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red death is far better than ..despotic rule red death is better'

ram | 22.04.2003 23:49

BBC online has now totally removed story they tried to manipulate about the Kerabala gathering (00:42 GMT) mention even in the Niddleeast section 'Key Stories'..
Whereas IRNA says this....

Is this possible.
With so may journalists out there.
The story during the day was that all journalists left Baghdad ot Kerabala. Totla black out until they understand what is happenning.
This is what we were doing for 12 years suppressing the people of Iraq through ...sorry...conducting brutal mass murder ...through sanctions.
Now the pigs are fighting.backstabbing each other over the oil and er...the sanctions that are in the way...All the aid or even return to the previous oil for food programme level is secondary or tertiary or something like that....
What disgusting pigs!

Imam Hussain's Holy Shrine glowing like a gem in ring of pilgrims

Karbala, April 22, IRNA -- The Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain (PBUH),
the great personality who taught the mankind many lessons, shines as
gem in the ring of millions of his enthusiastic pilgrims, on the eve
of the 40th day after his eventful martyrdom's anniversary.
The selfless move of this mass in love reminds the viewers of
Mohtasham Kashani's immortal verse, "O what's this turmoil among
all humans again?!"
IRNA's Muhammad al-Kazem reports from the Exalted Karbala that
the dense flood of human beings flowing towards the Imam's shrine
keep approaching the meeting place of "blood and martyrdom", Karbala,
just like the past few days, and it seems like it is truly unending.
The number of the enthusiast pilgrims of Imam Hussain (PBUH)
inside Karbala is now so high the the city seems to be unable of
hosting any more, so that all mosques, Hussainyyehs, religious
centers, and even residential houses are packed with the pilgrims, and
some of them have settled down many kilometers away from the Holy
Shrine of the Imam (PBUH), by the roads and streets.
The shops in the neighborhood of the two shrines in the city, too,
have been turned into centers to host the tired pilgrims.
The residents of this holy city who have still not forgotten any
of the memories of the days of Saddam's despotic, dark rule, and are
entangled with the tough days of the occupation of their country,
fighting with hunger, thirst, and disease, present free food, water
and even medicine to the pilgrims of the Third Imam (PBUH).
Those who have driven their private cars to Karbala are forced
to leave them outside this holy city and to walk towards the city
center and the Holy Shrine, since there is actually no room left for
the movement of the cars, or any other motorized vehicle in the city
Karbala has a truly exceptional atmosphere that is tough to
describe today. People from all Iraqi cities, with hearts filled with
the love of the Prophet's infallible household, are moving towards
this holy city.
Maybe the biggest message of this huge human exodus for the
occupiers will be that the Iraqis want the rule of the Islamic values,
and are ready to resist against them until embracing sweet victory
from their nasty rule.
Being at the service of the dear pilgrims of Imam Hussain (PBUH)
has found quite a different definition, and new dimension, now that
Karbala is saturated with a huge number of pilgrims' groups.
Now the people of Iraq, after many years of being deprived of the
pleasure of paying a wholehearted, worthy tribute to the Third Imam
(PBUH), have once again found a chance to prove their piety and love.
Who cares that only a few steps away there maybe occupier US
soldiers, staring at the pilgrims, whose thoughts are totally
unintelligible for them.
The people who have gathered in this sacred land have definitely
not forgotten the real philosophy behind the martyrdom of Imam Hussain
(PBUH), and by chanting slogans that crystallize their hatred and
wrath, show their feelings towards the US occupier soldiers and
The American forces try not to get too close to the pilgrims of
this holy land, but at least in once case they lost control and
arrested some pilgrims who were chanting anti-US, anti-occupation
slogans at the entrance of the city!
Some analysts have interpreted the past few days' demonstrations
throughout Iraq, and particularly the glorious religious gathering
of the Iraqi nation in Karbala, as the harbinger of very tough days
for the Americans who expected to receive a big welcome from the
Iraqi nation.
They argue, "maybe another legendary event is ahead in this land,
and maybe the people have finally thoroughly perceived Imam Hussain's
message to generations in all ears: "red death is far better than
yielding wretchedly to the rule of despotic powers."

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still no news on BBC online

23.04.2003 11:28

pigTV obviously has some chosen imagery to show....

but there is still no news of events in Kerabala on the BBC online.
The middle east section has one stale story....
claiming 'as many as 500,000 have ....(come to Kerabala)'!
for them the numbers matter.

My emphasis on BBC online is for this reason.
What internet links will they give the public (to know more about this event)?

Check this out
US Central Command
International Committee of the Red Cross
World Food Programme
Iraqi National Congress

The last one leads you to

where thers is a picture of Garner!

and these are the news......


Members of the followup and arrangement committee

Wednesday, April23 ,2003


Cheers greet Garner in north Iraq


US signals action against France

Monday, April21 ,2003


US arrests sixth Saddam aide


Iraq's interim leader flies in


For fucks sake fill the news black out vaccumn!
