Mosul close to civil war & Mines Report
liam | 21.04.2003 23:47
Fifty-two killed and 63 injured by landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO); these are the devastating statistics in just one week coming from the main hospital in Kirkuk, northern Iraq. The real figures will be much higher as many victims, if they are found in time, and many aren't, will be taken to other hospitals in the city with their own horrific figures. More devastating is that most of the deaths and injuries are caused to children.

Dozens of children killed by mines and unexploded bombs every day in Iraq
Report, Mines Advisory Group
21 April 2003
Fifty-two killed and 63 injured by landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO); these are the devastating statistics in just one week coming from the main hospital in Kirkuk, northern Iraq. The real figures will be much higher as many victims, if they are found in time, and many aren't, will be taken to other hospitals in the city with their own horrific figures. More devastating is that most of the deaths and injuries are caused to children.
Children playing with death
The vast majority of casualties are from children tampering with the UXO that litters their playgrounds . They do this for fun and they don't realise the dangers until it's too late. Children can be seen prising open shells to get at the gunpowder which they then set fire to; they like the big flashes. They build fires in the former military trenches, throw in their own stockpiles of UXO and run away. Some of them get away - too many are getting killed.
Mines and UXO
A MAG assessment team entered Kirkuk city the day it fell on Thursday 10 April. Hundreds of thousands of UXO items were seen in piles near former military positions in and around the city. Military camps to the north and west of the city had been hit by US cluster bomb strikes and some 15 per cent of the yellow, cylindrical bomblets will have failed to explode on impact. They lie in wait for innocents until MAG can remove them.
Responding to this widespread emergency, MAG sent three teams of technicians from their bases in northern Iraq to the city of Kirkuk. More are on their way and futher mine/UXO education teams are working with children and their parents to make them aware of the dangers. At the time of writing MAG, a world-leader in its field, is still the ONLY mine action organisation clearing mines in Iraq.
MAG clears mines
It is a battle against time and, as the only world-leading mine action organisation in Iraq, MAG has made massive strides in clearance. In just one week MAG cleared 30 truck loads of UXO. More than 11,000 landmines and 200,000 items of unexploded shells, bombs and missiles have been destroyed or removed to a safe-guarded location for future destruction by MAG teams. Hundreds of thousands of mines and UXO are still in the streets houses and schools that were used as ammo dumps by Iraqi forces in the city. MAG has been in Iraq for more than 10 years every single day and it has the expertise. Teams are also working near Dohuk and MAG needs to move further into central Iraq and southern Iraq.
Related Links:
Mines Advisory Group

Page last updated: 21 April 2003, 17:31 CST
News from the Front: Mosul Dangerously Close to Civil War
Printed on Monday, April 21, 2003 @ 11:19:59 CST
Report by
TORONTO ( -- Sources in Mosul with access to satellite phones (Iraqi entrepreneurs are selling a minute of conversation for 10 U.S. dollars) have said that the city is on the verge of a civil war. All the military hardware abandoned by the Iraqi Army and Republican Guard have been confiscated by the PUK and KDP Kurdish factions who are now employing them to threaten the Arab, Chaldean Christian, and Turkomen communities in the
north, the sources say.
Apparently, the Kurdish militia are refusing to leave Mosul which is starting to exasperate U.S. forces in the region. For their part, the U.S. is trying to maintain control and civility by assuring the non-Kurd majority in the city that it will not be occupied by Kurdish militia for much longer.
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