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Media and racism and exploitation -- trainspotted

ram | 22.04.2003 17:58

This is an article related to the present situation and the quest for lasting global peace through end for the misunderstandings propagated and sustained by the pigmedia like the BBC, CNN and the rest...

Misinformation breeds wars.

This website occupies an emerging niche in one of the most important centers of global interactivity.
Whether we like it or not UK is a central point of interaction of many cultures from different nations.

Also there is a golden chance to learn from past mistakes and not repeat it over and over again.

Uploaded is a famous image from the 16th century that facilitated the colonial looting and provided a base for the racist white supremacy movement that was to be formed then and has been going on unbroken since then.

Why this is so relevant now is the lack of understanding of other cultures and their ways of governance among the British public that is helping to pave the way for another round of mass murder.
The current crisis in Iraq and the growing apathy among the humans amongst us is an alarming trend. There is a disaster in the making. The war against Iraqi people goes on (for well over 12 years now) when we bicker over unrelated matters and give focus to issue along a racist divide alone and play straight into the hands the *original and real* white supremacy movement.

Are we to ignore Iraq now
as it has started to pump oil?
as it looks like an Islamic state might be born out of it?
what about the immense suffering bought about on the Iraqis?
where is that bitch, Claire Short?

The hidden news is the billions being quarelled over by every powerhouse of the global white supremacy movement (Russia, Germany and France inclusive) when the Iraqis are facing imminent blackmail through the distribution of basic human needs (water and food... you cannot eat oil!)...a continuation of the crimes of the past 12 years (USA/UK imposed UN sanctions).

Is what we know of Iraqi culture it as pathetic as we knew of the Amerinidans before we wiped them out? Or even worse?!

Why is BBC oinking words like
'Religious fervour grips Iraq's Shia pilgrims' (as if pilgrims are there for fun!)

and continues on like this
'Many Shia clerics have been urging their followers to take to the streets and demand the immediate withdrawal of coalition troops.'
as if the Shi'ite are braindead. The same ones who expected to rise up and greet the pigs with flowers dancing are now being 'urged'!!!

Do they not understand how other soceities and cultures organise well functioning soceities?

To be fair by the BBC they do slightly give away like this...
'Washington officials are unsettled'....

YES THIS IS THE FIRST TIME SINCE THE EVENTS OF 9/11 things are not going according to plan. No protest has ever unsettled the master planners.

Is it not time we show solidarity to the people of Iraq and thier intelligence to govern themselves?

Why not an information campaign for all of us to understand more what this is all about.

Please note the HQ of this global white supremacy movement is in Washington DC, not Tower Hamlets!

- Homepage: uld love to know of any websites highlighting this sad state of the 'media'


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  1. Ooops forgot the propaganda image — ram