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Revolutionary greetings from Greece !

@nonymous | 22.04.2003 21:34


Revolutionary greetings from Greece !
Revolutionary greetings from Greece !

A protester hurls a Molotov cocktail at policemen outside the U.S. embassy in Athens during an anti-war rally April 16, 2003.



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Fascists love these guys.

23.04.2003 04:56

Is somebody paying these guys? Fascists love them for making their case.


Good on you Greeks

23.04.2003 06:23

I disagree with the above comment. Fascists are very scared of these guys!!!

This kind of violence is - unfortunately - the only way to really get these kind of demos noticed. Who would have paid much attention to the demos in Athens if it wasn't for the violent fringe giving the friendly Greek riot police something to do?

Unfortunately - again - non-violent protest can only bear fruit if you can attain critical mass. In an apathetic society like our's (in England) critical mass is hard to bring about.

Well done in Greece to all demonstrators - both the peaceful and the less peaceful oees.

Dave Guevara
mail e-mail:

Well done to the Greeks!

23.04.2003 09:10

Well done to the Greeks!

Even though the Greek government did not send troops to the war against Iraq the Greek activists have persistently continued to demonstrate their oppostition to the war en masse, long after demonstrations in other countries have died down. Also, quite a lot of articles about the war in Iraq are still posted daily on their Indymedia website.

I'm sure that if the Greeks had sent troops, their Indymedia website would be full of articles analyzing why their government went to war. Most importantly, they would be keeping a close eye on what their government would be up to in post-war Iraq.

It's a pity the same level of determination does not exist in countries whose governments did send troops to invade Iraq.


Not so "Mad Greeks"

25.04.2003 03:52

Starve em for 12 yrs, disarm em and then attack em. Cowardly bastards. These boys are not!
