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a ‘regime’ change in Iran by the CIA...

ram | 19.04.2003 19:42

...started it all off.

Picture of Rumsfeld dealing chemicals is uploaded herewith.
The usual delay is to expected I suppose.

a ‘regime’ change in Iran by the CIA...
a ‘regime’ change in Iran by the CIA...

Also the pig Richard Scott's bent report itself suggested that our ex PM. Margaret and her son Mark arranged for British producers(Matrix-Churchill etc..) to supply chemical precursors and missile delivery systems.

Please take a look at the CIA's pig website for their bent account on what Saddam did to Iran...of course never believe the pigs....realise they underplay the suffering when it suits them... The dead Iranians is played down heavily here.

The point to note is how the high level empowerment of an adamant idiot happened and how we not doing much about it as it is happening all over again.

As it is advisable to keep a distance of these pigs no direct link given. If you are interested...

Please do the following
1. Goto
2. Search for 'iraq wmd site:'
3. Goto the tabular presentation on destruction of the Islamic Republic of Iran with chemicals.


Anyhow the [] text is as follows
Men of straw

Lawrence Smallman

Condemning ‘regimes’ that they helped to create - or just changing elected governments to dictatorships - recent US foreign policies are strewn with examples where administrations have built up strongmen, only to stomp them down when they have exhausted their usefulness.

Dr. Robert M. Bowman directed all the "Star Wars" programmes under the Ford and Carter administrations and is President of the Institute for Space and Security Studies. He asks the question, "in how many countries have we deposed popularly elected leaders and replaced them with puppet military dictators who were willing to sell out their own people?” The answer, he says, is too many.

Saddam Hussein and Donald Rumsfeld in1983

Rumsfeld condemns Saddam Hussein and dries the tears of parents and children, ordinary US citizens, whose kin have paid the price of US policy, with blood and money. But it was Rumsfeld who shook hands with Saddam Hussein in1983 , after it was known he was using chemical and biological weapons, in many cases provided to him by the US together with satellite targeting information.

Iraq was not a one-off mistake. The US creates the monsters it then seeks to destroy. Yesterday, Rumsfeld compared Saddam Hussein to Stalin; in the70 s, Saddam compared himself to Stalin.

When in 1953 the US deposed Mossadegh for wanting to nationalize the Iranian oil industry, the CIA helped replace him with a Shah – not an elected prime minister or president. Kermit Roosevelt, the CIA station chief in Tehran, engineered the coup that deposed Prime Minister Mohamed Mossadegh, who had headed a secular, fledgling democracy that had the temerity to nationalise the oil fields that, up to that point, had been exploited by British Petroleum. The CIA trained, armed, and paid his hated Savak national guard, which enslaved and brutalised the people of Iran.

Such an extreme policy created its equal and opposite counter reaction, the Islamic Republic of Iran – which now tops the list of the remaining two countries of the ‘axis of evil’.

Chile’s President Allende, democratically elected by the people to introduce socialism, was deposed and replaced with a brutal right-wing military dictator, General Pinochet. As Washington backed the military junta, it simultaneously restored local despots involved in the savage repression of the popular movement and the left.

Reagan’s administration turned to "democracy promotion' and decided to phase out the Pinochet regime. Meanwhile, a mass protest against the dictatorship increased concerns in Washington that realised the dictatorship was becoming vulnerable and might have slipped out of US control. Chile has still not recovered.

Democratic elections in the south of Vietnam would have united the country under Ho Chi Minh. Instead, the US replaced him with a series of ineffectual puppet dictators who permitted wholesale slaughter – but at least this time the US was directly involved in much of the killing and experienced the effects of their policies first hand.

Nicaragua, time after time, has had the US oust popular leaders who wanted the wealth of the country to be shared more evenly by the people who worked there, replacing them with presidents who would sell out to corporations such as Domino Sugar, the United Fruit Company, Folgers, and Chiquita Banana.

In Afghanistan, a young and enormously wealthy man from Saudi Arabia was encouraged by the US to recruit and arm volunteer fighters against a Soviet invasion they had induced. His name was Osama bin Laden. In the west, his name is now synonomous with evil. Even after the Soviets were pushed out, the US permitted the Taliban to take power because they sought to institute a US oil-pipeline project and project influence in Central Asia. But once the Taliban could not be controlled, they became media monsters and were ousted.

Whether it was Kissinger and Wolfowitz supporting Suharto, or praising President Marcos in the Philippines – it is hard to believe that policies such as those mentioned are going to change any time soon. When orientalist Bernard Lewis suggests that the problem with the Middle East is a lack of democracy, it seems his ideas suggest radical changes in countries such as Iraq and Iran. The US has already tried this once, a ‘regime’ change in Iran by the CIA was what set off this entire chain of events - bringing three Gulf Wars and millions of deaths.

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The US creates the monsters...

19.04.2003 21:55 then seeks to destroy.
Pretty consistantly.
Britain is well in there
It long ago laid the blueprint for attacking Iraq.
See this very important article,3604,939608,00.html
We have a mite of power against these reptilian overlords, plutocrats and frontmen -(I use the word reptilian advisedly - it only indicates the predominance of the 'R-brain' in their social outlook - that deep early forming part of the brain devoted to ritualism and compulsive-obssessive behaviour, survival and aggrandisement of self at whatever cost to others, our coldblooded aspect - no disrespect to newts, snakes, crocs and others intended - they got their lives to lead However the very snakey Mr Blair - we remember your Serpent rebirthing in Mexico)


But dh...

20.04.2003 12:36

Please note that the Guardian being a pig white 'broadsheet' is clevely missign the Scot Report to which they gave so much publicity in the mid 1990s.

The pig Richard Scott said clearly that he was part of the establishment and implied that he had to withhold a lot of findings.

But is it not astonishing that Guardian gets away after ointing out 1902s history , pig Churchill and all but then jumps to 2003 very snake like.

What this does is confuse the gullible white pigs that they know everything.

What is missed out is Matrix-Churchill pointed out in the Scott report for selling the chemical precursors and missile delivery systems together with manuy other British employers and primary revenue generators!

The same goes for Independent .. Aparently the Independent took the journalist who tried to follow up the Matrix-Churchill affair after the charges on them were dropped.

The British did not only use chemical weapons and made it a normal function of war they also sold the damn things to an ignorant shepherd who grew upto be a president.

Yes I agree the British are not just are snakes.
