people to share the Cohen model halotype Y-chromosome. And Arafat is an Egyptian. So what? If the locals do not mind Muslims emigrating into palestine, then that is thier business and thier business alone. We know the locals accept the Muslim newcomers because they let thier sons and Daughters mary the newcomers sons and daughters.
You know what? Zionist lies might actualy mean something if they were not just vacant skapegoating of the victims of Zionist agressions. How about a little substance next time?
And I didn't see the word rude anywhere in your nonsencical ranting. Come on. Can't you even admit that the crime of Zionism is even rude?
Outside hebrew occupied Canaan, there is no jewish homeland And outside of Zionist occupied palestine, there is NO Israel. get your head out of your ass and look at the crime of murdering for land. Sick is sick.


viva thetroll

29.04.2003 02:58

well said are exposing the zionists and their lies by simply telling the truth...and they cant handle it...there is only PALESTINE, and we are all Palestinians. Their fight for freedom from zionist terror is our fight too!



29.04.2003 10:51

The fact is that land, whoever it belongs to, has been invaded by more arabs than jews - arabs who then raped, tortured and murdered their way across Israel. The same Israel that, contrary to childish, islamonazi, arab supremacist rantings, is nothing like apartheid south africa - arabs and jews study in the same universities and arabs and jews sit in the knesset together. Strange apartheid, strange occupation. The invading arab murderers who take the title 'palestinian' as a way of justifying their grotesque bloodlust are beneath contempt, as are their supporters like the neo-nazis of the BNP and the islamonazis.
