ZIONIST Chalabi President for IRAQ ?????
El Greco | 21.04.2003 14:59
Speech by Ahmad Chalabi - President of the Executive Council of the Iraqi National Congress, presented to the JINSA Spring Board Meeting in Washington, D.C. on June 2, 1997 - now 2003 ALLdone !!!!!!!! (article 1)
Creating A Post-Saddam Iraq
Speech by Ahmad Chalabi - President of the Executive Council of the Iraqi National Congress, presented to the JINSA Spring Board Meeting in Washington, D.C. on June 2, 1997. The speech discusses the situation that currently exists in Iraq and explains possible step
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Speech by Ahmad Chalabi - President of the Executive Council of the Iraqi National Congress, presented to the JINSA Spring Board Meeting in Washington, D.C. on June 2, 1997. The speech discusses the situation that currently exists in Iraq and explains possible step
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El Greco
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